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China has the cake and gets to eat it too!!!
by ashok kumar on Apr 18, 2008 10:19 AM  Permalink 

China got Tibet, and has migrated Han Chinese to Tibet!!! Tibetans have been driven out of their homes....All that the Tibetans get is brickbats.....China is smiling......

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China is our friend
by PunjabiPower on Apr 18, 2008 09:53 AM  Permalink 

In Tibet, some of the tribes(upper class), conducts human sacrifices. Do you know that? Dalai Lama was connected to the Nazi regime in Germany and is funded by the CIA in US. Do you know that? Its a western way of shunning asian developing countries. They are all threatened by an Asian superpower. One day, this is going to happen to us too. I wonder what all you fools who support the Tibet cause will do then. Tibet is just to undermine a super power in the making by the western media. Read some history before you fart the next time around. If you feel so considerate about the tibetans, feel for the native american Indians in north america who has always been at the receving end of the bias here. Or for the black africans in africa in white dominated regions. Tibetans are causing this all on their own. Do you know....after the human sacrifice they use the skulls and bones to make lamp shades and other decorartive items....the upper class tibetans. Read up.

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Christians & muslims are terrorists
by Vidhu Lal on Apr 18, 2008 04:58 AM  Permalink 

Atleast 95% of christians and muslims are terrorists because they believe in killing humans and animals as sacrificial offerings to please their own gods.

Where as atleast 95% of hindus and buddhists are peace loving because they do not believe in killing any one to please their own gods.

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I thought Sheela Bhat got fired
by sickularindia on Apr 17, 2008 09:05 PM  Permalink 

Afetr her best effort to bring CON-gress to power in Gujarat.

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Sheela Bhatt
by sri on Apr 17, 2008 08:52 PM  Permalink 

"When asked further, she gave unsubstantiated shocking stories of Hans community's atrocities on Tibetans. She fully believes stories of Chinese suppression of Tibetans. "

Sheila Bhatt surprises me everytinme. She shows poor journalistic talent sometimes. In this statement she uses the word "unsubstantiated" even before she tells us what the woman is supposed to have said. Using that word like that does not make her a fair journalist - instead it suggests that she is not herself convinced by the Tibetan woman and doesnt want the reader to be either. In fact in the next sentence when she says that the Tibetan woman "fully believes the stories...", it suggests that Bhatt doesnt think they are true. Most serious journalists would usually first describe what the woman said and then say something like 'no independent confirmation could be obtained for...'

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India is in no role for revolting against China
by aseem gupta on Apr 17, 2008 05:28 PM  Permalink 

India definitely wants to improve their relations with China so i think India will not react against China and will stand neutral body. Even our prime minister went to China hinted the imrpovements of economic relations with them rather talking about the Arunanchal issue.

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Nobody cant do nething to Chinese supression
by aseem gupta on Apr 17, 2008 05:24 PM  Permalink 

As far as i blve.. China is dictating the world in terms of their economical strengths. Everyone knows what China is doing is absurd eventhough many economically powerful nations like UK, US and other european countries r so depended on their manufacturing hence they cant revolt against China. I really keen to look the reactions of US which was trying to build the nations like Afghanistan, iraq, iran still no sense of revolt against inhuman chinese. Also what r the NGO's like Amnesty doing against China is again questionable

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by cuzo on Apr 17, 2008 04:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The indian govt has given the tibetans schedule tribe status and now all the tibetans have occupied almost all the govt jobs in places like Sikkim and Darjeeling and many other Indian cities creating a socio economic disbalance in these areas.
They should get their Tibet free as soon as possible and all go there for once and all...but then will they leave their comfortable life in India for the stark harsh realities of their land ???

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by gregory naik on Apr 17, 2008 10:01 PM  Permalink
I wish you could have been in their place and felt the pain to be seperated from your mother land, but you are very blessed atleast in this case so you can easily say that... they were welcomed then and i think they should be welcomed now.

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by PunjabiPower on Apr 18, 2008 09:47 AM  Permalink
you are all ignorant white ass licking fools.

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by sri on Apr 17, 2008 08:42 PM  Permalink
Have a heart for the Tibetans, man!

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by PunjabiPower on Apr 18, 2008 09:46 AM  Permalink
Heart for what? Do you revolt against the US the atrocities commited against the native Indians? Or against the aussies for the aborgines? Or against the south african whites for the blacks? Or IRONICALLY against the upper caste Indians against the Dalits????? so shut ur trap. Chinese poiltics is none of your bussiness. Appreciate the history we have between our 2 countries. Do you eve know the truth about the situation in China? You dont!! you are a ignorant fool. I do. I have many good chinese friends here who are like brothers to me.

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red terror
by Navratan Sethia on Apr 17, 2008 04:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

stalin killed lacs in russia ,lacs killed by red force in china ,lacs killed in tibet thousands at thianaman chowk china,thousands in kerala & nandigramm by red terrorist of india(karat-yechury gang). all incident are culture of comrades .hate,voilance, killing is base of communism.

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RE:red terror
by Bird on Apr 17, 2008 04:57 PM  Permalink
i like the Tiananmen Chowk comment... Its Tiananmen Square.

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RE:red terror
by SRINIVAS DJ on Apr 17, 2008 05:26 PM  Permalink

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