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Free aasam
by baba on Apr 17, 2008 07:18 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Idia should leave our country.Stop india to murder and rape of aasamese.

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RE:Free aasam
by siva sankar on Apr 17, 2008 07:40 PM  Permalink
hey man you are from bangladesh i will know your disguise as baba

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RE:RE:Free aasam
by baba on Apr 17, 2008 07:47 PM  Permalink

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RE:Free aasam
by manoj kumar sinha on Apr 17, 2008 07:55 PM  Permalink
You are either chinese or paki.

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prachanda warned india
by siva sankar on Apr 17, 2008 07:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Maoist supremo Prachanda, whose party is set to lead a coalition government in Nepal, has said India must ensure a steady supply of essential goods to his land-locked country .The Maoist chief said if any problem arises in the smooth supply of essential goods to Nepal from India at this "sensitive political situation", it would have a "long-term negative impact" on bilateral relations.

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RE:prachanda warned india
by narayan on Apr 17, 2008 07:26 PM  Permalink
a very justifiable demand indeed...

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RE:prachanda warned india
by satyarthi on Apr 17, 2008 11:07 PM  Permalink
is it?

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RE:RE:prachanda warned india
by satyarthi on Apr 17, 2008 07:18 PM  Permalink
Does he want india to pay for his coronation?

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RE:prachanda warned india
by sri on Apr 17, 2008 07:12 PM  Permalink
Congress will say: Salaam Sir!
OR it will sulk and refer the matter to the US or China!

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Completely bycotts them from all activities.
by Ravan Raj on Apr 17, 2008 07:08 PM  Permalink 

China attcked us with out any provocation in 1962.
They always encourged and supported naxalism and terrorism in india.
China opposing indian PM's visit on its own state arunachal pradesh.
China is calling and thretnening indian high commissionar at bejing on mid night
They always trying destroy and insult our coutry.
But still some dogs are there in our country to support them in the name of communism.
Dont beleive this people. they are anti-nantionals.These people will sell our country.

Dont make marrige relationship from a communist family
dont make friendship with communists.
Dont make business partnership with them.
Dont allow your children to play with them.
Completely bycotts them from all activities.
because they are virus.For them no relation,no love only party is great.
They do not want a peaceful india.They want sub-chinese country.

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we should support tibetians
by siva sankar on Apr 17, 2008 06:59 PM  Permalink 

indian people should always support tibetian and why indian communist does not utter a word on himachal issue and support china openly during indo chinese war.about their secular credentials why did they throw taslima nasrin out who wrote lajja about of hindu genocide in bangladesh

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What have we become?
by sri on Apr 17, 2008 06:58 PM  Permalink 

We are very risk-averse people satisfied with philosophy and daily upkeep. That is why it took so long to get independence - people were quite satisfied with their condition bad it may have been. We Indians are not easily swayed except by minor/trivial issues which irritate the ego- everything else has to wait until it becomes a conflagration and we HAVE to do something about it. The petty, abusive, substance-lacking quarrels here on Rediff are one example of our personalities and character. Between Gandhi-ism, and communism and now recently faced also with a type of capitalism, we Indians are paralyzed in the absence of ideals, vision and depth of thought.

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Red chinese are smart, they knew how to handle the KEYS
by satyarthi on Apr 17, 2008 06:57 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

...and they used the keys prudently to ensure trouble free (?) torch relay in India.

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RE:Red chinese are smart, they knew how to handle the KEYS
by satyarthi on Apr 17, 2008 07:02 PM  Permalink
By the way George's friend Digvijay Singh was looking smart in chinese dress.

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Are we trying to prove Delhi police is better then UK and France?
by PRAVEEN DHAMIJA on Apr 17, 2008 06:54 PM  Permalink 

I don't know what we are trying to prove by giving such a tight security to Olympic torch. If every thing goes smoothly does it mean Delhi police is better then the police in UK or France. If yes, then sorry we Indian and our Neta ji have to think all over again. All other countries are supporting the Tibetans peaceful Freedom movement, therefore it was well thought decision for providing balance security to Olympic torch where Tibetans can show their protest at the same time they made sure there is no harm to the Olympic torch and we Indian who struggled so hard to get freedom from UK we are not learning lesson from them.

Some people are saying "We should not mix political issues with sports", then ask Canadian President, ask French President, ask Clinton, ask obama or our own Rahul Gandhi, ask thousand of thousand Tibetan who are inside Tibet they know Tibetan don't enjoy to be as big as we were before freedom. They know its so hard to ge t any information out from Tibet, they know this is the now or newer situation for them. This is the time whole world is concentrating on China and there is very small state call Tibet who is suffering in their custody. Yes I do have love and sympathy for them because I can feel the pain of our freedom fighter in them.

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Olympic Torch relay
by abboral boral on Apr 17, 2008 06:51 PM  Permalink 

Today was supposed to be a red letter day for IOA but it was really a pathetic show covered by all the channels except DD .Everybody particularly the news casters were eager to show their voice only .Picture quality and presentation was pathetic .They could not even name the persons who were carrying the sacred torch .I could not feel a spirit of olympism in the show .IOA officials should note

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Delhi: Olympic torch relay ends without incident
by ALOK PATNAIK on Apr 17, 2008 06:50 PM  Permalink 

The participants, among whom were Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, ran within a circle of security personnel. India has assured China that its position on the Tibet issue is "clear and consistent" and it would not change in the futureThe torch was lit at Raisina Hill by Indian Olympic Association Chief Suresh Kalmadi.Tibet is Part of CHINA as they claim and other countries should NOT interfere. Once again UN is part of USA.Olympic Torch is part of Athens.Two Tibet and an Indian first tried to move towards the security barrier and started slogans like "Save Tibet" and throwing anti-China and pro-Tibet pamphlets. CHINA OR INDIA OR ANY OTHER COUNTRIES BUT EVERY DISPUTED COUNTRIES claim and other countries should NOT interfere ......DEMOCRACY SUPPORT OTHER COUNTRY MAY BE MILITARY OR COMMUNIST BUT INDIA IS A SECULAR FORM OF GOVT FOR COMING NEXT ELECTION 2009....IF SHOULD BE RESPECT OTHER COUNTRIES CHINA AND AT THE END PAKISTAN SOULD BE RESPECT US FOR KASHMIR AND USA SHOULD BE RESPECT UN FOR GOOD WILL UNDERSTANDING.......

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