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pakistan & hindus
by lancer on Nov 04, 2007 08:33 PM

At the time of indenpendence there were 30% of hindus in pakistan,most of them were either killed or converted to islam.Even today if pakistan had 10% hindus they would have made pakistan heaven to live in.only a hindu mind n hindu religion can deal with world and understand its complexity, no islamic country can deal with foreign countries properly since islam is political process rather than a religion.If any muslim is reading this post, tell me the difference between islam and a political party like congress,bjp,DMK who say we r the only one who can bring development as islam say allah is the sole god n muhammed is the last prophete.The crux of development is democracy and equal treament of all religions which islam does not allow.islam is a medival concept it needs a change .Now muslims have to think what to do with islam either modernize it or perish choice is with muslims.

jai hind.
jai hindu.

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Mood sombre in Pak