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Stick to the Gun
by Lalatendu Deo on Oct 03, 2007 08:53 PM

The public posture taken by both the ruling parties will prevent them to climb down to a negotiated settlement. Now, there will be no other way for BJP to continue supporting Kumaraswamy. And it would be difficult for Kumaraswamy to amend his stand and wholeheartedly support a BJP Government. There is no way we will have a stable government with the present setup. Therefore it is better to have a dissolution of the Assembly.

But a Dissolution is the least in the mind of the Congress. It will gain if the skirmish between JD(S) and BJP continue for some more time. And that would convert into more seats in the next Assembly as well as in the General Election.

And precisely for this reason, the Governor would try to make effort to delay reporting to the President for an early election. And unless the Election Commission is asked to conduct an election, it can not start the process of its own.

The Congress will take the next logical step in this Power Play.

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Karnataka action shifts to Delhi