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by Anand Vajapeyam on Oct 03, 2007 08:16 AM

What's happenning in Karnataka's political map, must be making even Mir Sadik turn round in his grave. This Mannina Maga Family is uncouth, reactive and has no prinicipals but one. Promote their family at all costs.
By the way the current (?) CM when he took over the GADDI(GADDAR), had asked media about the true meaning of Secularism. Today the same HDK keeps on barking that his party's SECULAR IMAGE(SIC) has been spoilt by being associated with BJP. Height of double standard, back stabbing. At least prostitutes have a principal. Not this Mannina Maga Family. Its a shame that I am born in Karnataka, live in Bangalore and have to share air with this family.

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JDS firm on not letting go CM's post