RE:Abolish all reservations
by Vinay Bhatia on Apr 14, 2008 06:04 PM Permalink
But who will do this. Govt/ Politicians are biggest loosers if they will implement this.
RE:Abolish all reservations
by gac on Apr 14, 2008 05:42 PM Permalink
reservations can be abolished in the near future only if there is a compulsory common education system prevails (i.e) make 12 yrs compulsory education everyone should be in the same school with the same syllabus, facility, infrastructure etc.
Excellent right up by Prof Dipankar. But dear friends, this write up should not be allowed to evaporate so easily. Carry this fire and spread this message to all your contacts. We, as citizens of India, should fight for our's as well as the rights of our dalit and the true backward friends
Even though the central quota system has now been legalised by court,people who are from Tamilnadu know that there are quotas since last 40 years. There was a clear discrimination for people who are economically backward but belong to so called upper castes. None of the persons from Economically Backward among Forward Community even bought application forms for admission in Government run Engineering/Medical Colleges. Reservation is going to stay in India.........
by grv iyer on Apr 14, 2008 06:02 PM Permalink
In Tamil Nadu, 99.9% population are either backward or SC or ST. I dont know where from the upper caste comes? In this 40 years, backward castes has increased rapidly? Is it strange? The most funny thing, is TN CM still says, he is oppressed caste, when he has ruled Tamil Nadu for 30 years.
by TheOneAndOnly on Apr 14, 2008 06:33 PM Permalink
Due to their MeritLess Brains, They have a confusion between Op and Dep. They actually mean 'Depressed Caste'.
Taught by the British They thought But Sitting in a Chair, Without Merit, They can do all the Things. But It proved that they had to call a OC IAS officer for Advice And whenever It was not possible Nothing Moved.
So He has been perpetually in depression since 30 years. Till Yesterday They thought they were the Oppression Castes. Now, They realise they are the depressed Castes. Ashamed They still scream Oppression Oppression.
Talent is Not associated with the Chair. It is in the Person who deservingly Occupies It.
Behind the facade of the creamy layer arguement lies the truth that it is only the creamy layers of Dalits and OBCs who can fill the quota. Unfilled quota means it goes to the general pool. Hence this bogus arguement of excluding the creamy layer
RE:Why the Anti-Creamy Layer Arguement is Bogus
by TheOneAndOnly on Apr 14, 2008 05:47 PM Permalink
And the Wrath Against the Argument is all about the Fact That, But for the Reservations, These Creamy Layers Cannot ever ever raise to the Requisite Levels of Merit AND the Whole Argument of Suppression And Thus backwardness, Will Simply get Disproved within No Time.
Which would obviously also mean that The Backwardness is inherent And NO Suppression Really Existed.
RE:Why the Anti-Creamy Layer Arguement is Bogus
by Sincere Citizen on Apr 14, 2008 05:37 PM Permalink
So whats wrong in that ? or do you think that the reserved categories should never improve their academic excellence ?
This argument is much better but frankly the entire reservation thing itself is bogus.
It has wrong victims and wrong targets and an completely wrong method to bring about social equality.
RE:RE:Why the Anti-Creamy Layer Arguement is Bogus
by SIDDHARTH MAZUMDAR on Apr 14, 2008 05:52 PM Permalink
this is exactly the point that anti quota people are talking about. i do not get it ,if you are not poor, if the people belonging to creamy layer have recieved proper education from best of college, school why should they be given special preferances ??the fact is that theactually backward dont even complete there secondary education so what good is a reservation at post graduate level going to do. the government should focus on primary and secondary education rather than go for divisive politics. if such politics exists then the country will go to dogs because merit will have no value and mediocrity will reign..
All People should know issue of reservation is only in the interest of politician. A person from any category or class can achieve any height if he/she is determined to acheive what he/she wants. No body even, God can stop their way. " Putr suputr to kahey Dhan sanchay, Putr kuputr to kahey Dhan sanchay" - " Putr able to kahey Reservation, Putr Kuputr to Kahey Reservation.
Supreme court's judgement is a watershed developement as it removes the creamy layer from the reservation bracket. Same should be applied to SC/ST reservations too.
But our netas will not keep quiet. Because they are the biggest losers in the game. They can not hide their income. Election commission will ensure that. They all will gang up - leftists, rightists, centrists - like the way they did for Office of profit bill and pass a constitutional amendment. May not happen immediately. Congress is playing a game with parties like RJD and SP and poosibly use this as a triumph card for their support in next elections.
After all the birds of same feather flock together.........
There is creamy layer emerging in SC / ST also.In OBC's creamy layer already exists as they have enjoyed all the benefits.Now the creamy layer among OBC's have become rich and affluent and they should be excluded from the Reservation so that the benefits can go to the really deserving.Further, the government should concentrate on giving compulsory education to all in the rural areas and every child(boy or girl) even amongst the poorest among the poor should go to school and the entire education should be available free for them and books should be given free for them atleast upto 10th standard.By this, atleast they will know to read and write.Instead of giving doles and freebies the government should set apart substantial amount from Budget for educating the poor and downtrodden.This will only develop India.
Further, in all further reservations,only economic consideratins should be the basis.
RE:The skimming of the creamy layer
by Shailesh Ramanjaneya on Apr 14, 2008 05:14 PM Permalink
When Modi launches into his anti-Muslim tirade, why is that you knickerwallahs do not think it is vote bank politics??
RE:The skimming of the creamy layer
by Shailesh Ramanjaneya on Apr 14, 2008 05:21 PM Permalink
If you can justify anti-Muslim discrimination, then you should not crib when scales turn against you - anti-forward caste
RE:The skimming of the creamy layer
by Shailesh Ramanjaneya on Apr 14, 2008 05:28 PM Permalink
Pappu you don't have to exhibit the degree of your sickness by that volley of abuses
RE:The skimming of the creamy layer
by tka on Apr 14, 2008 05:28 PM Permalink
Modi this time did not mention a single line about anti-muslim in his election campaign. Do not bark like a dog.
Second - If you parents or children or yourself are ill - will you go to the best doctor available to you or to some mediocre doctor. the answer itself tells you that higher education is meant to produce good doctors, engineers etc and not for social upliftment. The emphasis is on the word "good". Third - social and economic upliftment is required and govt. should spend its money to provide "access" to quality education. I see no reason why backward and economically less privileged peoplee cannot be competitive. Fourth - it is indeed a fact that OBCs are the biggest oppressors of the backward castes and hence we need to provide education for people to think on their own.
Do not just ramble about like an idiot. Accept logic and accept the right solutions. reservation is no solution and affirmative action through the right means is what is required.
I propose to block Brahmin and Baniya and freez them with 10 percent reservation instead of giving 50 percent to other backward class and SC/ST etc there by Brahmin adn Baniya afe scot free to rake advantage of open general catagories which is larger share. They also consume and grabbed share or Other Rajput, Gujjar, Maratha, Kshtriya from Upper Caste.
RE:RE:Lets Reverse the Reservation
by Bhajiya on Apr 14, 2008 05:15 PM Permalink
First check list of central government and state government scheduled list where SC/ST/OBC are listed then comment where baniyas placed.
RE:Lets Reverse the Reservation
by Bhajiya on Apr 14, 2008 05:13 PM Permalink
Definately I am not from reserved catagory but I am from upper caste who do not benefits from this reservation and doesnot make any sense to me because we have to struggle and prove our metal.
RE:Lets Reverse the Reservation
by Bhajiya on Apr 14, 2008 05:31 PM Permalink
Pappu Bhai, I have all sympathy with your emotions but this reservations will make our forward class generation more self relieant and more stronger to face this nonsense because even for centuries forward class was strugglers for survivals. Genetically we are stronger in our will power.