the convicts whether they be charged with petty corruption should be hanged till death. small corruption which led to death of few hundred people cannot be judged to be punishabvle for a few years. This is where indian constitution and judiciary fails. People will be encouraged to do corruption. Especially consider people on hate mission, 10 years is just nothing for them they will do same crime 4 times and enjoy the jail term. These people are antinationals they create mayhem and get away legally.
All those officals who misued the position and helped tiger in the landing of the deadly explosives should have been hanged...cause they are traitors and are indirectly responsable for the loss of so many innocent lives in the blasts. Whoever helps a sinner is also a sinner. Had they not helped in the explosives landings the blasts would not have taken place. I only hope and pray that all those who planted the bombs get death sentence by being beheaded in public.This will serve as a warning to all terrorists who target innocent lives.
Itis very interesting to read the above article.It is as per the Indian constitution and its judiciary took 14 years to go through all the evidents and to reach conculusion that who are all involved directly or indirectly in the 1993 Bombay blast. It is quite natural that those who are all involved in direct will get more punishment than the person involved in indirect activities in the planed blast.
If the wife of Ehsaan Quereshi is worried about her and daughter's future aged 14 years, then what about the family members of others who lost their husband, father, mother and other relatives who lost their life due to the riots. Why her husband brought a pistol to safe guard the family. If he is straightforward person what is the necessity to purchase a pistol?. There are crores of family in India who do not have any weapon to safe guard their life.
Hence it is a very clear case that the pistol is supplied by some body and for their act of riots and he must have got money. Why She has not objected and monitored the movement of her husband. Now crying and worried about herself and daughter is of no use. She got married is 1992 and the blast took place in 1993 and her daughter is now aged 14 years. See the data how it happened. Mrs Firadaus Jahan Quereshi should answer of this.Kindly do not blame the judiciary of Indian who are the only machinary to porotect the Indian the interest of citizen than the politicians who are crazy for power and support all illegal activities for their vote banks. JAI HIND
RE:1993 Bombay Riots
by jonson k on May 30, 2007 12:10 PM Permalink
This is not differnt. You can expect the same treatment form our so called justice system. Being poor are tortured while the strong ones roam freely. What about those who demolished Mosque and killed , burnt thousands of innocnent muslims in the riots . Y not a single day punishment to them. Forget about punishment , these people have not been registered as well.
In our country there is one law for poor / muslims / innocent and other law for celebrities/ politicals / powerful people.
If we really need to safeguard the secular nature of our country that these sort of open/hidden injustice in the name of justice should be stopped...
RE:1993 Bombay Riots
by Vas on May 30, 2007 04:28 PM Permalink
Stop trying to make the muslims seem like victims. It is true that the poor criminals tend to pay the price while the rich, wealthy and politically well connected criminals roam freely in the country and continue to engage freely in terroristi activities. There are countless muslim terrorists within India, with powerful political connections in India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia that walk around freely within the country and continue to mastermind terrorist blasts everywhere in the world. There are many muslim tgerrorists that liberally cross the border into India from Paskitan and Bangladesh, with the blessings of the present UPA government. Nothing is being done about that. Many of the Indian muslims who colloborate with terrorists have taken sanctuary in countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Yet, the small-fry gets the jail sentence. Its like putting the petty street drug dealer into jail, while letting the powerful drug barons go scot free.
RE:1993 Bombay Riots
by jonson k on May 30, 2007 05:40 PM Permalink
Terrorists have no religion whehter Hindu or muslims/ Christians. But the truth is not hidden any more.. Let us accept the fact that poor muslims and christians and dalits are victimised. Fake encounters of Gujarat are an example. If the investigating agencies are truthful they will find thousands of such examples in gujarat/ maharashtra and other places. Blasts at Nanded/ burning/beating of missioaries and other places by Hindu terrorist outfits are well known. But they are still roaming freely, Availability of made-up muslim caps / beards by members of hindu organization the investigating agencies throws light on the conspiracy some hindu outfits are into.
If we as country men need to establish justice our judiciary must be fair enough and save the secular nature of this country from such anti national elements.
RE:1993 Bombay Riots
by Ramesh Jatav on May 30, 2007 09:32 PM Permalink
Sohrabbudeen was a crimiinal,had killed many a police personnel.Deadly weapons rifles were found with him.If he has been killed even if in fake encounter, hell has been let loose by Seculars sitting in Parliament,not allowing parliament to run.When these people kill Fauji or military personnel or police personnel,no Hulla gulla or noise is made and no hell is let loose.No parliament is adjourned as no anguish is shown by these 'patriotic' MPs and Jonson K.They treat military personnel and police personnel as paid slaves,sons of other mothers,worthy of being killed by terrorists.But no terrorist should be killed by any one by taking extra initiative. So what if Sohrabuddin was killed.After all he had killed so many people.You know there was terrorism on the peak in Punjab and police personnel were helpless.Terrorists had even started killing relatives of policemen.But once policemen also started killing their brothers and sisters,all was quiet on terrorists' front.Terrorism vanished.Otherwise courts needed proofs and even lives of judges were in danger.See what the sister of Daud Ibrahim doing in India-Mumbai.She is terror in her area and doing all illigal things.How can you gather or collect proofs against her.Everyone knows she is doing all nonsense taking her strength from the mere name of Daud Ibrahim.If tomorrow she is killed by police all the Seculars will get togethers and cry like crows to bring the administration to halt,will not allow parliament to run.Instead of
RE:1993 Bombay Riots
by Raju Srivastav on May 29, 2007 10:48 PM Permalink
"the judiciary full of corrupt uppercaste judges" add this too to you machinary to protect interests of Indian citizen.
RE:1993 Bombay Riots
by I Parihar on May 29, 2007 11:15 PM Permalink
Mohan Vylal... I think you are trying to compare apples to oranges. I see nothing different in what Ehsaan Qureshi did and what Sanjay Dutt did. Both deserve the same punishment. But the law is such Sanjay will walk free while poor Ehsaan will rot in jail, much to the delight of crazy people like yourself.
RE:1993 Bombay Riots
by Dragon Cares on May 30, 2007 06:23 AM Permalink
Well said. In reality, not all are same in the eyes of LAWS & RULES in India. If a person is very wealthy and with strong connection with all politicians/Government officials, LAWS & RULES will bow to him/her and allow him/her to do anything, even upto the extend of murdering people in the daylight infront of everybody and still fly away without a single punishment; and also allow the person to evade from paying all the taxes. And the same LAWS & RULES will punish the poor / innocent citizens even for a small mistakes done unknowningly; will throw away all his/her properties to the street for a simple reaon of him/her not paying the tax in time. India has two set of LAWS & RULES, one for wealthy/shrewed persons & politicians and other for poor/innocent citizens. This is the Democrazy in India. Long Live India's Democrazy!!!!!