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RE:N Cheluvaraya Swamy joining BJP
by Shree on Nov 26, 2007 06:26 PM

karanataka faces problems from maharastra tamilnad and delhi.
solution is streanthen any regional pary for this only jd S is left all others are finished by this so calld national parties who do not show the courage to fight for karnataka because they are afraid of their high commands.
the karnataka MPs of national parties dont even rise any issuse of karnataka in the parliment. if they do then their high commands based in delhi will take good care of them.

Main problems faced by karnataka
cavery issue
belgaavi (center dint even allow rename)
kannada ( classical language whear as tamil is though both are eqally same heritage)
railways >>>
mangalore - bangalore suffers
mysore -bangalore double track suffers
and many more issues related to devlopment and aid by center where karnataka gets raw deal.

Who should fight for injustice by center to karnataka.

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'My opponents want to create a tamasha'