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by Kaushik Basu on Apr 17, 2008 06:12 PM

I think this is a perfect win situation for the supporters of free Tibet. The Indian government had to protect the torch and it did, it would have been the same irrespective of what party would have been in the power. But this whole episode had win a huge win for the people of Tibet. Their motive was to attract World attention towards Tibet and not just to blow off a torch. They succeeded in that big time. Now they are in the headlines. Only problem is that no other goverments in the world is officially supporting them, most are even silent on the China's human right situation in Tibet. This is actually a very sorry state, nobody want to be in the bad books of China even if it means compromising with the ethos of their nation, be it US, UK, France, Germany, Russia etc. India would anyway avoid any confrontation with China all alone specially when China can not only hurt it direct but indirectly as well, i.e. through NE militants, Maoists of India and Nepal and Pakistan. Lets see how the things unfold in the future.

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