Its really a shame to see K'swamy refusing to give power, it just shows the moral bankrupsy in karnataka politics., its intersting when he took power he didnt ask his fathers advise but to give up he needs one. I guess even a dog has some amount of self-respect., not these gowda folks.. Even in next elections whom will you choose? DeveGowda and clan., who already have crores.. and virtually steam role any developement.. Congress booldy old fools.. and BJP which really speaking do not have any kind of image or hold in interior karnataka.. There has to be some other option.. or else Karnataka will bear this Nataka for many more years to come and the prosperous state will bleed to greed of these politicians.. People of Karnataka have to act., and teach these politicians a lesson., or else there will be nothing much left to fight for in a near future.. Its really frustrating to be a Kannadiga.. -Rohit