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RE:The skimming of the creamy layer
by tka on Apr 14, 2008 05:28 PM


Modi this time did not mention a single line about anti-muslim in his election campaign. Do not bark like a dog.

Second - If you parents or children or yourself are ill - will you go to the best doctor available to you or to some mediocre doctor. the answer itself tells you that higher education is meant to produce good doctors, engineers etc and not for social upliftment. The emphasis is on the word "good".
Third - social and economic upliftment is required and govt. should spend its money to provide "access" to quality education. I see no reason why backward and economically less privileged peoplee cannot be competitive.
Fourth - it is indeed a fact that OBCs are the biggest oppressors of the backward castes and hence we need to provide education for people to think on their own.

Do not just ramble about like an idiot. Accept logic and accept the right solutions. reservation is no solution and affirmative action through the right means is what is required.

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