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Karat gonemad
by Jay Badri on Sep 14, 2007 02:44 AM

Karat u shud goto HYD and Mumbai and get ur self bombed by Osama Bro and Hos.Somebody is saying u r graduated from Edinburgh University of Scotland,get urself educated by Osama Hos.They shud burndown their university after gaddari and backstabbing committed by u.mallus and bengalis u guys wake up and throw this idiot into China,there he will make friends with chinese,dog mutter panneer and Bug bhaingon and make good freinds with

Mao,and get his moksha.Send ur children to china,pakistan,bangladesh to make friends,make friends with north korea,or make friends with osama in paki caves,like u he is enemy of Bush,he gone mad after hiding in caves,bush is hoping he'll be captured while buying viagara,as dying beard is not sufficient,u also join ur friend as enemies enemy is friend.Why dont u dinosaurs just die,get bombed by osama brothers.

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