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Shame on people of Karnataka
by manju pai on Oct 03, 2007 08:33 AM  Permalink 

It is a shame that people of Karnataka tolerate such backstabbing and greed. God only knows when the people of Karnataka will teach a lesson to Devegowda and family?

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Kumarappa.... Hogappa
by Suresh Kumar on Oct 03, 2007 08:29 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

this is the time for kumaraswamy to step down. otherwise the people of karnataka only closes him and again his father has to weap (acting) for this.

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RE:Kumarappa.... Hogappa
by ranjan singh on Oct 03, 2007 08:34 AM  Permalink

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by Upendra Behera on Oct 03, 2007 08:27 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Krnattaka CM should not betray his partener.BJP may be very bad party but CM has proved that how much he is greedy for power and his party is a rogue one.The man who can not keep his promise given to his alliance partner how can he promise to do work for the overall growth of Karnattaka.

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by Dravid on Oct 03, 2007 08:56 AM  Permalink
secularism should be maintained at any cost. that is the reasion. use your brain for a while.

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by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 10:01 AM  Permalink
Bullshit secularism

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by Pratham Impex Private Ltd on Oct 03, 2007 10:43 AM  Permalink
what do you mean by secularism. None of the party in india is secular, so why blame BJP.we in the state of karnataka feel the punch of back stabbing by Mr. HDD and Sons. God alone save BJP and and the man in safari - Mr. Yediyurappa. The BJP should go the governor and withdraw support if they have a little self respect left in them instead of begging for power.

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by RAJANI AGADI on Oct 03, 2007 09:55 AM  Permalink
hye dravid, what secularism u r talking about, did u not know this when JD entered into power sahring agreement with BJP

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by bonala rao on Oct 03, 2007 08:19 AM  Permalink 

Having such opportunist politicians, Can any country prosper? BJP facing this ambracing condition for the second time, one with Mayawati. BJP is also not less to any political parties, May be some humanity remain.

Congress have cotary politicians, all old men.

All together, people have to open their eyes, young men trying for some or higher jobs can not change the country. some sacrifices are must.

With out these, India can not on the path to be transformed as Developed Country.

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by Anand Vajapeyam on Oct 03, 2007 08:16 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

What's happenning in Karnataka's political map, must be making even Mir Sadik turn round in his grave. This Mannina Maga Family is uncouth, reactive and has no prinicipals but one. Promote their family at all costs.
By the way the current (?) CM when he took over the GADDI(GADDAR), had asked media about the true meaning of Secularism. Today the same HDK keeps on barking that his party's SECULAR IMAGE(SIC) has been spoilt by being associated with BJP. Height of double standard, back stabbing. At least prostitutes have a principal. Not this Mannina Maga Family. Its a shame that I am born in Karnataka, live in Bangalore and have to share air with this family.

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by Rajeev on Oct 03, 2007 08:35 AM  Permalink
You explained the GADDAR family very well that even prostitutes have principal but this Gowda family is worst compared to prostitute.

It is really shame for we (Karnataka) people that this GADDAR, shameless family belong to Karnataka. We Kannadiga must teach lesson to this GADDAR family to keep the Karnataka honor up.

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by rudra on Oct 03, 2007 08:22 AM  Permalink
U r absolutely correct.In this we are suffering.I dont know what this Governor doing?

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by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 10:02 AM  Permalink
Governers are the biggest dogs in the Indian political setup.

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by ANIL KANAMADI on Oct 03, 2007 08:15 AM  Permalink 

"D" for "DIRTYNESS" and "D" for "DEVEGOWDA" that's what we Kannadigas know about Devegowda. But the Son of Devegowda proved the old classic statement..."Like Father, Like Son".

God only should help !!!

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The BJP needs this.
by Sun on Oct 03, 2007 08:14 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

What else do you expect from the Gowda clan. Look at them,not even one of the family is fit to rule a panchayat,leave alone a state or country. The elder one once ruled our country by default and the younger one Karnataka.What developement they have done other than voicing the Mannin Maga speech.

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RE:The BJP needs this.
by mund kalap on Oct 03, 2007 08:46 AM  Permalink
Well said...actually people who studied and educated have been imparted training on self-doubt(all the teachers mistook Socrates preachings in this regard) and we have quite a bit of it. So, when things look shabby and not quite what we expected, we move to foreign land be it US or UK or Europe. And, there people who does not have leadership qualities bring themselves as leaders on the sheer power of money and they mint more money during their tenure. Who cares about constitution and raj neeti, Supreme court etc. - be it in TN or in Karnataka or in AP or in UP.

India have slowly gone to dogs and we have lost the upperhand we created thru' initiatives from 1995 onwards.

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Height of greed
by B P on Oct 03, 2007 07:34 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

What is we watching is height of greed. CM of a state makes hundrends of crore a in month. If BJP takes back support then these greedy people will make govt with congress so where is policies, honesty and ethics. People of Karnatka no where in talk.

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RE:Height of greed
by Govinda on Oct 03, 2007 08:15 AM  Permalink
In next election people of Karnataka should teach them a lesson. Hope people of Karnataka value ethics.

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