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Some serious amendments in the constitution
by Rajendra Yammanuru on Oct 03, 2007 12:28 PM

1.      In the constitution or the Indian Law should have the law stating the power share is made mandatory after the specified duration as stated mutually
2.      The Chief ministerial candidate or the Prime minister candidate should be declared before the elections and none other than the guy selected should be made a PM or CM.
3.      What frivolous constitution are we talking about? We think of some body X would be the Prime Minister while it takes a complete turn after the elections. A PM these days is explicitly selected on the grace of the Party President.
4.      **Most important one is the casting of the votes through ATM, BANK, E-mail etc; No question of attending the electoral booth for there is no safety or security for the citizens and the pilferage rate is very high
5.      The basic problem of the entire process is the citizen like I and you. We favor a particular part based upon our caste, creed and favoritism and selfishness. We caste our votes for may be personal gains or self ego. We, the educated guys need to move the Supreme Court about the casting of the votes through emails even so that the pilferage is reduced and the % of casting increases.
6.      Be serious guys! Let us all join together to file for the amendment as we are being sucked with Income taxes, Sales taxes for every damn thing you purchase, Service tax, educational cess etc; Where the hell is this money going.
7.      We do not require any more part which apes the same corrupted practices; we are really fed up of

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