Itis very interesting to read the above article.It is as per the Indian constitution and its judiciary took 14 years to go through all the evidents and to reach conculusion that who are all involved directly or indirectly in the 1993 Bombay blast. It is quite natural that those who are all involved in direct will get more punishment than the person involved in indirect activities in the planed blast.
If the wife of Ehsaan Quereshi is worried about her and daughter's future aged 14 years, then what about the family members of others who lost their husband, father, mother and other relatives who lost their life due to the riots. Why her husband brought a pistol to safe guard the family. If he is straightforward person what is the necessity to purchase a pistol?. There are crores of family in India who do not have any weapon to safe guard their life.
Hence it is a very clear case that the pistol is supplied by some body and for their act of riots and he must have got money. Why She has not objected and monitored the movement of her husband. Now crying and worried about herself and daughter is of no use. She got married is 1992 and the blast took place in 1993 and her daughter is now aged 14 years. See the data how it happened. Mrs Firadaus Jahan Quereshi should answer of this.Kindly do not blame the judiciary of Indian who are the only machinary to porotect the Indian the interest of citizen than the politicians who are crazy for power and support all illegal activities for their vote banks. JAI HIND