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We need to take this battle forward!
by heaven on May 07, 2007 04:34 PM


The Pakistan state is as much worried about a full scale war as we are! They are on economic disaster with only a handful of people balancing the country's economy. The NW Frontier Province (Afghan border) is in shambles, with small time tribes running the law like the old-wild west! Baluchistan, Sindh etc are baying for the Punjabi blood and they want to move out of the Pakistan system, while the army refuses to let go of power. The Chief Justice, has whipped up an anti-Musharraf frenzy in the country and is screaming for a true democracy and not a pseudo-democratic set up like today!

In this turmoil, we should recognise how frail the Pakistan state is and go for an all out war, without making it look like a war!! Get to these issues, like the Pakis do, and support and forment more trouble. Let the people of Pakistan also feel insecure about moving around freely on the streets! Let them realise that everytime they enter a public transport syteam, they could be in the vicinity of a bomb or a madman, toting an automatic in the garb of 'jihad'!! Let some innocent blood be spilt and let the Govt. feel the pain of their common people. There is full support from the Afghan Govt. since they are also suffereing at the hands of the Taliban hiding in Paki soil (as usual). So why hesitate, lets take the bull by the horns, and go out and give them a taste of their own medicine......I can assure you, if not totally eliminated, there will be definite drop in terrorist activity!

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Hi-tech terrorists baffle army