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RE:Pakistan is created by Islamic terrorism
by Mac on Nov 05, 2007 01:18 AM  Permalink
Excude Me Hindu Polulation is 80.8% in India, with Muslims being 13.4%, Christians being 4% Sikhs 244% and Remaining Other's.

Hindu Fertoility rate-2,5 Kids per Woman, Muslims Fertility Rate is 3.06 per Woman, Christians Fertility rate is 2.8 per woman.

So Muslims will Never Cross More than 18% in India, Coz i Hindu's 40% are Sc's and ST's Whose Fertility rate is 5.04 per Woman.

If Muslims Cross 16% I think India will Split Again, coz Muslims Dont Like to Live in Ohter Religion COuntries.

Look At All Islamic Countries they are All Small States.

Even Pakistan will Now Break into Baluchistan, Pashtun, Sunni and Shia Countries.

This is Bound to Happen, India Will ALso Split, Bcoz Muslims Dont Like Living Under Other Religions People.

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RE:RE:Time to get back the pak occupied kashmir
by rushi on Nov 05, 2007 01:18 AM  Permalink
pata nahi kyu bar bar moderator sahab mera message iggy kar rahe hain yaar...

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Times have changed indeed...
by manjunath naik on Nov 05, 2007 12:28 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Pakistan needs to embrace democracy at any cost. Military establishment is a tough nut to crack in Pakistan as its survival is at stake if democracy sets in. Their military is too large for its demographic size which has been the brunt of all problems which have surfaced there repetitively. Due to India being a large neighbor, the military establishment has become a goliath there. The only way out for Pakistan is to have a democratic setup at the earliest, build excellent relationship with all its neighbors, have a peace pact with India, put their military back into its barracks and work on an excellent future along with all its neighbors. The entire International community along with India, Bangladesh, China, Srilanka, Iran and Afghanistan has to help Pakistani people to be free. To a large extent we are from the same stock and any downward trend there will have serious repercussions all over. Hope and wish things cool down there at the earliest and better sense prevails with the Military establishment there.

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RE:Times have changed indeed...
by Gandhi on Nov 05, 2007 01:36 AM  Permalink
Pakistan is on verge of few more partitions. As it is poised now its not able to stand its own weight. The only way to protect itself and return to prosperity is to clence itself of all that jihadi mentality, and learn to be constructive and merge back with India.

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RE:Make Modi PM and Vote BJP to power!
by Aaryan on Nov 05, 2007 12:53 AM  Permalink
Well said lets bring bjp to power first...be patriotic.

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Conflicting report by rediff
by Loan Shark on Nov 05, 2007 12:14 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Just yesterday rediff quoted a former Indian Intelligence guy as saying that imposition of emergency was with consent of western powers. Now rediff reports in this news that Western powers are questioning Musharaff's judgement on imposing emergency and moving from democracy to dictatorship.

I think that former Intelligence guy that rediff quoted is an unintelligent guy ... good that he is former and not a current operative of RAW/IB or whatever branch of CIA equivalent they have in India.

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RE:Conflicting report by rediff
by Ajay on Nov 05, 2007 06:23 AM  Permalink
What west says publicly is not necessarily what they agree with you privately. All public discourses are part of tamasha that politicians all over the world indulge in to fool the ever gullible public. In US for example, they continuously fool their own public. They aren't fighting a war on terror as they say publicly. They actually want to expand their empire, tame the unrul countries, check-mate Chinese and Europens and secure oil and set a new global mechanism to tap markets or create markets for their corporate friends linked closely to the ruling elite. If I were a President and I had to do same thing taht politicians do today, what difference does it make if a city is totally destroyed, it gives me an excuse to further my agenda by providing me a reason to attck some more countries. What good are those 5000 nuclear bombs. I am running short of soldiers anyways.

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musharraf Not worth all the discussion
by subhash sirur on Nov 05, 2007 12:04 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

A man devoid of any principles at all.Devoid of respect for his word.Devoid of culture,if at all it exists in his country,not that it exists in our Indian political class.After all,we are from the same gene.Indian politicians shout at the top of their voices,that India is a democracy,which is far from truth,as is.The poor have no voice.Their votes are purchased,Their votes are forcibly indented.Take the case os Mumbai.We will convert Mumbai into Shanghai.What does it mean?Throw all the poor out of their homes,displace them from their livelihood and handover the property to the builders,goons and the politicians.SRA schemes is the biggest scam going with the help of the state govt.The Maharashra Govt,the delhi Govt is for the rich,by the rich,for the political class and their 'tattoos',which includes the IAS and other wings of the babudom.Those in the IAS cadre who dare to be honest ,are shunted to nondescrepit postings.This happend to a wellknown and honest IAS officer, who took on the MNC,whose close friend Mr.Shrad Pawar had him transferred immediately about a decade back.Anarchy is not too far away in India.Those responsible for theis situation have so much money in the banks outside India,that they are least bothered what happens to India and it's poor.At least Musharraf,shows his stripes openly.Our politicians hdo not havve the spunk to show theirs.May be Only Narendra Modi is made of the stuff to carry India forward.Only ,he has to prove that he did not commit the crime

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RE:musharraf Not worth all the discussion
by jxl ch on Nov 05, 2007 12:27 AM  Permalink
and yet u wrote a whole page of crap for him....

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by rushi on Nov 05, 2007 01:13 AM  Permalink

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I have sympathy for Pakistan !
by nandu rajurikar on Nov 04, 2007 11:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

A democratic & politically stable Pakistan is in the best interest of India & as Indians we must be concerned about what has happened in Pakistan.

Indian Govt & public must respond in a way that will bolster the democratic elements in Pakistan.

Everytime Pakistan comes close to democracy, the expectations are destroyed by army. There are millions of people in Pakistan who want democracy. They need support & sympathy from other democratic nations.

When we Indians were slaves under Britan, the Americans, like good democrates, supported our demand for independance.

When South Africa was under Apartheid tyrany, all democracies including India supported Mandela's dreams.

As a good neighbour & as an interested party, India must sympathize for Pakistan & support its democratic elements.

I sympathize for the Pakistanis whose expectations are crushed under military shoes !

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RE:I have sympathy for Pakistan !
by Nandagopal KCS on Nov 05, 2007 12:25 AM  Permalink
Nandu Rajurikar,

You seem to have sympathies for wrong things.

Earlier i have seen that you sympathised with rioting muslims, evangelising christians.

Your loyalty towards the Indian and Bharathiya culture is questionable.

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RE:I have sympathy for Pakistan !
by Om Shanti Om on Nov 05, 2007 12:32 AM  Permalink
get lost u chaddi rss muppet ur eyes will always look at sensible things in a twisted way..thats what ur whole clan is all abt..i mean the chaddi rss and bjp clan.

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RE:I have sympathy for Pakistan !
by rushi on Nov 05, 2007 12:57 AM  Permalink
Emergency pakistan mein lagi hai.... Aur aag yaha pe lagi hai.. lage raho bhaio.. ladte raho...

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RE:I have sympathy for Pakistan !
by K K on Nov 05, 2007 12:36 AM  Permalink
What are you? A muslim terrorist?

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RE:I have sympathy for Pakistan !
by K RAGHU on Nov 05, 2007 12:06 AM  Permalink
Well said

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Two wrong do not make right
by Jital Patel on Nov 04, 2007 11:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Here BJP supporters are claiming that nobody in media care about hindues in Kashmir. I agree that the muslim extremists have killed hindues in Kashmir, but that donot give us any right to kill innocent Indian muslims. Modi like leader & Osama are the two sides of the same coin.

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RE:Two wrong do not make right
by APU APU on Nov 05, 2007 01:01 AM  Permalink
Narendra Modi is an intelligent politician. Some people are envious of him.

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RE:RE:Two wrong do not make right
by rushi on Nov 05, 2007 05:57 AM  Permalink
hahahahahahahaha ammar...

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RE:Two wrong do not make right
by Crisp on Nov 05, 2007 12:06 AM  Permalink
Why you people all the time harp the same string time and agian that Hindus were killed in Kashmir. This is hoax and there is no reality in it. Can you name anyone, it is infact greatness of Kashmiri Muslims who perform the last rites of old hindus who die of natural causes and were left alone by their progeny to die. It is irony that few incidents of dozen hindu killings which still remain a mystery for want of proof and no one talks equally of Kahmiri Muslims who were also masscred by unknown gunmen or soemtime by Hindus and military

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RE:Two wrong do not make right
by K K on Nov 05, 2007 12:39 AM  Permalink
Enough Hindus have been killed in Kashmir. Only supporters of terrorists think it is ok to slaughter Hindus. So don't bring your crap here. Take it to Pakistan and live there.

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