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All in the game
by slicktiger on Oct 03, 2007 09:08 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Even if it was BJP who got the first chance of Power they would have done the samething.after all polititians would lick shit for chair.DG&Son are no better. however BJP is lucky this time that people are goig to show sympathy for not getting their chance.

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RE:All in the game
by Thimme Gowda on Oct 03, 2007 09:15 AM  Permalink
Definitly Other parties are not as bad as Gowda and sons. Cong and BJP have respect and dignity.

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Power blinds
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 03, 2007 09:07 AM  Permalink 

BJP stuck the deal knowing fully well the customer they were dealing with. I guess they took a gamble with Kumaraswamy as that would have helped them form the first BJP government in South India and expand from there.

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Alternative Career for K'Swamy
by Amit Sengupta on Oct 03, 2007 09:02 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think K'Swamy should feature in the next advt for FEVICOL....

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RE:Alternative Career for K'Swamy
by -$- Ravi K.S. -$- on Oct 03, 2007 09:05 AM  Permalink
any idea how much will he charges for Fevicol Ads?

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RE:Alternative Career for K'Swamy
by Thimme Gowda on Oct 03, 2007 09:16 AM  Permalink

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by on Oct 03, 2007 08:51 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Its really a shame to see K'swamy refusing to give power, it just shows the moral bankrupsy in karnataka politics., its intersting when he took power he didnt ask his fathers advise but to give up he needs one. I guess even a dog has some amount of self-respect., not these gowda folks.. Even in next elections whom will you choose? DeveGowda and clan., who already have crores.. and virtually steam role any developement.. Congress booldy old fools.. and BJP which really speaking do not have any kind of image or hold in interior karnataka.. There has to be some other option.. or else Karnataka will bear this Nataka for many more years to come and the prosperous state will bleed to greed of these politicians.. People of Karnataka have to act., and teach these politicians a lesson., or else there will be nothing much left to fight for in a near future..
Its really frustrating to be a Kannadiga..

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by Thimme Gowda on Oct 03, 2007 09:04 AM  Permalink
Rohit, You are right. Davegowda is 80 old does not have self-respect, dignity and moral. He Can lease out his wife for power. Such a shameless person who pokes nose into village politics and creates fight between innocent villagers.

Gowda and his sons are fit for nothing. They are there to spoil name and fame of Kannidiga's

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by Vijay on Oct 03, 2007 09:05 AM  Permalink
Guys, I don't think educated people vote to Gouda family, they know it very well, and they always fool villagers with some tactics and get the vote, this time all Muslims voted them in Corporate elections.
People should teach lesson to Gouda family, even thier enimies are not able to do anything, I mean Siddaramaiaha, Sindhia, Bellari young turks, Kheny, etc..... Meerajuddin is their next bakra to come out of the team.
Voters be wise and keep the Gouda family out of Govt.

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by RAJANI AGADI on Oct 03, 2007 10:00 AM  Permalink
yes, u r right , so the mnext time, elections are announced, please go and VOTE, it is no use jsut blogging on the site.

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by Thimme Gowda on Oct 03, 2007 09:20 AM  Permalink
You are right, I am from hassan dist and I know how Gowda party spend money and distribute alcohol during election. Also they have rowdies come to village during election time. They are the worst peoples I have seen in life. Peoples from minority community cannot come in Hassan and Gowda's area.

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by Manish Bisarya on Oct 03, 2007 08:53 AM  Permalink
Devegowda and Kumaraswamy are slimy characters. But I would put all the blame on BJP for trusting the father-son duo and forging an alliance with them.

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JDS the Selfish and FOOLS
by shrikant deshpande on Oct 03, 2007 08:46 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I cant belive that a political party can be so selfish? I dont know abt JDS much but can tell u guys they are like LEFT selfish!!

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RE:JDS the Selfish and FOOLS
by Thimme Gowda on Oct 03, 2007 09:08 AM  Permalink
Shrikanth, I call JDS as JD-Cast, this is the only party in the state divides people based on cast. Gowda and his son very corrupt

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RE:JDS the Selfish and FOOLS
by Dravid on Oct 03, 2007 08:53 AM  Permalink
secularism should be maintained at any cost. that is the reasion. use your brain for a while.

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RE:JDS the Selfish and FOOLS
by Dharma on Oct 03, 2007 10:08 AM  Permalink
You foll first know what is secularism.

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RE:JDS the Selfish and FOOLS
by Anurag Shrivastava on Oct 03, 2007 09:12 AM  Permalink
Secularism means that state is neutral to a guys of any religion. Unfortunately - communal parties like BJP have come up ONLY because of appeasement of minorities for their votes issues like Shah Bano, Salman Rushdie book ban , appeasement of Pakistan by Gandhi during partition , attacking Hindu Gods but sparing those of other religions, muslim reservations , now Sachchar report etc etc

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RE:JDS the Selfish and FOOLS
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 10:00 AM  Permalink
Bullshit secularism

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RE:JDS the Selfish and FOOLS
by pravin kashikar on Oct 03, 2007 09:04 AM  Permalink
Mr. Dravid

Secularism does not mean promoting only one caste and it should treat caste with equality and not only some caste who are the vote banks for the politicians.

This is not the definition of secularism. Try to think for while using your brain for a while.

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Damn who's this Gowda goons
by RajaBabu on Oct 03, 2007 08:42 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

shame on india allowing such a crooks 2 rule !
i thought it happens only in bihar but these goons r way ahead man !
Jai Hind

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RE:Damn who's this Gowda goons
by Dravid on Oct 03, 2007 08:54 AM  Permalink
secularism should be maintained at any cost. that is the reasion. use your brain for a while.

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RE:Damn who's this Gowda goons
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 10:00 AM  Permalink
Bullshit secularism

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As predicted !!
by rakesh dhareshwar on Oct 03, 2007 08:41 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

20 months back when JD struck this deal with BJP , I was in Bangalore and everyone I came across, told me that the JD would never part with the CM's post . As predicted it has come true. I don't understand whom to blame. the JD for being the known devil or BJP, who were so stupid , as not to see the plot.

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RE:As predicted !!
by rakesh dhareshwar on Oct 03, 2007 08:45 AM  Permalink
Ya , forgot to add , the same CM was a small time goon in Shivajinagar in Bangalore , so no surprises.

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Ethics and Politics doesn't go together
by Mukund V on Oct 03, 2007 08:40 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Highly Unethical. JDS- i dont know what they mean by S for Secular if they ruled the state with BJP's support.. bull shit. If JD has PROMISED for this 20 mths arrangement what is the hue and cry about?? You idiots... if you are not even able to keep OPEN promises, what can the State/country expect from you. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!! Just come to your senses and dont be OPPORTUNISTIC.



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RE:Ethics and Politics doesn't go together
by guru on Oct 03, 2007 08:46 AM  Permalink
JD(S) stands fro JD(son) and read as JD(for sons)

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RE:Ethics and Politics doesn't go together
by Thimme Gowda on Oct 03, 2007 09:13 AM  Permalink
JDS is really JD-C( Cast). Only party divides peoples on cast lines. In his home town, davegowda wins election just bey getting his cast because other cast votes are getting divided among all other parties. If there is direct fight between him and Congress, Gowda will lose election in Hassan.

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