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Great Quotes
by Imran on Oct 05, 2007 01:46 PM  Permalink 

"The most ridiculous concept ever perpetrated by H. Sapiens is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of his creations, that he can be persuaded by their prayers, and becomes petulant if he does not receive this flattery. Yet this ridiculous notion, without one real shred of evidence to bolster it, has gone on to found one of the oldest, largest and least productive industries in history."
..........Robert A. Heinlein

Men will wrangle for religion; write for it; fight for it; die for it; anything but live for it.
..........Charles Caleb Colton

"Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis."
..........Sigmund Freud, "Future of an Illusion". 1927q

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He deserves it !
by ravi samra on Oct 05, 2007 12:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Make Narendra Modi CM of Jammu & Kashmir

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RE:He deserves it !
by Cape Comorin on Oct 05, 2007 01:32 PM  Permalink
to eliminate him from the earth.

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by Imran on Oct 05, 2007 11:48 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Islam has two main sects, Shias and Sunnis. The Shias say the Sunnis are fake muslims, the Sunnis say the Shias are fake muslims. Therefore there are are no real muslims, they are all fake.
When surveyed, it was found the chief factor that turned ex-muslims into converts was actually reading the Koran. Unfortunately the majority of muslims have never read the Koran because the majority of muslims are illiterate.

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by ALIYAR HUSSAIN on Oct 05, 2007 12:32 PM  Permalink
Dear Imran, Can you please tell me which religion you belong to? What is your full name?

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by Imran on Oct 05, 2007 12:38 PM  Permalink
Dear Hussain
I was a muslim but have lost my faith.My goal is to educate muslims on the danger of islam bcoz islam has given nothing to muslims except bloodshed.I know if i give u my details u will come and kill me that is what islam has done to you made humans into animals.

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by silenzer on Oct 05, 2007 12:49 PM  Permalink
Very well said Imran. It is the duty of every x-muslim to reform Islam so that muslims don't kill people of other religions as kuffars. Good on ya mate!

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by ALIYAR HUSSAIN on Oct 05, 2007 01:03 PM  Permalink
Most of our Hindu Brothers and Christian Brothers also pray and believe in their Gods. But very few gets their desire fulfilled. But even though they trust their Gods and respect their Gods. If all the human beings gets all their desires fulfilled, then no one will go the Temple, Church, Mosque etc., Regarding bloodshed even the person who has killed Indira Gandhi was a Sikh, but even now Sikhs believe in their God. They Person who killed Raju Gandhi was a Hindu, even now Hindus believe in their God. Like this in every religion someone has did something wrong but that doesn%u2019t mean to condemn all the people of that religion. Regarding killing you: No where in the Quaran is written to Kill Mr.Imran or kill any person who is commenting in Rediff against Islam. Instead a true Muslim has pray for you to get well soon.

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by Imran on Oct 05, 2007 01:23 PM  Permalink
Dear Hussain
U are contradicting the Quran, u must know that the punishment for apostasy in Islam is death. Agreed in all religions there are good and bad people but Islam is the only religion where violence is commited as though it is Gods word.U should read the quran with an open eye u will realize that the god described in the quran is a jealous, perverted, psychopathic monster and therefore whatever he says is to be disregarded at all costs.
Surely the quran cannot be gods word bczo god if he existed could have done a better job.

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by Imran on Oct 05, 2007 02:36 PM  Permalink
Mr Hussain where r u not yet back from jumma namaz kya.Pls reply to my question isnt apostasy punishbale by death in islam and do u support this law

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by Imran on Oct 05, 2007 11:09 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Any thoughtful person who knows history and religion would be anti-Islam. Along with Communism, Naziism, and the Black Death, Islam has been responsible for more death and destruction on the face of the planet than just about anything else since the last asteroid impact. Islam was started by predators. It has spread by predation. It has lived off the decaying corpses of the civilizations it has destroyed. It is a vast, ancient sea of corruption, oppression, fanaticism, and ignorance lapping up against the shores of the present, kept alive by the fortuitous accident of living above huge reserves of petroleum.

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How Jehadi pampeing UPA is appeasing Islamic terrorists!
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Oct 05, 2007 08:04 AM  Permalink 


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My Dear Indian Brother and Sisters
by Indian Muslim Patriotic on Oct 05, 2007 07:57 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

it is very sad to see that we(indians irrespectives) are fighting each other. It is just like somebody like rediff want's exoctic,sensation & etc news to show on this website to make his website popular. But surely it is maintained by BJP guys and monitored. My BJP brothers please stop spreading wrongs statements against Islam and spread peace rather. We Indian muslims are not supporting any terrorism it is spreading by you by making us far from you.

So i request all of to spread Love and Peace.




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RE:My Dear Indian Brother and Sisters
by silenzer on Oct 05, 2007 12:53 PM  Permalink
Typical mindset of Muslims:
1) Pope blames Muhammad for his disgusting character: Muslims blame Christians
2) Innumerable bomb blasts in India by Jihadi terrorists kill innocent civilians: Muslims put the blame on Hindu parties
3) Shias killing sunnis and vice-versa: Muslims blame it on Jews.

The list goes on; Who is going to take out those offensive verses in Quran and put and end to carnage? Wanna answer Ali or u want to be a wannabie!!

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RE:My Dear Indian Brother and Sisters
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Oct 05, 2007 08:06 AM  Permalink

The abuse of Islam is done by mostly Missionaries, and evangelicals.

Hindus very rarely damn Islam as a religion.

Even Narendra Modi said after Mumbai 711 in a speech there, that terrorism is Jehad which is not religion.

Stop being manipulated by psuedos and shed anti-hindu postures.

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