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RE:Gaanmaarni hai Haraami RSS, shiv sena suvvar ke Bachonki
by tali on Nov 04, 2007 08:55 PM  Permalink
you moron!!!
If it is not for RSS , hindus would have never felt as one community.
you and your family would have been put to sword or forced to convert

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RE:RE:Gaanmaarni hai Haraami RSS, shiv sena suvvar ke Bachonki
by Hazrat Maulana Jameel Ahmed Ilyasi on Nov 04, 2007 09:01 PM  Permalink
Yes You are right lankat.. stick bats in muslims and allah's behind..

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RE:RSS and Shiv Sena rats must be eradicated
by Vasanth Srinivas on Nov 04, 2007 10:55 PM  Permalink
.... and your a$$ will be blown by a mullah who will be enjoying with 72 virgins in heaven.
Bull $hit.
You mullahs are not advised to have kafirs name as per your allah.

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RE:RSS and Shiv Sena rats must be eradicated
by tali on Nov 04, 2007 08:49 PM  Permalink
you moron!!!
If it is not for RSS , hindus would have never felt as one community.
you and your family would have been put to sword or forced to convert

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by veerapan on Nov 04, 2007 08:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


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by Suresh R on Nov 04, 2007 08:44 PM  Permalink

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by veerapan on Nov 04, 2007 08:47 PM  Permalink
Thank you Suresh Bhai....

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can we sue ppl on this forum??
by on Nov 04, 2007 08:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Can ppl be sued and taken to court for quotes on Rediff...

Thackeray etc were taken to court for fomenting communal hatred...

Can any indian lawyer who loves peace respond...

I can finance the case against all hindus and muslims on this forum who are posting hatred and violence in words...

These are the root cause of all the pain in this world.
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RE:can we sue ppl on this forum??
by RajaBabu on Nov 05, 2007 12:02 AM  Permalink
Yes we can sue people who come here with wrong names or NO NAME ATALL LIKE U !!

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RE:can we sue ppl on this forum??
by Surag Singh on Nov 04, 2007 08:42 PM  Permalink
Technically they can but it is a tough ask. Also this is a moderated board so one has the choice of reporting abuse. What if the guy is somewhere in Paksitan? How will you extradiate him? Best is to ignore.

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Divide Pak..
by Raz on Nov 04, 2007 08:35 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Strategically, I think Pakistan should be divided into 3 parts. Sindh and Balochaistan should become one country (this will give max benifit to India). Pakistan Panjab should be another country and remaing parts should become part of Afganistan or create a new country called "Pushtonistan".

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RE:Divide Pak..
by Loan Shark on Nov 05, 2007 04:59 AM  Permalink
Two parts along the north south ... eastern pak is still ok ... they are moderates ... most people there want to come of the terror hole (be born again ... LOL)

Balochistan and NWFP and FATA are badly screwed.

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pakistan & hindus
by lancer on Nov 04, 2007 08:33 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

At the time of indenpendence there were 30% of hindus in pakistan,most of them were either killed or converted to islam.Even today if pakistan had 10% hindus they would have made pakistan heaven to live in.only a hindu mind n hindu religion can deal with world and understand its complexity, no islamic country can deal with foreign countries properly since islam is political process rather than a religion.If any muslim is reading this post, tell me the difference between islam and a political party like congress,bjp,DMK who say we r the only one who can bring development as islam say allah is the sole god n muhammed is the last prophete.The crux of development is democracy and equal treament of all religions which islam does not allow.islam is a medival concept it needs a change .Now muslims have to think what to do with islam either modernize it or perish choice is with muslims.

jai hind.
jai hindu.

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RE:pakistan & hindus
by sman luv on Nov 04, 2007 08:37 PM  Permalink
whatever, now pakistani shoudl bever compare pakistan with India.. see the ecomony, the literacy, the peace.....

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RE:RE:pakistan & hindus
by tali on Nov 04, 2007 08:37 PM  Permalink
Islam is alread dead as a religion.
Through out human history, muslims were always humiliated because of Islam.
They should convert to Hinduism to become human beings again

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RE:pakistan & hindus
by Bhakar Chatopadyaya on Nov 04, 2007 11:30 PM  Permalink
this tali is a foolish hintutva !

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RE:pakistan & hindus
by Mark roy on Nov 05, 2007 06:14 AM  Permalink
Talii ...Islam is Still Practise by many people and is on # 2 in the world.....as for hinduism is only practise by Indian Hindu people.....ur limited thinker..

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RE:pakistan & hindus
by Mark roy on Nov 05, 2007 02:21 AM  Permalink
Talli ...if pakistan conditon is worse doesnt mean Islam is dead....yyou barking Dog...Islam is practice by many countries where as Hindism is practise by namrrow minded people who are BORN only in INDIA.

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RE:pakistan & hindus
by Business Analyst Jai on Nov 04, 2007 08:41 PM  Permalink
World is changing so fast that only hindu religion which is open to growth,peace, and individual development will be there for ever. Any where you impose your thoughts the people or religion were cursed by the suppressed humans. Hitler death was the curse, he killed so many jews, no one can survive for long with this kind of thoughts.
We love all, We love you too...you are good to us we give our life, you are acting smart we tear you into pieces that strong is a hindu deep inside. dont try to test us, Love peace Love human. We are humans first religion next.
Grow up guys Live life...

jai hind
jai hindu.

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RE:pakistan & hindus
by tali on Nov 04, 2007 08:44 PM  Permalink
yes.If they play with Hindus, we will repeat Gujarat.

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RE:RE:pakistan & hindus
by Bhakar Chatopadyaya on Nov 04, 2007 11:31 PM  Permalink
what if america repeats gujarat on the hindutvas living there?

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RE:pakistan & hindus
by Mark roy on Nov 05, 2007 06:07 AM  Permalink
Tali..that not a big deal what u did in Gujrat.....Hindism doesnt say so kill people like that or other religion,,,,and as a human being 10 people hit to 1 person then u know who will Die.....i am not from Gujrat nor i have any sympathy to any Gujju...i am just sayin that fact

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Pak should be divided into 3 parts
by Raz on Nov 04, 2007 08:26 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Strategically, I think Pakistan should be divided into 3 parts. Sindh and Balochaistan should become one country (this will give max benifit to India). Pakistan Panjab should be another country and remaing parts should become part of Afganistan or create a new country called "Pushtonistan".

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RE:Pak should be divided into 3 parts
by Hazrat Maulana Jameel Ahmed Ilyasi on Nov 04, 2007 08:48 PM  Permalink
Dekho Dekho.. Kate Ln main Aag Lagi.. hahahahahahahahahahahaha.... Mahakavi jollydoss ki Gn fati..

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