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RE:What goes around will comes around.
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 09:13 PM  Permalink
The worst for BJP is yet to come, all of them think that out of sympathy everyone will vote for BJP this is nonsense. There is no Vajpayee this time to help BJP and Rajnath Singh does not know himself so its congress all the way.

Long live Congress.

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RE:What goes around will comes around.
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 09:17 PM  Permalink
Oh Ho!!! SOB(GSB) is back!!

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RE:What goes around will comes around.
by dada on Oct 03, 2007 09:20 PM  Permalink
yes. but this time with a friend

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RE:What goes around will comes around.
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 09:24 PM  Permalink
You are your own dada is it???
Rare species you belong to!! No name.. know your father's name atleast?

or is it Deve GLowda??

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RE:What goes around will comes around.
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 09:28 PM  Permalink
Deepak MA = Master of Arts ? or Master of Acrobats ?
Hey Deepak was your MA through correspondence or you are faking?

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RE:What goes around will comes around.
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 09:32 PM  Permalink
GSB you moron, I don't have to carry my qualification on my sleeve!

Applying the same yardstick, you have not even been to school right?

A correspondence degree is not bad either, as the output is better than a fool a.k.a GSB a.k.a SOB!! As i told you, I will buy you a mirror, look at the huge mole on your neck!

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RE:What goes around will comes around.
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 09:23 PM  Permalink
Hey Dada
I dont know who you are but thanks for all the support dude. This Deepak MA thinks he is a intellectual but all his comments are pretty average and biased.

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RE:What goes around will comes around.
by dada on Oct 03, 2007 10:16 PM  Permalink

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RE:RE:What goes around will comes around.
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 09:25 PM  Permalink
hahaha.. intellectual speaking here!!
will send u some money to buy a mirror. Pls send me ur address SOB.

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RE:What goes around will comes around.
by abhimanyu on Oct 03, 2007 09:58 PM  Permalink

If there is elections,the kannadigas are all very angry with deva gowda for betraying the bjp, and for breaking his promise like a fox.

They will immediately destroy him and remove him for power, and install bjp for full 5 years.

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The End of BJP
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 08:59 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hi All,
You are all welcome to Karnataka to see Congress ( Dharm Singh ) take over as CM.
This is more or less the end of BJP in Karnataka ( Sorry South India ).

Long Live Congress.

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RE:The End of BJP
by dada on Oct 03, 2007 10:16 PM  Permalink
Your mother slept with all BJP monkeys like Advani, modi, Rajnath etc. Is your initial is BJP.. Ha ha ha

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RE:The End of BJP
by dada on Oct 03, 2007 09:09 PM  Permalink
Thanks. I have booked my tickets.

Mark my words. BJP never ever rule a state in South India. We are bright enough to understand it s evil designs.

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RE:The End of BJP
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 09:26 PM  Permalink
Bright enough to light Sonia's toilet!!

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RE:The End of BJP
by Sam T on Oct 03, 2007 09:54 PM  Permalink
how can you say that,
mam is doing Babysitting in UN

shame on fate of Congress...

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RE:The End of BJP
by Hansum Hunk on Oct 03, 2007 09:50 PM  Permalink
hahahaha....hoho...good one dude...hope he's as luminous to allow sonia wash the right area.

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RE:RE:The End of BJP
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 09:53 PM  Permalink

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RE:The End of BJP
by Krish on Oct 03, 2007 09:29 PM  Permalink
And long live communal violence against Tamils in Blr, cauvery problem will be resumed once Cong gains power. Like in AP, once Cong takes over we will see bloodshed in the name of religion etc.
If it is South India's fate to be destroyed by DMK and Cong, who can help it?

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by Swami Aravind on Oct 03, 2007 08:59 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Every state should publish corrupt politicians background and their current status. All extra money belongs to politicians should be confisicated. Oh! my GOD, then India become very rich contry......

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by siva kumar on Oct 03, 2007 09:03 PM  Permalink
but who will do it ?
All are culprits,
In Independent India there have been a lot of allegations and lot of Enquiry commissions, and not a single politician has been convicted for corruption charges,How come?
can anybody explain?
Have anybody thought of it?

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by Swami Aravind on Oct 03, 2007 09:07 PM  Permalink
Solution. A unknown NRI setup a website. Let common ppl in India rate each leader of political parties. Let indipendent think tanks write article about these party men. So there is always info (like what they said in past etc:) is available to all people. Let people start voting by looking at the candidate rather than parties. Then slowly "tainted" ppl will go away..

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This is what happens if you put a gaddha as Gowda(Goada).
by S S on Oct 03, 2007 08:57 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

D Gowdaji is not acting like an ex-Prime minister but like a typical street politician. we all know how he became P.M. Laloo in a meeting 1996 told the coalition parties "kissi gaddhe ya goda go bitta do". The coalition immeditely took goda as "gowda" and thus we had Deve Gowda as the P.M. Since then after he lost the prime ministership and can only pity him. DGowda and sons owning crores and crores of property are still not satisfied. And want to grab as much as possible berofe relinquishing power to BJP (if Deve Goada does it) As an ex-prime minister, he is expected to air his comments on international and national issues. On the contrary most of the time his concern seems to be real estate in and around Bangalore, so much so that he crusaded the exit of eminent people from important agencies. The people of Karnataka lost the services of Mr Jayakar Jerome soon after Mr Deve Gowda formed the government with Congress and then Narayana Murthy. Now it is Mr . Mr Gowda calls himself a %u201CMannina Maga%u201D. Does %u2018mannu%u2019 refer only to the land in and around Bangalore?

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RE:This is what happens if you put a gaddha as Gowda(Goada).
by Jaijawan on Oct 03, 2007 09:22 PM  Permalink
well said

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Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Ganapati Hegde on Oct 03, 2007 08:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Kumarswamy should honour his agreement with the BJP and resign. He should think about the long term impications instead of short term gains. His credibility and reputation will be in tatters and he may never recover from it. People will not believe him in future.

If he has any shame left in him, he should now, immediately resign and hand over the baton to BJP, failing which BJP will gain the sympathy of the public and form the next government by absolutely majority.

The BJP Juggernaut cannot be stopped and Karnataka will be the gateway for the "Lotus Bloom" in other southern States.

Vote BJP and live with pride !!!

BJP stands for progress and development of India.

BJP is a patriotic and nationalistic party, unlike other "pseudo sickular" parties.

"BJP is the radiant future of India"

Vande Mataram !!!

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RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by dilawar on Oct 03, 2007 09:49 PM  Permalink
How can he resign coz he is the son of same Gadha sorry gowda. he he he he

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RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 09:03 PM  Permalink
Congress will be in power shortly. Stop day dreaming BJP will never come to power in South INDIA.

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RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by anil b on Oct 03, 2007 09:11 PM  Permalink
only a abosolute idiot like you can think of such a dream . all the Gowda baiters like DK, sidharamiah will go down the drain and their votes will go to the BJP .only those eternally animals among humans , the muslims will vote for this guys .

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by aravind br on Oct 03, 2007 08:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

They way our politacal leader are fighting its shame on our state,People of other states are laughting seeing our state.They are fighting for the CM seat but leader are intrested to devlop the seat just they want the CM post & earn Money. Let all the Media come to normal public & learn what the Public want President rule or JDS Rule or BJP rule. Our Govt has not devloped the roads of Bangalore,Transport ,why they are fighting for the CM post. Public should give the autority to the youth who want to serve the country not the people who want to earn cores of money. MEDIA COME TO PUBLIC & TALK TO THE PEOPLE OF KARNATAK DONT JUST TALK THE POLTICAL LEADERS. TODAY POLICTICAL ARE UNFIT TO BE THE CITZEN OF KAR.ONCE THEY GO OUT OF THE KARNATAK THE KAR WILL BE PEACE

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Stick to the Gun
by Lalatendu Deo on Oct 03, 2007 08:53 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The public posture taken by both the ruling parties will prevent them to climb down to a negotiated settlement. Now, there will be no other way for BJP to continue supporting Kumaraswamy. And it would be difficult for Kumaraswamy to amend his stand and wholeheartedly support a BJP Government. There is no way we will have a stable government with the present setup. Therefore it is better to have a dissolution of the Assembly.

But a Dissolution is the least in the mind of the Congress. It will gain if the skirmish between JD(S) and BJP continue for some more time. And that would convert into more seats in the next Assembly as well as in the General Election.

And precisely for this reason, the Governor would try to make effort to delay reporting to the President for an early election. And unless the Election Commission is asked to conduct an election, it can not start the process of its own.

The Congress will take the next logical step in this Power Play.

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BJP vs JD(S)
by Kuldeep Chandra on Oct 03, 2007 08:47 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Tamur lung style governance is foolish. Let BJP sacrifice to be certified as best coalition partner. Let BJP work with JD(s) whole heartedly to see the karnatka state develop and Bangaloru becomes areal metropolitan town which could be envy of the entire world. Work for bigger objectives BJP please. BJP will not be wiped out, JD (s) will mingle with BJP, a bigger and anational party. Every elected person is meant to serve and not oto rule. It is the public which rules. The JD(s) should say sorry and besach BJP to continue. Deb Gaura should be respectfully calmed out. He has shwn greed and no wisdom.

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by Harsha K on Oct 03, 2007 08:52 PM  Permalink
Wake up. And see the reality of Deve Gowda.

He hasn't spared one friend from humiliation and backstabbing. You think he lifts one little finger for the good of the state? Nice dream u are having.


BJP was voted as the largest party in last elections. If our elections have to have any meaning, it should be given a chance at governance. it is a joke that congress governed with lesser vote share than BJP, and JD(S) with even lesser share is posing as people's representative!!


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why not BJP support JDS from outside
by sanjeev on Oct 03, 2007 08:46 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

why not BJP support JDS from outside to keep the pseudo secular and corrupt congress getting power with JDS ?? As every one knows..cong always want to be in power by hook or crook method.

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RE:why not BJP support JDS from outside
by aravind br on Oct 03, 2007 08:56 PM  Permalink
But we should give a chance to BJP also as we have seen the JDS rule for 20 months,now BJP should rule for 20 months

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