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Request to Rediff editorial staff
by Ashish Kumar on Oct 03, 2007 10:34 AM

I read a story on helpless lady who is striving to save her husband and her family. I would request rediff to put article so that people contrbuting generously and iam sure this act of rediff will be appreciated by many readers and specially the family.

LUDHIANA: Within a fortnight of a poverty-stricken widow from Hisar putting up her daughters for adoption through a newspaper advertisement, a 34-year-old woman %u2014 in a desperate attempt to save her ailing husband %u2014 decided to put her five-year-old son and herself on sale here.

Harsh Sharma married Bhupinder, who worked with a property dealer, eight years back. On August 28, as he was going to his house on Tharike road with his friend Yograj, their car collided with Ferozepur Express when they were crossing an unmanned railway crossing near Vikas Nagar.

Yograj died on the spot while Bhupinder has been unconscious since then. Since they married against the wishes of their parents, Harsh%u2019s in-laws are not coming forward to help her. Her own parents are no more. After selling all her ornaments and belongings, she spent Rs 1 lakh on her husband%u2019s treatment.

"I arranged this money somehow. But now doctors say we need three-four lakhs more. I don%u2019t have any other belongings to sell except for my five-year-old son. I am ready to sell myself too," she told TOI. "The patient is improving, but we can%u2019t say how much time he would take to recover completely. It may take a month or much more than that," said Dr Ashwani.

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