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This Event in UP will change India's Political Thinking
by Sukhjender Singh on May 14, 2007 11:15 AM

Mayawati is far ahead of her contemporaries in Indian Politics. She is first to notice the change in the Perception of Indian Janta. People are fed up of the caste & Religious politics. Throughout her election campaign she insisted on devlopment and lawlessness in UP. She shifted her bahujan samaj agenda to sarvajan samaj, and soon after she came to power she made it clear that her party will support any move by centre to bring in legislation for the development of economically weaker section, something which many youth organisation and even supreme court of India wants. What this UP election has done is that it will make all major politician to rethink their strategy. This is the time of Change and many of us will agree that we had enough of Quota raj. Lets see some real development for the real people/citizen of our beloved Motherland.
Three Cheers to the Change.. hope she does what she says..

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Mayawati's shake-up rattles UP