Guys, a new name is being added to the list of the persons ditched by this G(L)owda. N.Cheluvarayaswamy, the former Transport mininter in the govt of Kumaraswamy is preparing to join BJP due to the harrasment from Deve Gowda. Cheluvarayaswamy was groing as one of the prominent leader of Vokkaliga community which could not be tolerated by DG, who now started seeing him as a threat to the political careers of his sons. God only know how many people are still there to be used & thrown by this devil Gowda.
RE:N Cheluvaraya Swamy joining BJP
by Shree on Nov 26, 2007 06:26 PM Permalink
karanataka faces problems from maharastra tamilnad and delhi. solution is streanthen any regional pary for this only jd S is left all others are finished by this so calld national parties who do not show the courage to fight for karnataka because they are afraid of their high commands. the karnataka MPs of national parties dont even rise any issuse of karnataka in the parliment. if they do then their high commands based in delhi will take good care of them.
Main problems faced by karnataka cavery issue belgaavi (center dint even allow rename) kannada ( classical language whear as tamil is though both are eqally same heritage) railways >>> mangalore - bangalore suffers mysore -bangalore double track suffers and many more issues related to devlopment and aid by center where karnataka gets raw deal.
Who should fight for injustice by center to karnataka. MPS AND MLAS
RE:RE:N Cheluvaraya Swamy joining BJP
by ashish singh on Nov 26, 2007 10:27 PM Permalink
This is not true. See for e.g Maharastra & Gujrat, both are ruled by National Parties , check the development there. Regional or National PArty does not matter , but what matters is to vote people like DG or not. The problems that u mentioned are not solved because State Government is not intrested in solving those problems. What is required is good peole in Policts.
Media please stop doing this. dont give somuch importance & limelight to these politicians, who does not add any values to our society.
I read a article in the news paper today about a person who stopped a train disaster which was about to happen yesturday... I would have felt more happy if you have interviewed and published his interview along with his photo who saved more than 1500 lives... He is the real son of the soil....
RE:Please stop this........
by Pabbajp on Nov 26, 2007 07:13 PM Permalink
Rediff always try to blame BJP and lift the opponents (who ever it may be) of BJP, instead of this if rediff gives news as your suggestion it would good journalism and goood for the nation.
What some Politician think that they are above law ,above Political wisdom. They take citizen of their respective state for granted. They think that people will follow them blindly come what may. They forget that the real power lies with the people of this country
Media please stop doing this. dont give somuch importance & limelight to these politicians, who doesnot add any values to our society.
I read a article today about a person who stopped a train disaster which was about to happen yesturday... I would have felt more happy if you have interviewed and published his interview along with his photo who save more than 1500 lives... He is the real son of the soil....
karanataka faces problems from maharastra tamilnad and delhi. solution is streanthen any regional pary for this only jd S is left all others are finished by this so calld national parties who do not show the courage to fight for karnataka because they are afraid of high commang. the MPs of national parties dont even rise any issuse of karnataka in the parliment. if they do then their high commands based in delhi will take good care of them.
Main problems faced by karnataka cavery issue belgaavi (center dint even allow rename) kannada ( classical language whear as tamil is though both are eqally same heritage) railways >>> mangalore - bangalore suffers mysore -bangalore double track suffers and many more issues related to devlopment and aid by center where karnataka gets raw deal.
Who should fight for injustice by center. MPS AND MLAS
I think the immense damage done to Karnataka politics by Sri Deva Gowda will take a long long time to heal. The people of this state are very angry and waiting to vent their anger at the hustings.
just wait. what happened to Indira Gandhi after the emergency... the same plight awaits JD(S) now...
RE:God save Karnataka
by Shree on Nov 26, 2007 06:23 PM Permalink
karanataka faces problems from maharastra tamilnad and delhi. solution is streanthen any regional pary for this only jd S is left all others are finished by this so calld national parties who do not show the courage to fight for karnataka because they are afraid of their high commands. the karnataka MPs of national parties dont even rise any issuse of karnataka in the parliment. if they do then their high commands based in delhi will take good care of them.
Main problems faced by karnataka cavery issue belgaavi (center dint even allow rename) kannada ( classical language whear as tamil is though both are eqally same heritage) railways >>> mangalore - bangalore suffers mysore -bangalore double track suffers and many more issues related to devlopment and aid by center where karnataka gets raw deal.
Who should fight for injustice by center to karnataka. MPS AND MLAS
What sort of interview is this? Every one knows how crooked and cunning Deve gowda is and still the interviewer does not ask any questions on back. Deve gowda is robbing this state and is a bane to the development of Karnataka. I only wish that he takes retirement from politics soon to save this state and also save the quality of politics. All the political problems that this state has faced since early 80s is because of him and him only.
Deve gowda will see in the next assembly elections how people of karnataka are going to teach him a lesson, which he will remember all his life. He party will be wiped out from karnatka for good.
Now Gowda is a very happy man so much that in kannada they say 'hotte tumba halu kudidnate' after masterminding the political drama in the state. He has brought bad name to the people of karnataka who generally are peace loving people. Hope kannadigas dont spare him in the coming elections.
RE:Thamasha by rediff
by frankopenion on Nov 26, 2007 06:16 PM Permalink
Are you from Karnataka? Are you a supporter of this G(L)owda? Then no wonder rediff had removed your postings. Simply because, postings from a person who is Mentally retarded & needs an urgent medical attention will not be posted here.