The UP voters have given an unprecedented mandate in favour of Maya to become CM. Her strategy to bring major forward communities to the fold of BSP has worked out. Till date no political party in India has given preference to Brahmin community which Maya has.The intellect can be used by her for a good governence.
RE:Mayawati as CM of UP
by on May 14, 2007 10:46 AM Permalink
Brahmins thought and thought and finally decided to seek the protection of Dalits. And as a Dalit and also a woman Mayawati extended her helping hand -on the condition that they will remain as the servants and followers of Dalits. What Mayawati did was perfectly in accordance with Ambedkarism - as applied to vote politics.
by bibek jos on May 14, 2007 11:26 AM Permalink
God may covert your hatefilled heart. Try to do at least 1/100 of what the Isailog are doing for the poor. Remember nearly 300 million Indians are living in poor condition.
BJP MP Maneka Gandhi wrote a letter to L.K. Advani to ask the Gujarat and Maharashtra party units to call off their campaign against artists whose works they do not like.
"We offend the entire cultural and thinking world" when an artist of the stature of M.F. Husain is forced into self-exile as a result of "continuous and unwarranted harassment" at the hands of activists of the party and the VHP.
She pointed out that Mr. Husain had been virtually hounded out of India %u2013forced to shuttle between London and Dubai %u2013 while he should be living here and the country should have a museum displaying his works, instead of protesters considering which one of his paintings should be destroyed. He had done more than anyone else to bring Indian art to international notice. "It is a matter of disgrace to India that Shri Husain should be sitting in Dubai because of our persecution."
She also said that recently two students of the Fine Arts Faculty of M.S. University in Vadodara were arrested in Gujarat as some VHP and BJP activists claimed that their paintings, which were part of a private college project, hurt their sentiments. The activists attacked and damaged the paintings.
She said she had written to the Gujarat Chief Minister and Home Minister several times on the continued slaughter of cows in the State. "Gujarat is the State where the maximum number of cows have been going for slaughter,"
RE:Still their is a ray of hope.
by sanghmitra on May 14, 2007 10:31 AM Permalink
Jaanwar ko cheddi pehnake ek picture draw kartato menakaji M.F.Huisain se naraz hotata.
RE:Still their is a ray of hope.
by Abdullah Saikh on May 14, 2007 10:39 AM Permalink
I am an Artist should u giv a nude pose for my oainting "Shanghmitra"???
RE:Still their is a ray of hope.
by Surya Kanishka on May 14, 2007 11:24 AM Permalink
Have you finished painting nudies of your MOM, Aunties, Sisters and Bhabies ? If yes then please send them to us we analyse your capabilities if we find you are good, then we will ask Sanghamitra to help you dude. Dont worry we will take care of you.
RE:Still their is a ray of hope.
by Ravindra Patil on May 14, 2007 10:44 AM Permalink
Every body will accept Manekas argument, when M. F. Hussain will draw such paintings on M. Paigambar and his wife
RE:Still their is a ray of hope.
by sunil s on May 14, 2007 11:24 AM Permalink
May be that white pig headed bugger is sitting in dubai and drawing a painting of dawood. Beware of this ba.tard. If ever he comes back to india make sure he is hit by chappals, rotten eggs & tomatoes and his white pig head is all smeared with black sh..t
SC/ST/BCs being the original inhabitants of India are not Hindu and never Hindu. When we are not Hindu but victims of Hinduism then why fear and worship Hindu gods? Is it not our foolishness?
A question is asked: %u201CAdmitted we are not Hindu, then what religion we should follow and worship which god?%u201D Babasaheb has answered this question also. All the original inhabitants of India, particularly the Dalits, who are the leaders of Indian revolution, have their own indigenous religion and their own deities%u2014most of them female. We have forgotten them under Brahminical influence.
The educated among the Dalits should have taken up the task of reminding these warnings of Babasaheb and saving our people from the jaws of Brahminism. There also we failed. And this all-round failure has made the slaves enjoy their slavery. And brought us to this living hell. We are stuck.
RE:we are not Hindu
by Indian on May 14, 2007 11:24 AM Permalink
Oh Dear! You are so messed up in your mind! Continuing ur logic, no christian is a christian and no muslim is a muslim, no budhist is a budhist b'cos there was some other order before all these religions came and all the followers today are converts! So stop being blindly enslaved to the Western/Christian propaganda about the caste system in India. Wake up, if you are a Dalit and really want to know - then all the great rishis like Valmiki who authored the Vedas and our great texts like the Ramayana through the ages were not brahmins, nor are Hindu Gods whom we pray every day. In Hindu way of life, every creature has a place, let alone a fellow human. Santana Dharma is the only and true dharma, learn more about it to remove the darkness that is in your heart today. But if u are a christian then ur probably brain washed and can't tolerate ur Indian brothers - so please emigrate out. And if ur a Muslim, please go to Iraq and blow urself up. Either way u'll do us a ton of service by not spreading ur venom.
RE:we are not Hindu
by Surya Kanishka on May 14, 2007 11:11 AM Permalink
R U sure that these were the original inhabitants of India ??? Then why they are racially different fro one another ? Who is lord Shiva ? he was also the god of the Orginal inhabitants but why is the god of the Vedic people.
If they were not Hindus, What were they ? christians !
Do you think that your Babasaheb knows everything ??? I dont think so ??Which Indian revolution you are talking about ?? We all know that your Baba Saheb was an opportunist when the whole Indian was fighting for Independence he was bargaining for concessions from the British. Can you give us one instance of your Baba Saheb Fighting for Independence. He was in the hands of the British and was used as tool to dilute the Indian Freedom Struggle.
Which jaws of Brahmanism your talking ?? The beggars of the present day who are 75 % brahmins. Which Slavery you are talking ??
Keep this rotten mentality and ideology with ?? you people have made Opportunist a God for no reason. He definately doesnt deserve to be in that position. For you it may be right for me definately not. Please keep it in mind I am a OBC by Birth. But keep in mind these divisive policies will help those to gain by dividing people. We have to help those who are in need irrespecctive of any caste, creed, religion etc.
Dont try to stoke of things which are illusionery and are not true. Just think how many theories are there propounding the origin of the Aryans ? which one will you believe ? Keep thinking of this ??
RE:we are not Hindu
by ashok tiwari on May 14, 2007 11:04 AM Permalink
Mr ON, Do some thing worth while for the people u r trying to represent. Abusing Brahmins will not help. Doing positive for the flock u represent will. So get on with doing something concrete. Least u can do is to donate blood to a patient of your flock in the nearest hospital. If u have a large heart u can donate for any patient needing it. Brahmin have been known for renunciation.They are not Brahmin if they dont. Chanakya was a brahmin who helped Chandragupta Maurya to become a King. Satish Mishra has also done the same to Mayawati. Being a good human being is the answer. Dont spread hatred.
Firstly the development of the UP, without any caste, creed or religion, is must. Free education, employment without money, increase infrastructure and distribution system etc. Because you have got the vote from all category of poor people like Muslims, Upper caste and Lower caste etc.
If you aim to Centre, the fate will be the same ofthe 'would be Prime Minister like Sharat Pawar, Laloo Prasad Yadav and Mulayam Singh Yadav.
On the way of my travel, I have passed by a huge water tank. I was curiously enjoying my co-travellers' discussion about it. It was situated as a symbol of corruption. Some engineers under the rule of above 100-year old political party made it. At the inauguration of the water tank, it started to work as a fountain. Nobody tried to fill it again, because the safety of the people who residing nearby.
I have been thought a lot about it like:
* If a thing is made by futile, we have no usage. * If we think to use it, it will be a challenge. * If we think to damage it, it is a liability. * The best thing is to allow it to stand aright.
I am confident that with Mayawati at the helm of affairs in Uttar Pradesh with majority of her own, Uttar Pradesh would see progress which it has not seen for the last 60 years
We have almost succeeded in defeating Brahmins politically %u2014thanks to parliamentary democracy taking roots in our soil. Even in the Brahmana Jati Party (BJP)-ruled states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, Chhattisgarh there is no Brahmin Chief Minister. The BJP itself stands divided and virtually on a deathbed. And a veritable anti-Brahmin struggle is going on inside this pure Brahmin party. Does it mean it is a happy news that in India Brahminism indeed is dead and gone?
No. It only means that the Brahmins are losing political power. But before getting defeated, the Brahmins have seen to it that political power is no power %u2014 reduced to zero.
Those misquoting Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar saying %u201Cpolitical power is the master-key%u201D must tell us why even after Dalits got this %u201Cmaster-key%u201D in UP during Mayawati%u2019s regime four time they lost it?
RE:RE:Brahmins are losing political power
by Marvel on May 14, 2007 10:30 AM Permalink
Stupid by on,
You seem to be celebrating independence of dalits in UP. Know that Mayawati has come to power owing to 86 seats of Brahmins. She has learnt that power can be obtained by creating harmonious mix of castes. hence she has won on brahmin-dalit votes combined. Also CEC was instrumental in keeping the Goonda's raj of Maulayam at bay during the election.
Do not trumpet stupidly. Know the facts and post a message.
RE:Brahmins are losing political power
by jaishrikrishna yadav on May 14, 2007 12:57 PM Permalink
Baloni. Only 24 of these 86 really converted for BSP.
jaisa bo-ogey, vaisa bharo-gey. Though it has taken a long time for this UP result, it%u2019s worth the wait. Who do you think has been the ultimate beneficiary of the varnas since its origin? And what has been the population percentage of the beneficiary on such a long time line? The injustice has been of centuries my friend, let alone decades or years. One can only think and feel pity for those from UC who think they simply deserve the share better because they got what it takes. Bullshit. You can%u2019t wipe off history of centuries overnight and expect the cake on a plate, just coz you aint the only fellow in town to make and distribute the cake.
However, there will be challenges in this power equation. This marriage has been tried before by Mayawati (BJP BSP) and it did not work. It will only work this time to the extent that she will most likely complete the term due to 206 seats. But make no mistake; the road for her will be treacherous. She may be able to make the cake, but won%u2019t be able to fully enjoy it. Guaranteed.
RE:Brahmins are losing political power
by on May 14, 2007 10:37 AM Permalink
The Brahmins surrendered before Mayawati because they were alarmed by the awakening of Dalits and other Bahujan castes. The Brahmin surrender before Dalits is the direct result of "caste identity" and caste consolidation.
RE:Brahmins are losing political power
by on May 14, 2007 10:42 AM Permalink
Brahmins thought and thought and finally decided to seek the protection of Dalits. And as a Dalit and also a woman Mayawati extended her helping hand -on the condition that they will remain as the servants and followers of Dalits. What Mayawati did was perfectly in accordance with Ambedkarism - as applied to vote politics.
RE:RE:Brahmins are losing political power
by ashok tiwari on May 14, 2007 11:15 AM Permalink
Can u think beyond Brahmin and dalit. What ou constructive contribution u r making to the cause of Dalits? If Brahmins become servants of Dalits how does it help either the Dalits or the society or YOU Mr ON. Will you become Double ON or OFF. Ambedkarism is not to make Brahmin the servants of dalits but to have equality of all in the society. 'Jute Chaar' can get u 100 seats; but for majority u have to be take every one along with you. Mayawati has understood it and you havent Mr ON.
Mayavati is the only hope now to lead the Nation in the right direction. If she has to consolidate her position and sweep the next general elections to the Parliament to get absolute majority, she has to break the back of IAS and IPS who are considered to the most corrupt fellows in this country more so in U.P. It is to be remembered in this connection, sometime back, the junior and young IAS Officers in UP have prepared a list of most corrupt in IAS UP cadre and displayed in the website and no action has been taken against the corrupt due to lack of political will and courage. From my own experience, I can state with courage of convictions that only 5% of IAS are honest and upright Officers in this country and the rest join the Civil Services to amass wealth in cahoots with their political masters. The UPSC is also just like State Service Commissions like Maharashtra, Punjab, Haryana and Andhra Pradesh ill reputed for their blatant corruption.