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by ALIYAR HUSSAIN on Oct 05, 2007 01:03 PM

Most of our Hindu Brothers and Christian Brothers also pray and believe in their Gods. But very few gets their desire fulfilled. But even though they trust their Gods and respect their Gods. If all the human beings gets all their desires fulfilled, then no one will go the Temple, Church, Mosque etc., Regarding bloodshed even the person who has killed Indira Gandhi was a Sikh, but even now Sikhs believe in their God. They Person who killed Raju Gandhi was a Hindu, even now Hindus believe in their God. Like this in every religion someone has did something wrong but that doesn%u2019t mean to condemn all the people of that religion. Regarding killing you: No where in the Quaran is written to Kill Mr.Imran or kill any person who is commenting in Rediff against Islam. Instead a true Muslim has pray for you to get well soon.

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Ramzan sees spike in violence in J&K