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by kraft on Nov 17, 2007 09:47 AM

Aftab, You are right in your approach. All sensible people will support your views. But the point is West bengal has been fed on a diet of Militant Tradeunionism [to throw out the Industries!] for the past 40 Years by the same people who now pretend to be "Developers" of Industry! Will the people believe in it? Buddhdev may have good intentions, but he heads a party which is nothing but a conglomoration of Tradeunion Leaders who have done nothing constructive in the past 40 years. And their unemployed "Leaders" sitting in Delhi talk a different Language. Under these conditions Mamata has taken on the role of the Old Commies to prevent any Industrial Growth in Bengal! Also the Stalinist approach of Buddha in Nandigram is opposed even by the so
called "Left Intellectuals" who have played no mean role in making Bengal RED and making it one of the most backward State in the country!

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Left gives green signal for IAEA talks