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The Problem is China, not Junta
by sudarshan s on Oct 01, 2007 11:32 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The Burmese junta does what the Chinese government wants it to. Don't think that the Chinese will let go of their naval bases in Burmese territory to unarmed civilians and monks. Incidentally, one such base is right next door to the Andaman Islands. Tienanmen Square will look like a picnic compared to what the Chinese will do to retain their stranglehold over Burma. Let's stop kidding ourselves; the Junta in Burma is merely a bunch of Chinese stooges. Hardly any diff. basically, between N.Korea and Burma

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RE:The Problem is China, not Junta
by Vishnu Sharma on Oct 02, 2007 06:45 AM  Permalink
You are Spot-On in your analysis.
Just like the Erstwhile Soviet Union maintained
Satellite States in Eastern Europe which could not do anything that was independent of Soviet Foreign Policy, So also the chinese regime see the whole of South East Asia including Burma as their "Eastern Europe".
They had Vietnam and Cambodia under their claws.
Fortunately Vietnam was able to liberate Cambodia and also break free of china.

Until the chinese collapses from internal pressure or is defeated by a coalition of nations.
This is a wake up call for the Indian Armed forces.

INCREASE YOUR STRENGTH 10 FOLD or succumb to chinese aggression !!!

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The Wages of Our Pusillanimity- &passivity on Rape of Democracy in Mymmar overyrs..
by D goel on Sep 29, 2007 01:47 PM  Permalink 

Pkl. Afternoon, 1.30pm Saturday,29th Sept. 2007
Nothing shows Indian Passivity more shamelessly
than our Pussilanimity and callous indifference to the rape of democracy in Past several yrs . by Burmese Military dictators over Poor Buddhists , our friends , and Gracious freedom fighter Ms Aung San Suu Ky with whom India has so much to share .The lady had old associations with Indian leaders since the time Nehru and Aung San were battling for the liberation of their people from under the heels of Raj bureaucracies in last Century.As a humanist I feel ashamed the way we out of fear of losing Gas to callous operators From China who are cynical in sacrificing gracious Mynmarese monks and students as well as their Democratic Icon, a later day Joan De Arc , literally ,to rapacious
butchers of this uncouth Military Junta who refuses to allow the voice of gentle Burmese people being heard in deciding the affairs of their nation.India ,of course, is in no position to force the power-mad Generals, but atleast, it must refuse to share any trade with such morons or give them any political help unless minimum Human Rights and Democracy are ensured in the shortest period.. It has been delayed over a bit too long ,already. D. Goel

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because INDIA greed for Burma resources !
by sandeep thakur on Sep 29, 2007 01:18 PM  Permalink 

I feel sorry for Burmese people and noble monks that their neighbour supposed to be biggest democracy where gandhi start civil disobedience movement is supporting junta! the mineral and gas resource belongs to burmese people and see our great country stealing there resources its a greed verses humanity!
shame on INDIA! if this is a way to become a superpower than we can never ever achieve that.
country leaders should respect the feeling of millions of people around india who are with common burmese people and snap all ties with burma and send a strong message to junta!

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by sami on Sep 29, 2007 12:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why doesn't america just bomb the junta & displace its leaders like it did with saddam hussain & Mullah Omar & restore democracy there.

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by Varun Krishan on Sep 29, 2007 01:03 PM  Permalink
The sad thing is now India is behaving like America.. Last week there was an oil deal inked between Militiary junta and indian minister Murli Deora.. Imagine just last week when all this started.. Why to blame America to do or to not do things.. Its india now behaving irrationally.

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by lancer on Sep 29, 2007 12:36 PM  Permalink
why should america listen to u sami, bolo kuy ?
ha ha ha ha

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by Vijay Raman on Sep 29, 2007 01:02 PM  Permalink

why should you exist ? someone who is not only witless but laughs at his own jokes ! and misbehaves with women hiding under a name like lancer ?? why don't you go to a sexual clinic and cure your impotence

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by lancer on Sep 29, 2007 01:07 PM  Permalink
dear vijay, i din accuse u on personal front, i would be happy if u can do some thing to burma.take a deep breath ................n release it slowlyyyyyyy.ull feel better.

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