I read a story on helpless lady who is striving to save her husband and her family. I would request rediff to put article so that people contrbuting generously and iam sure this act of rediff will be appreciated by many readers and specially the family.
LUDHIANA: Within a fortnight of a poverty-stricken widow from Hisar putting up her daughters for adoption through a newspaper advertisement, a 34-year-old woman %u2014 in a desperate attempt to save her ailing husband %u2014 decided to put her five-year-old son and herself on sale here.
Harsh Sharma married Bhupinder, who worked with a property dealer, eight years back. On August 28, as he was going to his house on Tharike road with his friend Yograj, their car collided with Ferozepur Express when they were crossing an unmanned railway crossing near Vikas Nagar.
Yograj died on the spot while Bhupinder has been unconscious since then. Since they married against the wishes of their parents, Harsh%u2019s in-laws are not coming forward to help her. Her own parents are no more. After selling all her ornaments and belongings, she spent Rs 1 lakh on her husband%u2019s treatment.
"I arranged this money somehow. But now doctors say we need three-four lakhs more. I don%u2019t have any other belongings to sell except for my five-year-old son. I am ready to sell myself too," she told TOI. "The patient is improving, but we can%u2019t say how much time he would take to recover completely. It may take a month or much more than that," said Dr Ashwani.
RE:Request to Rediff editorial staff
by Ashish Kumar on Oct 03, 2007 11:16 AM Permalink
This news appeared in Times of India and hopefully rediff will do its part as a responsible media player and help the family to come out of this crisis.
Or rather, H D Kumaraswamy's refusal to hand over power. It is the implemenation of the Bangalore Mysore Infra Corridor (BMIC) project, which envisages a parallel (to the State Highway) expressway beween Blr and Mysore and 5 newly built modern cities along the BMIC expressway. Ashok Kheny, a US based entrepreneur won th global tender,a nd has implemented part of the project, but Gowda and Sons are putting legal obstacles after obstacles (which have been rejected by SC time and again)in Kheny's path. This project runs through the heart of the Vokkaliga "kingdom" -- the community to which Gowda belongs to, and he feels that his support base will be hindered as Vokkaliga farmers in the area are eager to be part of the project by giving up their lands due to excellent compensation and diminishing returns (and irrigation sources after the Cauvery verdict) from agriculture. Vokkaligas turning their backs on JD (S) after moving up the economic value chain is a nightmare for the Gowda establishment.
RE:The real reason for the Karnataka stalemate
by on Oct 03, 2007 12:08 PM Permalink
Everyone know & I personaly feel that personaly feel that, ITS A BIG SHAME TO OUR COUNTRY THAT PERSON LIKE DEVEGOWDA BECAME THE PRIME MINISTER.I think LULUJI is much more better than DeveLouda & Kumarswamy.Kumarsway didnt do anything good to our state other than sleeping in villages.Conclusion is poles should happen again.Nomore Devegowda & sons.Until unless Devegowda is alive this BULSHIT politics will continue.
RE:RE:The real reason for the Karnataka stalemate
by on Oct 03, 2007 12:10 PM Permalink
Everyone know & I personaly feel that personaly feel that, ITS A BIG SHAME TO OUR COUNTRY THAT PERSON LIKE DEVEGOWDA BECAME THE PRIME MINISTER.I think LULUJI is much more better than DeveLouda & Kumarswamy.Kumarsway didnt do anything good to our state other than sleeping in villages.Conclusion is poles should happen again.Nomore Devegowda & sons.Until unless Devegowda is alive this BULSHIT politics will continue.
I expected this backstabbing when BJP went for an agreement with JDS. What could you expect more of JDS whos supremo and its idiotic sons who think they have done a lot for this state by gimmicking grama vastavya, janata darshan etc... These are the people who don't know whats a promise is and we are fools to handover the administration to them. Look at these guys statements and u feel like slapping them on the face. The numero uno A H Mr. DeveGlowda should stop playing games with people and better allow his sons to prove their worth rather then promoting them with all his antics.
I think yediyurappa should go to kumarswamy during janata darshan which he conducts every saturday in bangalore.He would definetley then give the cm post to yedyurappa? why dont you give a try
I happened to see our son-of-the-soil, down-to-earth, most humble farmer in the flight from Delhi last week. He was the last to board with his flunkies. In Blr, the newswires were reporting that he rushed back angrily to Bangalore to advise his greedy billionaire son, however seeing his on-air flirtations with the voluptuous, middle aged yet sexy senior air hostess, I was amazed at his shamelessness and relaxed, casual, canny attitude. I guess they served him Raggi Mudhae and Sambar too.
Who the hell take care of basic necessity like Infrastructure, electricity, water and mainly drainage system...
It is really scrap. Please wake up and fight for your needs.
Enough of this shit people, Elect someone who is willing to work for his state and his people. Don%u2019t support someone who is making and working for himself and his family
I am a humble man here; I can%u2019t do anything except making a general request here.