dear muslim terrorist ,you are fighting with indian army,they are your own hindu brothers,your ancesstors were hindus got converted to islam by force by arab rulers. so please be cautious with these arabs who teach you wrong things and make you to fight against your own brothers(indian army) please dont listen to these arabs
RE:muslim terrorist who fight indian army
by Ramesh P on May 08, 2007 03:15 AM Permalink http: //
dear muslim brothers stop lisening these arab people who teaches voilence. millions of hindus have been forcefully converted to islam.They were not having any option but to convert other wise they would die. all these attrocities have been done by thse arab kings in the name of jihad. Dear muslim brothers becare ful with these arabs
RE:stop lisening to arabs-dear indian muslims
by Ramesh P on May 08, 2007 03:15 AM Permalink http: //
RE:stop lisening to arabs-dear indian muslims
by ratnajayant jayant gudavally on May 07, 2007 06:09 PM Permalink
Invasions resulted in division among brothers of the same house. History will repeat, When both brothers kill each other invaders enter and enjoy.
Their philosophy is.... "I destroy your house and will build my house. If you can ..... try living in my house".
The Pakistan state is as much worried about a full scale war as we are! They are on economic disaster with only a handful of people balancing the country's economy. The NW Frontier Province (Afghan border) is in shambles, with small time tribes running the law like the old-wild west! Baluchistan, Sindh etc are baying for the Punjabi blood and they want to move out of the Pakistan system, while the army refuses to let go of power. The Chief Justice, has whipped up an anti-Musharraf frenzy in the country and is screaming for a true democracy and not a pseudo-democratic set up like today!
In this turmoil, we should recognise how frail the Pakistan state is and go for an all out war, without making it look like a war!! Get to these issues, like the Pakis do, and support and forment more trouble. Let the people of Pakistan also feel insecure about moving around freely on the streets! Let them realise that everytime they enter a public transport syteam, they could be in the vicinity of a bomb or a madman, toting an automatic in the garb of 'jihad'!! Let some innocent blood be spilt and let the Govt. feel the pain of their common people. There is full support from the Afghan Govt. since they are also suffereing at the hands of the Taliban hiding in Paki soil (as usual). So why hesitate, lets take the bull by the horns, and go out and give them a taste of their own medicine......I can assure you, if not totally eliminated, there will be definite drop in terrorist activity!
RE:We need to take this battle forward!
by Maverick on May 07, 2007 05:24 PM Permalink
Aren't they doing that to themselves already. Every other day there's some or the other bomb blast/ fidayeen attack out there. Reminds me the old saying. One who digs pit for others to fall in, falls in himself. Pakis are reaping what they have sown over decades, hatred and destruction. Since they are themselves pressing the self-destruct button, we should just watch the fireworks :)
To defeat terrorism, gadgets are not sufficient. It is essential for us to understand the true nature of Islam. It is nothing but a tool of Arab Imperlaism and Arab dominance. Prophet Muhammad was the greatest patriot born in any country's history. See what that noble son of Arabia has done for his country in Anwar Sheikh's words: "The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) tops all national heroes of the world in greatness, glory and grandeur.
We have heard the tales of Solomon's wisdom, which has done nothing to raise the stature of his nation; whatever, the Jews have achieved, they have done through their own efforts, and at a very high cost, indeed. But, so great has been sagacity of the Prophet Muhammad that, whereas other power-seekers resorted to coercion and bloodshed for controlling the destiny of foreign nations, he devised a self- perpetuating form of Arab Imperialism, which requires no swords, artillery or bombers. This majestic, marvellous and mighty Arabian instrument is called "Islam." In theory, it means "surrender to Allah" but in practice, it is a force of self-subjugation to the soil of Arabia and its cultural institutions!
Is it not amazing that a modern super power like the United States of America, despite showering billions of dollars in the world's depressed, deprived and derided people, cannot win their gratitude, but one thousand million Muslims of this planet, who mostly suffer from pangs of poverty, will save every penny to perform the annual Hajj ceremony, which has been the mainstay of the Saudi Arabian economy for centuries. This is appreciation of what the Prophet may do for them in the next world!
Even more amazing is the fact that the genius of the Prophet has made the Islamic Imperialism so baffling through a stunningly beautiful coat of reverence that nobody has ever dared fathom its depth. This is what gives it the mystique of heavenly success, splendour and superiority.
Islam has become the conqueror of hearts and minds of the depressed, the distracted and the decimated. It is really spectacular how, through a process of brainwashing, it acts as the tranquilliser for those, who have been ravaged by hunger, ignorance and injustice. It provides tranquility through the hoax of paradise, which is a place of bliss, blessedness and beatitude, where there is no pain, toil or death. Instead, every man shall be endowed with an everlasting age of 30 irrespective of how old he was when he died; his virility shall be increased a hundredfold, and the Munificent Allah shall bestow upon him no fewer than seventy-two most beautiful virgins, eager to gratify his lust. There is only one condition for the fulfilment of this promise: people must believe in Muhammad and the spiritual supremacy of Arabia, his motherland; they must adore all the Arab heroes, and crave for the introduction of the Koranic Law in their countries to demonstrate allegiance to the superiority of the Arab cultural values.
The net result of this faith is that every non-Arab Muslim has been turned into a moth, restless to cremate itself on the flame of Arab Imperialism. Therefore, it is not surprising that, whereas other dominant nations require guns, tanks and atom bombs to subdue foreign countries, the Arabs need nothing of the sort. Islam does it all for them through a dazzling process of brainwashing.
It may look a miracle but, in fact, it is a specimen of a rare political skill. As Muhammad claimed to be a Prophet, people have come to believe that a Prophet is Divine i.e. a part of Godhead, though apparently, they refer to him as a human.
Since influence of Prophethood has become a major source of mental retardation through its uncanny grip on its believers, it is imperative to establish that a Prophet is just a human, though distinguished by a sense of self-importance and sharp political skills, which he uses to bestow divinity upon himself by creating a heroic image in people's minds. Therefore, it is vital to ask, "What is a Prophet?" (See The Arab Imperialism %u2015 What Is A Prophet? by Anwar Sheikh)
Always bad thing grows faster than good. So is the terrorisom. Govt should start a seperate hi tech body to fight against these problems. This body should be always working on how the technology is misused by people.MAY BE IT IS TERRORISOM or any misuse in any products. Not only the terrorisom but also the misuse of techonolgy in all fileds food, cosmetics, medical products and terrorists.
Tomorrow there with be the new threat of a Nuclear Bomb being smuggled into India to be used against a town!!
What are we waiting for? Total annihilation of an Indian city or a few millions dying because of a major bomb attact or nucleaur attack!! If infiltration gets more tech-savvy, our intelligence chiefs should address this issue and get to the bottom of the matter!! Get rid of the source and then make THEIR lives difficult! If the Israelis faced this nuisance, they would have destroyed half of POK to eliminate the so called 'Freedom fighters'!!! It is our benevelant, 'big brother' routine which the militants are taking advantage of!
Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan; we only try to understand THEIR psyche in supporting this movement, but why dont they understand OUR psyche for a change. We almost came to blows on a couple of occasions in the past...and if my memory serves me right, 4-5 months after a full-scale war threat which was diffused, the infiltration activity had come down drastically! It was because they realised that they had instigated India to a point of no-return and hence cooled off on the so-called 'jihadi' is proof of the fact that the Pakis support this movement and put up a hippocritical facade!
My personal solution, since we are facing this crap for quite sometime; systematically target the points where this originates and for every militant caught or for every low-intensity strike against the Indian nation, our commandoes, disguised as Pakis should infiltrate into their territory and get rid of anyone connected to the terrorists, be it the ISI operatives, relatives of the militants, or even soft targets like 'militant sympathisers'.....keep this low-intensity battle on 'eye-for-an-eye' concept and then see how thing slowly cool down.....and if required one solid strike on the Pakistani nerve centre supporting terrorist activity!!