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At the feet of Mayawati
by arun singh on May 14, 2007 11:30 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The Upper Caste ministers touching the feet of Mayawati in full public view is a truly historical event. This is a big blow to the very concept of upper caste superiority and domination. I am really proud of Mayawati.

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RE:At the feet of Mayawati
by mp haridasan on May 14, 2007 12:05 PM  Permalink
This is a bad culture and should not be encouraged. They shd have respect to CM, but should not stoop so low. When the elected representatives have the sense of self-respect?

MP Haridasan

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RE:At the feet of Mayawati
by Sameer Mehta on May 14, 2007 12:26 PM  Permalink

My friend - There is no such thing as DIRTY POLITICS. When you say POLITICS - It means SHIT and there is no such thing as good/nice SHIT.

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RE:At the feet of Mayawati
by kumar kumar on May 14, 2007 11:46 AM  Permalink
Politics my dear. It is not upper caste of lower caste. It depends on whose hands power is there. Each MLA who has been elected has his job to do. Then why go and touch this ladies feet as if they are her slaves. That is because she has made them MLAs and giving them power and chance to use that power for their personal use an make money.

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RE:RE:At the feet of Mayawati
by jawahar peter on May 14, 2007 11:59 AM  Permalink
this is the divine justice.by giving education to indian masses equality is being brought in india.thanks to BIBLE.

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RE:At the feet of Mayawati
by Harish on May 14, 2007 12:21 PM  Permalink

Jawahar Peter - GNKK

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RE:At the feet of Mayawati
by ankur tripathi on May 14, 2007 12:28 PM  Permalink
MLAs should touch feet of peole who elect them, if anything..
when i see such "proud" people then i wonder why they protest when lower caste people touch feet of upper caste people..what exactly was the injustice then?
that you were not given the chance to oppress and torture and humiliate your fellow human beings?
i shudder to think what you would have done to dalits if you were born in a so called "upper caste " family..
it is a shame

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RE:At the feet of Mayawati
by arun singh on May 14, 2007 01:27 PM  Permalink
The mindset of average Upper Caste Hindus do not recognize lower castes even equal to them leave apart being superior to them. Events like Upper Castes touching the feet of a Dalit woman are a clear blow to such mentality. It will help to do away with the myth of Upper Caste superiority. It is a step in the direction of ultimately establishing an egalitarian society. That is why it makes me feel proud.

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Give Mayawati a chance
by Ashok Gupta on May 14, 2007 11:28 AM  Permalink 

Lets give Maywati a chance she has inducted a new thought into her party and has won.It is time all castes and religions got to-gether and think of India's progress rather than themselves. It will tale a while but is a welcome change. She has a great opportunity to prove herself and must govern fairly and show to the country that it is possible without marginalising a section.
If she can peacefully resolve the Ayodhya issue and get the go ahead from the Muslim Community to go ahead with the temple construction it will be a great achievement and will set at peace the tussle and rift with the two communities. Is it wishful and impractical - then can anyone suggest a peaceful walternative ?

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Curse to UP & BIHAR
by sunil s on May 14, 2007 11:15 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Seeing the fight among themselves of yadavas in UP & Bihar I sometimes feel the story I was told about the curse in the epic Mahabharat is really true. "Bhagwan srikrishna was cursed by kunti that the yadavs will never stay in piece and harmony holding him responsible for all the killings during that war"

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RE:Curse to UP & BIHAR
by Krishnan Iyer on May 14, 2007 11:30 AM  Permalink
The Yadavas were also cursed by Yayati. Yayati's son Yadu (who was the progenator of the Yadava clan) was cursed by Yayati. As a result, the Yadavas have always faced a sorry fate - to this day.

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RE:Curse to UP & BIHAR
by anish mishra on May 14, 2007 11:49 AM  Permalink
ok.But where is that buffoon Arjun Singh?

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RE:Curse to UP & BIHAR
by ramachandran nair on May 14, 2007 12:31 PM  Permalink
it is not a matter where he (Amar Singh) is. during the last 15 years, with the support of mulayam, he has amassed wealth and siphoned to AB. He has become a hero from zero and king maker in political circle. Govt every tried to find out where this wealth has come from both in the case of amarsingh and mulayam singh. In any case, peopled are relieved, the gunda raj is no more. It is the turn of Mayavati to eliminate such gundas from the politial scene altogether. She is now the CM of UP and not a dalit leader and should behave accordingly. Do not waste money and energy to make further gardens in the name of ambedkar. Garden she can make, but they are named differently, otherwise by chance mulayam returns to power, such gardens are not taken care of.

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RE:Curse to UP & BIHAR
by naveen yadav on May 14, 2007 12:11 PM  Permalink
there is correction.. Krishna was not cursed by Kunti but by Gandhari. But the thing u r trying to say is evident in not only yadavs but also in other communities.

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RE:Curse to UP & BIHAR
by Manu Anand on May 14, 2007 11:17 AM  Permalink
Amazing recollection sir..

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This Event in UP will change India's Political Thinking
by Sukhjender Singh on May 14, 2007 11:15 AM  Permalink 

Mayawati is far ahead of her contemporaries in Indian Politics. She is first to notice the change in the Perception of Indian Janta. People are fed up of the caste & Religious politics. Throughout her election campaign she insisted on devlopment and lawlessness in UP. She shifted her bahujan samaj agenda to sarvajan samaj, and soon after she came to power she made it clear that her party will support any move by centre to bring in legislation for the development of economically weaker section, something which many youth organisation and even supreme court of India wants. What this UP election has done is that it will make all major politician to rethink their strategy. This is the time of Change and many of us will agree that we had enough of Quota raj. Lets see some real development for the real people/citizen of our beloved Motherland.
Three Cheers to the Change.. hope she does what she says..

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support the UP experiment
by sudheer mahajan on May 14, 2007 11:14 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

would the commie ,isi & congress sold out incestous traitor press have supported a person if he had shown a nude christian or muslim diety in a painting or even mentioned trheir name in a syort or cartoon we saw how the commie ,isi & congress sold out traitor press shamelessly behaved with regards to the danish cartoons all these bullies only understand the stick bigger the better we hindus keep quite that is why these bullies (commie ,isi & congress sold out traitor press ) keep needling us if the press treated the muslims like they treat us their presses would be burnt & they themselves would be running foe their lifes
What has happened in UP I am very proud that at last the upper caste hindus are supporting the dalits who other wise would become cannon fodder for the cristians & muslims
We all should support this experiment in UP Because this is the only way to preserve hindusism

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RE:support the UP experiment
by T a s i n on May 14, 2007 11:20 AM  Permalink
OK OK Ok...
first irrelevant to the topic here.. n second beta please learn some grammar b4 posting sometimes..
n yes i understand ur feelings abt paintings ..

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RE:support the UP experiment
by jay kumar on May 14, 2007 11:34 AM  Permalink
Your grammer sounds shocking to me as well. It would be better if you yourself improve your grammar first. B4 = before; n = and abt=about
I do not how you guys can afford computers in India when you do not know how to write proper english in a civilized way.

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Maya Magic to distract Taj Corridor proceedings?
by Gururaj S on May 14, 2007 11:08 AM  Permalink 

Will the new Cabinet Secretary, Sheshank Shekhar Singh, now help clean up the Taj Corridor Case? Will the Supreme Court allow Mayawati to escape so easily? It would be interesting to watch how her government will proceed in this case. At the same time, its clear, she will do everything to consolidate her votebank with gimmickry, she will keep Mulayam and co busy by engaging them in a number of cases (some genuine, some time consuming types!).

Maya raaj, Maya Jaal, sab gol maal!

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Wild Imagination
by raghu pathy on May 14, 2007 10:55 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Wild Imagination
by raghu pathy on May 14, 2007 10:48 AM | Hide replies

Just Imagine we if we have Mayawati as Prime Minister after A B Vajpayee, Dr. Moanmohan Singh..Sounds really absurd..The question here is not of being Dalit since in the world's largest democracy, evrybdy has a rite to lead the country if he or she has the credentials..Education bakground is one necessary pre requisite, though it can be contradicted by saying wat was Dr. MG Ramachandran..But look wat he has done to Tamil Nadu, look at his achievements..the quesion is here is not caste, not education, not grut, not detrminition, it is just the vison to serve the country in the most righteous manner. Let her be the PM, but she shud ask herself that does she knw Economics, does she knw wat is people's welfare, does she knw wat is India's vision for 2020..The most important thing is vison; the vision nt to occupy PM chair, but to a vision to hold one of the highest offices to et an opprtunity to save the country..Welcome to Delhi.Ms. Maya..the mission is on for u and I m sure there will be someone better than u to crush ur mission..

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RE:Wild Imagination
by hari kumar on May 14, 2007 12:32 PM  Permalink
Dear Raghupathy,
You are totally wrong. The foremost qualification for a leader is sincere to understand the subjects' problem in general at the very interest of the Motherland's integrity and the possible practical approch to set it with out prejudice or appeasement to any persons or institutions and once the true plan is clear execute it with firm determination. If time and situation demands use the entire state power and resources with great faith in truth!
...And as you boast about X, Y or Z I do not think that they too did anything not at the mass interest of the people. It was like collecting the resources of state by any means and distributing it at their own interest to be at the helm of power for ever!!.
But, the nature has its own unwritten laws and rules (say GOD's rule)where one has to submit oneself a day. Who qualifies to be remembered or admired/worshiped for long cannot be determind by a group(let it be profously established like POPE's)or group of countries. Many try to impose this superiority by inhuman means and deeeds and mass suffers a lot for centuries.
Again, why Vision for 2020 only? Why cannt for centuries? you are limiting your own progress giving it a time limit. Let the Vision pass on and practiced willfully with necesssary changes as and when required according to the running situations. Why should a PM to be graduated on a particular subject? You mean to say Economics is the platform qualification for a leader???
We have thousends of professional celibreties on deferent field and they can serve or assist the leader.
Thanks and bye...

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by on May 14, 2007 10:53 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

RSS - BJP ugly war reveals vaidik frustrations over failure to enslave Bahujans

The Brahmana Jati Party (BJP) is in deep trouble. Rejected by the people in the last parliament election, it is now being kicked by its own parent organisation, the Hindu nazi RSS, which vows to establish a Brahmin Raj in India. Not only that. The RSS has dubbed the Vaidik Vajpayee, the icon of the entire Brahminical Social Order (BSO), as corrupt, incompetent and a thorough failure as Prime Minister. What a shame. The Vajpayee name has become mud.

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Amar Singh Kahan pay chupe ho
by srinivas alwala on May 14, 2007 10:38 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Amar Singh (the tail of Amitab),kahan pay chupe ho, bolthi bandh ho gaya kya ????? shayad thum Aishwarya ka bed room may chupa hoga.Ab thumahar liye aur Amitabh ka family kay liye UP may entry bandh kiya huaa hai.UP ka bahu Jaya SP kay liye vote nahi dila paya.

Amar Singh abh thu Amitab ka ya Anil Ambani ka body gaurd banke rahena hoga ya tho salakon kay piche rahena hoga.

Amar Singh darpok kaika.............

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RE:Amar Singh Kahan pay chupe ho
by LAKHENDRA singh on May 14, 2007 11:09 AM  Permalink
Are chup we SC , r u thinking ur mayawati has became god. wo kisika kuchha nahin ukhar sakti....just wait 4 sometime , everytihing will start in opposite......

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RE:RE:Amar Singh Kahan pay chupe ho
by LAKHENDRA singh on May 14, 2007 11:15 AM  Permalink
ab kahain chup gaya....tu pahle bahar nikal..u Sc always be same....kya mayawati tughe khana khilane aa rahi hai kya...wo abhi bhi brahmin ki hi sunegi not all u Wast...SC

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RE:Amar Singh Kahan pay chupe ho
by jay kumar on May 14, 2007 11:39 AM  Permalink
Dear Lakhendra Singh
Please do not mind. The way you are writing and posting your messages on the net you look like a cockroch to me. My sincere advice to you is please creap back in your gutter whereever you come from. These website is for the use of intellectuals and educated people. Not for people like you who always think from their dick.
I am strictly against this caste system and you sounds to me a caste crazy monkey.
Please do not bother to write back as I do not want to waste my time to write you back.
Thanks for your patience.

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RE:Amar Singh Kahan pay chupe ho
by Maneesh Agrawal on May 14, 2007 11:25 AM  Permalink
Amar Singh itna bara chor hai ki kuch kaha nahi ja sakta.Mulayam aise hi chapluson se ghira hone ke karan sahi sthiti ko dekh hi nahi paya aur garhe me gir gaya.Amar Singh ka to mundan ka ke ghumana chahiye.

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Useless Politics
by sree on May 14, 2007 10:37 AM  Permalink 

Neither Mulayam nor Mayawathi can bring clean rule in UP or in India. They r selfish politicians.Her 5yr tenure will fly just like that with filing cases on mulayam and closeing cases on self. She will not find time to think about the state welfare and the development.

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