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Philosophical Message to Deve Gowda
by Annaswamy Srinivas on Nov 26, 2007 05:13 PM

I am remainded of a great himalayan saint talking to his pupil. He said " Don't ever think rounding temples, taking baths in varous rivers (ganga, Yamuna, Cauvery etc) will wash off your sins . No philosophy will accept that .
What you sow , you will reap . It may take you numerous re-births even to come to this stage again . So avoid commiting sins ".

If you see Deve Gowda, is rounding temples day in , day out with out realising god is within .
All these black magic , tantra will doom a person , who intiates .

Deve gowda thinks he can outwit his opponents . Can he outwit God ? .
It is better for him to stop committing more sins and spend rest of his life in development rather than on destruction .

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'My opponents want to create a tamasha'