First of all I want to Congratulate to you all guys to come to such a quick concusion. I think tis is a record, Indians have never achiebed this in 1000 years. I feel very happy that every one here has the same opinion abt who shld be our friend and enemy. But this unusually quick opinion amomg the net access having people remind me of two incidents.When Ravana was informed by his brother vibhushan that Rama will atttack Lanka and burn it to ash and dust if he diesnot returns his wife Every one laughed at him. He was quiqly declared as traitor without having any practical thoughts coming in from any one there. Rest is History. Another account comes to my mind is how the Kauravas were over joyed when Lord Krishna picked Arjun and gave his mighty Army and assets to Kauaravas for the war. Rest is History. My dear friends if Foreign policy of India was diceded by Quick Fools then GOD Help India. "Please Ponder a while". Long live India.. Jai Hind.
It is indeed sad that the CPI has chosen to be so unreasonable and has stuck firmly to it's stand on the Indo US nuclear deal. However I am ashamed that a man of the stature of Manmohan Singh has made such unwarranted comments. It is absolutely blasphemous to give George Bush such a wonderful certificate of good character and loyalty to India. Bush is not exactly a popular figure internationally, as well as in his own country, and it is not too unreasonably so. Obviously our prime minister's education has not really helped. We need a person with more character to lead this great nation. Hopefully we shall find someone for the job..
by Prasenjit Dutt on Sep 14, 2007 03:22 AM Permalink
Sorry to offend your sentiments, but I guess it is you who values western sentiments more than I do. Otherwise why would people keep on harping about the fact that Mr.Singh did his PhD at Oxford. So do many more, and most of them aren't quite geniuses. Also do remember that the head of the Congress Party is an Italian. And it is the intellectuals of the US who condemn Bush, the self absorbed public is precisely why he got a 2nd term.
His name is Prakash meaning "bijli" /"Roshni" and "Ujala" in hindi. He wants India to be in a black out all the time so that he shines all the time--and say...INDIA shining!!!
I think it is time that we Indians do something to the politics in India. They are taking us nowhere.KK is a good friend of commies and he has gone one step further.....
First of all I want to Congratulate to you all guys to come to such a quick concusion. I think tis is a record, Indians have never achiebed this in 1000 years. I feel very happy that every one here has the same opinion abt who shld be our friend and enemy. But this unusually quick opinion amomg the net access having people remind me of two incidents.When Ravana was informed by his brother vibhushan that Rama will atttack Lanka and burn it to ash and dust if he diesnot returns his wife Every one laughed at him. He was quiqly declared as traitor without having any practical thoughts coming in from any one there. Rest is History. Another account comes to my mind is how the Kauravas were over joyed when Lord Krishna picked Arjun and gave his mighty Army and assets to Kauaravas for the war. Rest is History. My dear friends if Foreign policy of India was diceded by Quick Fools then GOD Help India. "Please Ponder a while". Long live India.. Jai Hind.
by bobby j on Sep 14, 2007 02:52 AM Permalink
Hey Khatta Sambhar, Ur opinion and example is great!!! but this opinion that all of the people here have made an opinion wrong...Isn't it possible that India is using America for it's gain and benefits??? too big for u to think isn't it?
Karat u shud goto HYD and Mumbai and get ur self bombed by Osama Bro and Hos.Somebody is saying u r graduated from Edinburgh University of Scotland,get urself educated by Osama Hos.They shud burndown their university after gaddari and backstabbing committed by u.mallus and bengalis u guys wake up and throw this idiot into China,there he will make friends with chinese,dog mutter panneer and Bug bhaingon and make good freinds with
Mao,and get his moksha.Send ur children to china,pakistan,bangladesh to make friends,make friends with north korea,or make friends with osama in paki caves,like u he is enemy of Bush,he gone mad after hiding in caves,bush is hoping he'll be captured while buying viagara,as dying beard is not sufficient,u also join ur friend as enemies enemy is friend.Why dont u dinosaurs just die,get bombed by osama brothers.