RE:coalition and bjp
by A Singh on Oct 03, 2007 12:48 PM Permalink
Great intelligence Boss. How did you find this out? During their tenure at the Centre, BJP was out to prove themselves more secular than the LEFT. Your discovery about them now, is a revelation
RE:coalition and bjp
by rajesh on Oct 03, 2007 01:08 PM Permalink
Mohammed Rahul : If its really so, how come Muslims are still alive and flourishing in India ?.
Power is like a peace of cake to these hungry politicians. This can only be expected in an uncivilized society like India where citizens are just mute spectators. JDS, BJP or Congress are not different in that matter. When will such a party come in India, which stands for ideology than power, Development of the country than corruption, secularism and non violnce than Bandh, Hartals or pseudo secularism...One thing is sure..I will never vote in an election in India till the time I cud find a ideal political party....Probably i wont be able 2 vote in my life time..I am not proud of being an Indian cauz of this corrupt system
RE:Uncivilized India
by rajesh on Oct 03, 2007 12:45 PM Permalink
Talaivar : A Nation is represented by its people. You, me and others make it what it is.. Don't crib and hurl abuses.. its like spitting on our own faces. I agree, we have plenty of problems in India . But, if good guys like you do not vote or enter politics, we can only see worse days ahead. This country is too precious and dear to all of us to leave it to thugs and traitors to ruin further...
let us kick devegowda and his family out if karnataka .. somedays back he has public statement as " if i get PUNARGANMA i will born in muslim community " as a muslim i am telling to Mr. Dirty gowda if it happens i will kick him out of our comminity . we don't want such a dirty person in our community.
does devegowda born for muslim ?? i pray god let devegowda born in muslim countries in future
RE:gr8 devegowda
by rajesh on Oct 03, 2007 12:52 PM Permalink
Brother Mohamad : You are right. Deve Gowda has been fooling the Muslims for quite some time - On the one hand he says he wants to reborn as a Muslim - if he so keen and has the love for Muslims, why not he gets converted to Islam now itself ?. Deve Gowda is a slimy, venomous character never tired of longing for power and swindling money. The good thing is that people of Karnataka are not so dumb as Tamils who blindly believe and follow en masse their leaders. Karnataka voters have realised the real agenda of the corrupt gowda family and its evident in the results of elections.
is there a way to sue these politicians who are cheating the general public with everybody's knowledge. puting the whole state into a crisis. Can supreme court intervene and stop this nonsense.
1. In the constitution or the Indian Law should have the law stating the power share is made mandatory after the specified duration as stated mutually 2. The Chief ministerial candidate or the Prime minister candidate should be declared before the elections and none other than the guy selected should be made a PM or CM. 3. What frivolous constitution are we talking about? We think of some body X would be the Prime Minister while it takes a complete turn after the elections. A PM these days is explicitly selected on the grace of the Party President. 4. **Most important one is the casting of the votes through ATM, BANK, E-mail etc; No question of attending the electoral booth for there is no safety or security for the citizens and the pilferage rate is very high 5. The basic problem of the entire process is the citizen like I and you. We favor a particular part based upon our caste, creed and favoritism and selfishness. We caste our votes for may be personal gains or self ego. We, the educated guys need to move the Supreme Court about the casting of the votes through emails even so that the pilferage is reduced and the % of casting increases. 6. Be serious guys! Let us all join together to file for the amendment as we are being sucked with Income taxes, Sales taxes for every damn thing you purchase, Service tax, educational cess etc; Where the hell is this money going. 7. We do not require any more part which apes the same corrupted practices; we are really fed up of
JD(S) under the leadership of Kumaraswamy has done commendable job in Karnataka. He is really the best candidate as CM for Karnataka.
The people of Karnataka should realise that if BJP comes to power all the development works in state will come to halt. They will start some violence in the name of RAM, making Hindus fight against Muslims & Christians. Among Hindus, they will start to bring MANU theory and bring all Bhataji's at the highest posts. It is really scary to think of BJP in power because instead of peace & prosperity, they continually try to incite people to kill each other, spread hatred and pour poison in the society. These Brahmins who have grouped under the names of BJP, RSS, VHP, Bajrangi's etc, need to be kept at arms length. Otherwise the day will be not far when the earlier days of MANU's theory with Brahmin dominance will be implemented.
RE:Congress should support JD(S)
by Kumar Ramananda on Oct 03, 2007 12:32 PM Permalink
Amol, By your message, you sound racist. By saying this I am not supporting BJP, but I pity this world where racist like you still in abundance, whose talks are nothing but hatred for now atlast brahmins (are you a dalit by any chance?)
RE:Congress should support JD(S)
by Amol on Oct 03, 2007 01:25 PM Permalink
Why are you bothered about my caste ? This attitude itself shows who the racist is ? You people want to know the caste of others before you talk to them.
by Sudheendra BM on Oct 03, 2007 12:31 PM Permalink
Rahul, Are you sick? Devegowda is a desease for Karnataka, sooner he dies is better for the state. Matter is simple, 20 -20 formaula is agreed earlier & has to be honoured be it BJP ir Congress or any other party.
by Saint on Oct 03, 2007 12:30 PM Permalink
No. You are absolutely wrong. How? Here is the answer. 1. If BJP is communal, then why JD(S) shared power with it? Why did it make agreement with it? 2. Gowda & Co. were hungry for power. One astrologer 20 months back advised Mr. junior Gowda to grab CM post as this was the perfect time to do so. Else his drem will never be fulfilled. 3. In common practice, both parties must adhere to the agreemnt signed by them. Gowda should step down as CM as per the agreement. Instead of this, he plotted one trick after another to retain his power. This implies he is a power hungry, shrewd, unfaithful dirty politician.
I read a story on helpless lady who is striving to save her husband and her family. I would request rediff to put article so that people contrbuting generously and iam sure this act of rediff will be appreciated by many readers and specially the family.
LUDHIANA: Within a fortnight of a poverty-stricken widow from Hisar putting up her daughters for adoption through a newspaper advertisement, a 34-year-old woman %u2014 in a desperate attempt to save her ailing husband %u2014 decided to put her five-year-old son and herself on sale here.
Harsh Sharma married Bhupinder, who worked with a property dealer, eight years back. On August 28, as he was going to his house on Tharike road with his friend Yograj, their car collided with Ferozepur Express when they were crossing an unmanned railway crossing near Vikas Nagar.
Yograj died on the spot while Bhupinder has been unconscious since then. Since they married against the wishes of their parents, Harsh%u2019s in-laws are not coming forward to help her. Her own parents are no more. After selling all her ornaments and belongings, she spent Rs 1 lakh on her husband%u2019s treatment.
"I arranged this money somehow. But now doctors say we need three-four lakhs more. I don%u2019t have any other belongings to sell except for my five-year-old son. I am ready to sell myself too," she told TOI. "The patient is improving, but we can%u2019t say how much time he would take to recover completely. It may take a month or much more than that," said Dr Ashwani.
RE:RE:Request to Rediff editorial
by zahed khan on Oct 03, 2007 12:26 PM Permalink
pls rediff put article on cover page plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
RE:Request to Rediff editorial
by Ashish Kumar on Oct 03, 2007 12:32 PM Permalink
You know khan, we discuss on trival topics, on which we donot have control, we very well know these politicians are going to ruin the country and its economy. But atleast we all can come forward to bring forward these social issues and use the media for betterment. These websites and print media will be bound to bring these issues forward if we all are willing to help the needy people.
RE:RE:RE:Request to Rediff editorial
by Ashish Kumar on Oct 03, 2007 12:33 PM Permalink
You know khan, we discuss on trival topics, on which we donot have control, we very well know these politicians are going to ruin the country and its economy. But atleast we all can come forward to bring forward these social issues and use the media for betterment. These websites and print media will be bound to bring these issues forward if we all are willing to help the needy people.