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the name says it all
by Prabhu on Nov 26, 2007 05:14 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


Kar = Do
nataka = drama

Karnataka = do drama

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RE:the name says it all
by navin kumar on Nov 26, 2007 05:16 PM  Permalink
don talk trash

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RE:the name says it all
by Gautam Sinha on Nov 26, 2007 05:16 PM  Permalink
just like your name prabhu means the source of truth and all knowing!!

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liar gowda
by Kulamani Dash on Nov 26, 2007 05:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

gowda is dhritarastra, his sons are like kaurabas. The coming election in karnataka will be a mahabharata war, where the evils like gowdas will be perished politicaly

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RE:liar gowda
by Gautam Sinha on Nov 26, 2007 05:16 PM  Permalink
I hope they dont try to write any more Gita's

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Philosophical Message to Deve Gowda
by Annaswamy Srinivas on Nov 26, 2007 05:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am remainded of a great himalayan saint talking to his pupil. He said " Don't ever think rounding temples, taking baths in varous rivers (ganga, Yamuna, Cauvery etc) will wash off your sins . No philosophy will accept that .
What you sow , you will reap . It may take you numerous re-births even to come to this stage again . So avoid commiting sins ".

If you see Deve Gowda, is rounding temples day in , day out with out realising god is within .
All these black magic , tantra will doom a person , who intiates .

Deve gowda thinks he can outwit his opponents . Can he outwit God ? .
It is better for him to stop committing more sins and spend rest of his life in development rather than on destruction .

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RE:Philosophical Message to Deve Gowda
by Gautam Sinha on Nov 26, 2007 05:18 PM  Permalink
Does he need to compete with God for the LA?
I think not. These wordly matters do not need any philosophy. Just principle less strategy

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RE:Philosophical Message to Deve Gowda
by prakash on Nov 26, 2007 05:39 PM  Permalink
Does Gouda practice black magic ? Oh my God. If Lulu Prasad comes to know about this he will become a permanent Bhakta of this Karnataka Tao.

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IS there one who still believe old Deve Gowda and his son?
by RAJENDRA ARI on Nov 26, 2007 05:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

IS there one who still believe old Deve Gowda and his son?

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RE:IS there one who still believe old Deve Gowda and his son?
by Prakash Gowda on Nov 26, 2007 05:12 PM  Permalink
I do

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RE:IS there one who still believe old Deve Gowda and his son?
by Mrityunjaykumar Gupta on Nov 26, 2007 05:19 PM  Permalink
Leave Prakash Gowda. He is a chamcha. Anyone else?

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RE:IS there one who still believe old Deve Gowda and his son?
by M Moily on Nov 26, 2007 05:22 PM  Permalink
I am with him

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RE:IS there one who still believe old Deve Gowda and his son?
by Manjunath Gowda on Nov 26, 2007 05:23 PM  Permalink
I am also with you Prakash

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RE:IS there one who still believe old Deve Gowda and his son?
by prakash on Nov 26, 2007 05:42 PM  Permalink
Rabri Devi from Patna said, 'hum bhi hoon. Maa Baap bachhon ko nehi dekhega to koun dekhega, paroshi ?'

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RE:IS there one who still believe old Deve Gowda and his son?
by zubera khan on Nov 26, 2007 05:32 PM  Permalink
i am alos with Devegowda. Great leader of karnataka

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RE:IS there one who still believe old Deve Gowda and his son?
by Gautam Sinha on Nov 26, 2007 05:18 PM  Permalink
we now pronounce you .... lol

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Dev Gowda
by ashok kumar on Nov 26, 2007 05:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

After being a secular you and your son, why you were form the government with BJP. If BJP is communal party. Today all political leaders are cheater and not only they are cheating the public but also the political parties and their leaders. What happen to these leaders. Why they are running on the way of morality. Why they are cheating. What face they will show the God after death. What they would carry to the heaven after heath.

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RE:Dev Gowda
by Gautam Sinha on Nov 26, 2007 05:22 PM  Permalink
you have really high hopes of them reaching heaven - 'heaven after (d)heath' I think the world knows politics and morality dont go together. There is an old saying - Politics makes strange bedfellows.

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Dev egauda interest
by rishi sanuj on Nov 26, 2007 05:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Earlier his sleep drown counrtry,
Now its time to Kanrnatka......

They are only proudly, lalchy....

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RE:Dev egauda interest
by prakash on Nov 26, 2007 05:44 PM  Permalink
Let Pakistan take Gouda as beloved President. You Karnataka will be saved.

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Deve Gowda
by suresh TG on Nov 26, 2007 05:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Whole India knows what he is.....Let us not waste our time by reading this.His answers are allmost expected now he is started to talk like a last bench school boy!!!!!!

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RE:Deve Gowda
by prakash on Nov 26, 2007 05:47 PM  Permalink
Budhha Tao ko chor do yaar. Chatan lagana hain to uska beton ko pakro. Unhonehi samajdar baap ko bebakuf bana diya.

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We are all with you
by Prakash Gowda on Nov 26, 2007 05:08 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Do not be afraid. We are with you. After elections both Congress & BJP will fall at your feet to form govt. You will have the last laugh.

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RE:We are all with you
by ashok kumar on Nov 26, 2007 05:17 PM  Permalink
Mr. Prakash I want to know that when Your GOWDA and their son were fought last election,where were you. Why they could not full majority. Why they got third position in Assembly. In next election what you and your people can do. What capacity you have now.

Your Gowda will loose in next election, whatever strength they have now.

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RE:We are all with you
by Prakash Gowda on Nov 26, 2007 05:18 PM  Permalink
I am not talking of majority. We will win 15-25 seats and be a king maker

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RE:We are all with you
by M Moily on Nov 26, 2007 05:20 PM  Permalink
Prakash what you are saying is correct. Time will tell.

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RE:We are all with you
by roopesh kumar on Nov 26, 2007 05:12 PM  Permalink
ayyo gowd mundedhe...:-)

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RE:We are all with you
by swamy on Nov 26, 2007 05:38 PM  Permalink
ha ha ha ..man that was too much

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RE:We are all with you
by dhanraj dhanu on Nov 26, 2007 05:14 PM  Permalink
Forget about last laugh. He made all Gowdas as loughabale substance and on and on and on

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RE:We are all with you
by raj on Nov 26, 2007 05:18 PM  Permalink
he is sme paki hindig behind gowda name

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RE:We are all with you
by Girish Gowda on Nov 26, 2007 05:20 PM  Permalink
Prakash,i feel sad for your state of mind ...

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Gowdas have won the great Karnataka tamasha challenge
by santosh patil on Nov 26, 2007 05:08 PM  Permalink 

Gowdas have won the great Karnataka tamasha challenge

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Deva Gowda is a buffoon
by Nisha Ganesh on Nov 26, 2007 05:08 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This guy is a moron, a political buffoon of the highest order & a rank opportunist. It is a shame to see a person like him dictating the state of affairs in a politically enlightened state like karnataka. God only knows what would have been the fate of this country if he had been allowed to continue as Prime Minister for some more time. I am sure this guy will be wiped out of the political map of Karnataka once & for all, in the elections to follow.

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RE:Deva Gowda is a buffoon
by trikarn on Nov 26, 2007 05:24 PM  Permalink
some wishful thinking this, nisha, u see the leaders chosen by our people!
lalloo prasad yadava

tarun gogoi......well at least gowda is in some company?

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