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China is our friend
by PunjabiPower on Apr 18, 2008 09:53 AM

In Tibet, some of the tribes(upper class), conducts human sacrifices. Do you know that? Dalai Lama was connected to the Nazi regime in Germany and is funded by the CIA in US. Do you know that? Its a western way of shunning asian developing countries. They are all threatened by an Asian superpower. One day, this is going to happen to us too. I wonder what all you fools who support the Tibet cause will do then. Tibet is just to undermine a super power in the making by the western media. Read some history before you fart the next time around. If you feel so considerate about the tibetans, feel for the native american Indians in north america who has always been at the receving end of the bias here. Or for the black africans in africa in white dominated regions. Tibetans are causing this all on their own. Do you know....after the human sacrifice they use the skulls and bones to make lamp shades and other decorartive items....the upper class tibetans. Read up.

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