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no politician is honest, period.......
by ankur on Nov 19, 2007 10:47 AM  Permalink 

these politicians can just not be trusted, they are the corrupted scum of the society. I wonder how people leve decisons on them. without referendum, there is no validity of any international deal. commies or saffronites, all need to be fckd

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by Aftab on Nov 17, 2007 09:37 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

well the opinion is so divided that I feel scared of writing my views on this issue.

If the country has to develop then the new factories will come up. The fcatories will not come in air or on mountains. For this we need land and the logistics.

Nandigram is a typical example where so much of life has been lost despite the fact that the intention of Sri Budh deb Bhattacharya was to make the West Bengal industrially developed so that it can creat employment and higher revenue that could be ploughed back for other development. The idea was certainly pious and I fully support the CM on his stand to acquire land for industrial growth.

Who will be benifitted by the industrialsation is known to all but despite that there was intellectuals rally in Kolkatta opposing the stand of government has baffled me.

I think the people of Bengal are wise and will support the CM and ignore mercurial leader like Mamta Banerjee who most of the time remains clueless and does not provide an alternative solution and Sri L K Advani who reached Nandigram and want to make it an issue in parliament.

If acquiring land for industrial growth is a sin , then Mr Advani should advise the Chief Minister of BJP ruled state to not acquire agriculture land for industrial purpose.
Even if he will advise, no chief minister of his party will listen to him.

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by kraft on Nov 17, 2007 10:07 AM  Permalink
i totally support your views Aftab. The only problem is the LEFT Parties are the least qualified to usher in Industrialisation in Bengal [having destroyed it for the past 40 Years]. In fact the Politicak Destruction of the LEFT is a pre-requisite for the good of this country. The UNEMPLOYED Left "Leaders" like Karat and Yechury,Bardhan and BASU should be booted out of Television cameras and the Politics of this NATION.

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by kraft on Nov 17, 2007 09:47 AM  Permalink
Aftab, You are right in your approach. All sensible people will support your views. But the point is West bengal has been fed on a diet of Militant Tradeunionism [to throw out the Industries!] for the past 40 Years by the same people who now pretend to be "Developers" of Industry! Will the people believe in it? Buddhdev may have good intentions, but he heads a party which is nothing but a conglomoration of Tradeunion Leaders who have done nothing constructive in the past 40 years. And their unemployed "Leaders" sitting in Delhi talk a different Language. Under these conditions Mamata has taken on the role of the Old Commies to prevent any Industrial Growth in Bengal! Also the Stalinist approach of Buddha in Nandigram is opposed even by the so
called "Left Intellectuals" who have played no mean role in making Bengal RED and making it one of the most backward State in the country!

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by XBox on Nov 17, 2007 09:08 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Now more than India US negotiations, Congress Communists negotiations amasing me.
I dont know whether congress purposefully triggerd right point and solved this.

After nandigram, congress had a right weapon.
so cummunist defintely want to save their govt in westbengal. so its right time for congress to press right button. automatically national security or this and that reasons will go air for these cummunist bz above all they simply want power right.

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by kraft on Nov 17, 2007 09:17 AM  Permalink
The Commies are anti-democratic[Stalinist] as well as Antinational, whereas the Congress Party [basically a Party for EUnuchs] is farcically Democratic, more Dynastic and will not do Antinational things AS long as the Nation tolerates the Leadership of the Nehru Dynasty!! What a Choice we have!!! The greatest Joke is the Commies calling BJP
"Communal" and "Fascist"! I think "Stalinists"
are the most HORRIBLE people on Earth because they are known to have killed 4 times the people killed by Hitler!!

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by Aftab on Nov 17, 2007 09:24 AM  Permalink
I do not know about your knowledge of world history.

Both the world war and the recent Iraq and Afghanistan war in which the number of people that have been killed is astronmically high were not started by the communist.

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by kraft on Nov 17, 2007 09:31 AM  Permalink
Aftab, I have avery good knowledge about World History [2000 years] as well as contemporary. For your info, Communism died all over the World in 1990 except for the Talkative Oldies from KOLKATTA and Trivandrum
[living in their fools' Paradise]. In 77 Years
of its existence Communism has killed more people than Fascism and Hitler together could do. Of course Islamic Terror for over 1000 Years has always been the biggest Killer in History.

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RE:Basic Question
by kraft on Nov 17, 2007 09:22 AM  Permalink
You are right Arya, our country's greatest Drag Force is the Left which is also Antinational. but Democracies tolerate anything on the Earth. Of course it is sickening to see the foolish faces of the Crowd of Shit from Kolkatta [average age 85?] on Television everyday mouthing meaningless phrases.

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RE:Basic Question
by Very Amused on Nov 17, 2007 08:43 AM  Permalink
You are right....you are indeed ingnorant !! Very !! :):)

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Give & Take.
by Vinod More on Nov 17, 2007 08:13 AM  Permalink 

This is nothing but the result of firing from the Central Government. In case Left sticks to the stand of opposing N-deal, centre would call off the Left Headed Government from WBengal based on Nandigram Crisis. That is why they are showing soft stand over N-deal, just to save State Govt. Nobody is really insisting on Country's interest although trying to show that.

Poor PM. He is the only one who had put all his credibility on stake for these non-sense peoples. Hope our PM now would get some relief from these people. We all should have sympathy for our PM who is having all will to do something for the country but unable to do so just because central govt is 'Money in the hands of Madaris (left & UPA allies)'

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Hypocrisy of Left leaders unveiled again
by Lopesh Desai on Nov 17, 2007 08:12 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The smiling, happy faces of the CPM leader Sitaram Yechury and CPI leaders D Raja and Gurudas Dasgupta at the press conference in New Delhi on Thursday revealed the hypocrisy of the Left leaders. Faces are mirrors that reflect the innermost feelings.They were like a bunch of happy go-lucky youngsters on a picnic. It is like Nero fiddling away while Rome burned. We read of cyclone devastating West Bengal and thousands of people have been evacuated, the blood soaked Nandigram and its poor people have no clue yet of the future. All this does not seem to bother the Left leaders. What strange logic they have found when they differentiate violence and killing of Gujarat and Nandigram. The former was State sponsored (according to them) and who sponsored the latter? There is no justification for the violence by the CPM party%u2019s cadre, aided by the State against the people of Nandigram.
Even the common people are worried and saddened by the events and the blood shed in W.Bengal-but not these leaders.

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RE:Hypocrisy of Left leaders unveiled again
by Very Amused on Nov 17, 2007 08:45 AM  Permalink
I think the title of Modern day Nero is reserved...It has been awarded to Modi...by the supreme court no less !!! :P:P

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RE:Hypocrisy of Left leaders unveiled again
by Vinod More on Nov 17, 2007 08:16 AM  Permalink
100% true dear. But you are expecting something wrong. These leaders were not having anything for people anytime. They were always had ideas to retain the power by any means. Now since by softning the stand over N-deal, the power at West Bengal can be retained, they were that happy.

Coming to Gujrat, Communist are equally communal to BJP and Congress is the leader of communalism but they are able to show that they are different.

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Left gives green signal
by balkrish on Nov 17, 2007 08:07 AM  Permalink 

Left has no other option but agrees to the N- deal as they cannot face election which is sucidal to left parties as they cannot get numbers as they having today to dictate any ruling colition after electuon.Having the privilage of teaching politics to UPA parteners who are all mostly headless chickens,and also looked after well and treated as first rank VIPs by UPA,the left does not want to sacrifice these luxuraries which they cannot get again after election. Sitting between the devil and deep sea these left parties prefer to sacrifice their policies than facing election.Hence there is no surprise to left parties who have no other option but surrender to N-deal which is dictated by USA through IAEA.

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N-deal: Left gives green signal for talks with IAEA
by my message on Nov 17, 2007 08:05 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is just simple and plain double speak and hypocracy of the Left. What made them change their minds so fast? Was it the visit of Sonia Gandhi to China and activation of the Left's main switch there???? or was it any other benefit??? or was it a trade off for Nandigram??? May be a combination of all these!!!!!

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RE:N-deal: Left gives green signal for talks with IAEA
by Vinod More on Nov 17, 2007 08:18 AM  Permalink
Ya, it was a MILE SUR MERA TUMHARA, TO SUR BANE HAMARA effect, but very bad for country's future.

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UPA excusing you because of N-deal but People will never forgive
by sunil swain on Nov 17, 2007 07:25 AM  Permalink 

Hello shame on CPI-M.You killed thousand people and argued with congress that not to disclose this.If you disclose this we will not go for N-deal.If you don't disclose we will progrss.

Communist party murdabad.People will never ever forgive you.

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