UPA and Left is fooling entire nation. Both are gready of power, any how they want to complete fullterm in power.
There is no combination or comonality in between congress and Left except one thing Anti BJP stand. Any other reason says but one and only reason 'gread of power' is keeping them united. Both were known natuaral enemies since indipendance for Left congress is the No.1 enemy in Kerala and Bengal MP's are winning election after fought each other. Even this issue they will hide and seek until complete 5 year. Left knows if they withdraw support, congress congress can pump more cetral forces in Bengal to next election. If a free & fare election take place in Bengal Left may not get less than 10 MP's. In Kerala this time situation very worst. people already changed their mind, they hate CPM and CPI due to corruptions and infighting and falier of govt in all sector.
No country can tolerate taritorous activities by any section of its citizens. It is very well known that communists in India are agents of the Chinese. The communists opposed Quit India movement. They acted as agents of British then. They supported China in the Indo-China War in 1962. They opposed India's nuclear & missile programs. They opposed Indian nuclear tests. They opposed India's economic reform program. However their true loyalties are revealed by the fact that they applauded all of these things when the double faced & hypocritical Chinese did it. It is high time communist leaders like Prakash Karat, Sitaram Yechury, D. Raja, A.B. Bardhan and the rest were publicly lynched for their anti-national activities. The rest of communists should be sent to labour camps for reeducation. Those that do not reform should be executed. Let us get rid of these Chinese agents once & for all or else we will soon have to live under Chinese hegemony. For the survival of our nation & our future generations we should execute these Chinese agents without any delay.
Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Dr. Manmohansingh should show courage and call the bluff the left parties to proceed with the Nuclear agreement.The communists in India are still guided by their old prejudices against America which have no relevance in the present day world.The people of India will appreciate any bold initiative the Govt will take to operationalise the nuclear deal.
RE:Nuclear Deal.
by on Oct 19, 2007 04:59 PM Permalink
Ananda, you first read and understand then comment. Everybody knew that you are an anti communist.
Left is almost consistent in its stand against the nuclear deal. But Congress Party is blowing hot and cold on the issue. Sometimes it appears as if they are ready to sacrifice the power and post for the sake of nuclear deal and sometime they embark upon the importance of survival of the government. Lust of power has perhaps hypnotized the leaders of the Congress party as also other coalition partners in UPA. It is very difficult to sacrifice power for the sake of any issue. Rather in our country our leaders can sacrifice all ideals for the sake of power.
It is also true that left is blowing hot but slowly and steadily. Left parties too are not prepared to face the fresh election and hence their efforts are motivated to postpone the decision as long as possible. BJP in particular and NDA in general are also undecided over the issue of fresh election. Because the castle of BJP has been shaken by its own leaders even in places where they are supposed to be strong. Even in the state of Gujarat BJP is facing huge dissidents in its own group. Similarly other constituents of NDA are enjoying the fruits of the power in the state where they are in pow
what signal our politicians are sending to the world who are watching this mess ???
we have acute energy & power crisis....evrytime in the summer season we face power shortage even in cities like mumbai & delhi...now the congress govt wants to end this problem but our idiot SO CALLED LEFT parties are not ready to accept the nuclear deal by saying that its a threat to us...what nonsense ?? And just look at congress....those idiots are even more stupid than LEFT...Sonia said "N-deal can wait but govt will finish its full 5-yr term" - it simply means nobody cares for India's power shortage or our infrastructural progress....but just wanna rule this country & make money using their power...!!! shame shame shame
Let there be some final decision quickly. At least in the future let the Congress discuss with its partners and then go for signing any deal. Now India lost its credibility. What we see today is that inflation is going up like mad. Stock market has gone crazy, rupee value with foreign currencies in determined by FII's and no control from RBI,Growth rate has slowed down etc., etc.Thanks to our banks, the middle class is in debts due to credit cards & various loans at high interest rates. It is only the middle class & salaried employees who pay tax.
This time we will teach congress and CPI a lesson. Let the election come, we will never vote for them. We will show to them , that we being an educated citizen of nation understand what is good for nation and they cant take us for granted.