A man devoid of any principles at all.Devoid of respect for his word.Devoid of culture,if at all it exists in his country,not that it exists in our Indian political class.After all,we are from the same gene.Indian politicians shout at the top of their voices,that India is a democracy,which is far from truth,as is.The poor have no voice.Their votes are purchased,Their votes are forcibly indented.Take the case os Mumbai.We will convert Mumbai into Shanghai.What does it mean?Throw all the poor out of their homes,displace them from their livelihood and handover the property to the builders,goons and the politicians.SRA schemes is the biggest scam going with the help of the state govt.The Maharashra Govt,the delhi Govt is for the rich,by the rich,for the political class and their 'tattoos',which includes the IAS and other wings of the babudom.Those in the IAS cadre who dare to be honest ,are shunted to nondescrepit postings.This happend to a wellknown and honest IAS officer, who took on the MNC,whose close friend Mr.Shrad Pawar had him transferred immediately about a decade back.Anarchy is not too far away in India.Those responsible for theis situation have so much money in the banks outside India,that they are least bothered what happens to India and it's poor.At least Musharraf,shows his stripes openly.Our politicians hdo not havve the spunk to show theirs.May be Only Narendra Modi is made of the stuff to carry India forward.Only ,he has to prove that he did not commit the crime