UPA and Left is fooling entire nation. Both are gready of power, any how they want to complete fullterm in power.
There is no combination or comonality in between congress and Left except one thing Anti BJP stand. Any other reason says but one and only reason 'gread of power' is keeping them united. Both were known natuaral enemies since indipendance for Left congress is the No.1 enemy in Kerala and Bengal MP's are winning election after fought each other. Even this issue they will hide and seek until complete 5 year. Left knows if they withdraw support, congress congress can pump more cetral forces in Bengal to next election. If a free & fare election take place in Bengal Left may not get less than 10 MP's. In Kerala this time situation very worst. people already changed their mind, they hate CPM and CPI due to corruptions and infighting and falier of govt in all sector.