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Delhi: Olympic torch relay ends without incident
by ALOK PATNAIK on Apr 17, 2008 06:50 PM

The participants, among whom were Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, ran within a circle of security personnel. India has assured China that its position on the Tibet issue is "clear and consistent" and it would not change in the futureThe torch was lit at Raisina Hill by Indian Olympic Association Chief Suresh Kalmadi.Tibet is Part of CHINA as they claim and other countries should NOT interfere. Once again UN is part of USA.Olympic Torch is part of Athens.Two Tibet and an Indian first tried to move towards the security barrier and started slogans like "Save Tibet" and throwing anti-China and pro-Tibet pamphlets. CHINA OR INDIA OR ANY OTHER COUNTRIES BUT EVERY DISPUTED COUNTRIES claim and other countries should NOT interfere ......DEMOCRACY SUPPORT OTHER COUNTRY MAY BE MILITARY OR COMMUNIST BUT INDIA IS A SECULAR FORM OF GOVT FOR COMING NEXT ELECTION 2009....IF SHOULD BE RESPECT OTHER COUNTRIES CHINA AND AT THE END PAKISTAN SOULD BE RESPECT US FOR KASHMIR AND USA SHOULD BE RESPECT UN FOR GOOD WILL UNDERSTANDING.......

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