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down with american imperialism
by SUBHABRATA DATTA on May 04, 2007 04:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

exactly this is why we the leftists strongly opposed vajpayee govt's foreign policy. that govt. indeed was trying to sell india.

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RE:down with american imperialism
by Arun Tripathi on May 04, 2007 04:49 PM  Permalink
Subhabrata Datta, leftists are good for nothing. They lack progressive thinking and always look towards China for directions. Look how actively they supported another leftist extremist Prachanda in Nepal who is widely regarded to have his hand in the movoeist violence in India. For that matter BJP leaders are far better than these leftists. No BJP leader can think of selling India while leftist will be readily available to merge India with China.

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RE:down with american imperialism
by pp R on May 04, 2007 04:47 PM  Permalink
Datta, U would never know what all good Vajpayee govt. has done to India .. U are not capable coz U are leftist and U can only oppose .. any move ... In fact Vajpayee is one of the est Foreign affairs diplomat India ever had and hence even the Congress govt had used his skills by sending him for the WTO seminar as head of the Indian delegation ... U guys only concentrate on how to destroy WB .. U guys cannot do any good nor can keep anything good ...

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RE:[object MouseEvent]
by Arun Tripathi on May 04, 2007 04:50 PM  Permalink
Hey, do not start singing in praises of Vajpayee. He has been just an ordinary PM and what can be expected from 85 years old buddha.

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RE:down with american imperialism
by G S Uppal on May 04, 2007 05:54 PM  Permalink
just remember that vajpayee and jaswant singh used to meet all party leaders before each foreign visit, and this govt never does that. we used to hear unanimity in foreign matters in that govts time, and todaythat is totally missing. left will always cry as they want india to be ruled by china.

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We should blame this Manmohan for allowing USA to streach this much ?
by DS Srikanth on May 04, 2007 04:17 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Whom should we blame now. This congress people have not taken into confidence the opposition or the people of india before entering into major deal like nuclear issue. The communist party just barks, they know that Manmohan is sold out to US. Why they are backing him. USA is a very cleaver in handling the other country affairs. Now this PM is doing the same mistake in pakistan, by pulling the army back and puttinng them into other palces. Congress is ruining the country in terms of caste, greed, corruption, foreign policy matters. There is no single MALE to oppose what this MR PM and sonia is doing. Why have we allowed USA to streatch this much ? Who will answer.

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RE:We should blame this Manmohan for allowing USA to streach this much ?
by wani bhardwaj on May 04, 2007 08:30 PM  Permalink
Dear Mr. Srikanth, we the Indian People have to take the sole responsibility for the present state of affairs and situation. After all, our country's one of the so-called main national party is headed by a foreigner and millions of Indian People have repeatedly giving warnings on this issue but we Indian People and our opportunitstic politicians including leftists turned a blind eye on this issue. The present incidence is the beginning of India's dependence and slavery on American and European Powers and time will fast arise once again that India will go for another foreign country's rule or disintegrate into pieces as happened in the erstwhile USSR.

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RE:We should blame this Manmohan for allowing USA to streach this much ?
by ramachandran nair on May 04, 2007 05:01 PM  Permalink
Where where you Srikant and it appears you were sleeping as of now. The congress government is an elected government by the people so the government need not go to people and seek their blessing to do this or that thing.Coming to 123 agreement, the entire issue was discussed in the parliament and also in the all party meet where our so called leaders, vajpayee, LKA, Yashwant Sinha from opposition and also leaders from th ruling party attended the meeting and discussed the issue pointwise. Then and there only this agreement is framed out and put for approval and or ratification by the concerned governments. Your contention that everything is done in a closed door cannot be digested. Okay you do not like congress, agree but blaming them for each and everything is not appreciated. Be a gentleman and study the pros and cons before putting your so called suggestions on board. Come out from your shell and be a patriotic.

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RE:We should blame this Manmohan for allowing USA to streach this much ?
by wani bhardwaj on May 04, 2007 08:24 PM  Permalink
No Mr. Ramachandran Nair. The present Govt. has not an elected Govt. but was made after the poll and they had not contested elections in a common agenda and got majority for rule this country. For an agreement as stated, has to be taken with the permission of Parliament only so that Indian Parliament discussed and knows before this type of Govt. signed an agreement. Communists whose supported formation of this Govt. did not support this agreement and it clearly shows that Govt. is in minority and have no authority to sign such an agreement with a SuperPower where our soveriginity and indepdnence will get weakened and curtailed. Please understand this very well.

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US - WHo sponsered terrorism in afgan
by Ice Fruit on May 04, 2007 04:14 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Respected Congressman,

Please answer following questions,

1. Who used nuclear bomb first time in history?
2. Who used chemical bombs in viatnam?
3. Who trained Bin laden and sponsered terrorisom in Afganisthan?
4. Who attacked iraque and bombed it to stone age?
5. Who is provising assistance to a country sponsoring terrorism in kashmir?
6 Where in the world any one can f* (Uncontrolled sex) anyone ?

You are uncivilized and does not have right to comment on India.

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RE:US - WHo sponsered terrorism in afgan
by SUBHABRATA DATTA on May 04, 2007 04:25 PM  Permalink
& who attacked iraq saying that there is WMDs present. and then nothing found so far?

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RE:US - WHo sponsered terrorism in afgan
by Arun Tripathi on May 04, 2007 04:55 PM  Permalink
It's fine. After all Saddam was no saint and was responsible for the killing of thousands of innocent people. He has been paid back in the same coin. Further, why did Iraq tried to invade Quwait in the first instance and invite troubles for it.

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RE:US - WHo sponsered terrorism in afgan
by pp R on May 04, 2007 04:48 PM  Permalink
Datta, U would never know what all good Vajpayee govt. has done to India .. U are not capable coz U are leftist and U can only oppose .. any move ... In fact Vajpayee is one of the est Foreign affairs diplomat India ever had and hence even the Congress govt had used his skills by sending him for the WTO seminar as head of the Indian delegation ... U guys only concentrate on how to destroy WB .. U guys cannot do any good nor can keep anything good ...

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RE:US - WHo sponsered terrorism in afgan
by ramachandran nair on May 04, 2007 05:07 PM  Permalink
In fact america is sponsoring terrorisim, though pakistan, and they are being paid by them only. India is suffering on account of terrorism. This is amercicans dual policy which cannot be accepted by Indians. We should not allow them to interfere in the internal and as well as international affairs of our country. We know what we are doing and what we ought to do. They have distoryed Russia, Afghan, Iraq and now they are after Iran and thereafter it would be the turn of Pakistan. Pak, be aware of this nefarious design of America

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RE:US - WHo sponsered terrorism in afgan
by Shane Alam on May 04, 2007 04:35 PM  Permalink
100% agreed don't comment & interfere in Indian foreign policies.

America has secured energy reserves, India also has the right to develop strong in middle east lest we face any energy crisis.


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India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by chaitanya kumar on May 04, 2007 04:11 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Russia and Saudi Arabiah have each more crude and natural gas resources than Iran. And there are so many other nations with plenty of crude and natural gas reserves. India has discovered hundreds of trillions of cubic feet of natural gas in KG basin since the past few years. The proposal to build a gas pipeline was made much before that and is gaining prominence recently because of devious UPA policies. According to some reports, the wealth of reserves in KG basin that has been discovered is very less compared to it's actual reserves. Cairns Energy has discovered billions of barrels of crude in Thar deserts and there too much is yet to be realized of what the actual amount of reserves are. India has more benefit for now by aligning with US and Israel rather than Iran. The recent jestures of UPA government towards theocracy in Pakistan is unheard of before. It seems to be pursued by groups who have something to gain by coming close to muslim theocratic nations. Friendship with muslim nations is good, but it should be pure business. India can join hands with US in gaining supply from oil fields in Iraq which is in US control. And there are many other nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Libya, Sudan and nations in North and East Africa. This pipeline plan between Iran-Pakistan-India will bring uncertainities to Indian future interests because both those nations are severly affected by Islamic fundamentalism and their virus will spread here. And Iran gaining nukes will hurt India more than USA. One more nuke power in the region, more instability. US should help India in containing Pakistan to rid the world of future terrorism and division of Pakistan will pay dividends to both India and US.

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RE:India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by pp R on May 04, 2007 04:52 PM  Permalink
I fully agree with U, Chaitanya .. The gas pipeline is going to be a waste coz these two countries Iran and Pakistan can cut off the supply any time coz these both countries are No 1 enemies of India .. so it is better that we align with USA (ofcourse not to compromise our soverignity etc) and gain from that relationship .. see ,,,, Japan, China and now even Russia are improved/improving due to US support ...

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RE:India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by chaitanya kumar on May 04, 2007 04:18 PM  Permalink
don't get sentimental dude. The pragmatic thing for India to do is pursue policies with long term perspectives. There is nothing in it about kissing or licking a**es. You must be a stupid psuedo secular or marxist guy who don't have brains to think properly.

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RE:India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by Arun Tripathi on May 04, 2007 04:59 PM  Permalink
very well said. We need to secure our interests and the Prime Minister understands the same very well.

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RE:RE:India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by SRINIVASA GOWDA on May 04, 2007 04:29 PM  Permalink
hey chaithanya.. have a forsight inclusive of future far sight maraya. what has usa got to do with Indias relations with Iran. usa is selling nucler fuel that it and not technology.. so which technology is it talking about. all hell words. for ur kind info usa supported iran during gulf war and now its against so we shouldnt deal or trade.. hah biased usa politicians. u along with them go to helllll....

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RE:RE:[object MouseEvent]
by Arun Tripathi on May 04, 2007 05:01 PM  Permalink

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RE:India should give in this time and be on good books of USA
by Hari Babu on May 04, 2007 04:16 PM  Permalink
Dont believe Reliance about their claims on KG basin till you have actual production. They are master manupulators and all these claims are to jack up their share prices.

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RE:[object MouseEvent]
by chaitanya kumar on May 04, 2007 04:21 PM  Permalink
well, Reliance has already started construction of structures in Kankinada coast alongside the KG basin to facilitate the production of distribution of natural gas into finished products. The project seems to cost around 5 billion dollars. Maybe you are right about the speculation thing, but ONGC found reserves in the same place so did GPC. Now these are state corporations and don't speculate as Reliance does.

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Vicious country - USA
by para on May 04, 2007 04:11 PM  Permalink 

From the beganning itself I told this column that USA never allow to Inid should grow faster manner. He wanted those areas where his country is more interested that only he wanted to reforms in a speedy manner but where India want to need some especialzed skill there he will not help, This will show how selfish country and he knows very well if give

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USA can go to hell ---- read why
by on May 04, 2007 04:11 PM  Permalink 

Maybe its time that the whole world has to write a letter to the citizens, so called lawmakers, congressmen and the president of USA (hate to write the name G***** B*** as the president)
how they have been screwing up the world for the last 50 years, for all the guns they have manufactured, all the people they have killed etc. They need to make there classroom's safer before talking about insecurity from Iran.
The day USA stops importing oil from Saudi and Africa, then maybe India should think about abandoning its gas pipeline plan.
To sum it up - USA can go to hell

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by Narendra Tade on May 04, 2007 04:20 PM  Permalink
Well said - Young Prince

Your sarcasam will not be lost to the intellectual mind.

More than hundred years back Munshi Prem Chand wrote on this attitude of our countrymen, that was later captured in camera by Satyajit Ray.

From Alexander's invasion to the British....we have always played an active role in allowing our soverignity to be molested by outsiders.

Now it the turn of the Americans to take the advantage......

....by the way why is BCCI not increasing the retainership amount for our great criketers.......any news of the Bangladesh tour's final twelve.......

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by Javed Hasnain on May 04, 2007 04:10 PM  Permalink
Check the topic of the discussion b4 posting ur remarks

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Between Yes and NO
by Hilal Ahmed on May 04, 2007 03:59 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

We must note that the letter sent by the US senators has three parts. In the first part, the concerns are raised on the actions of Indian diplomats. The other two parts are on Indo-Iranian ties. Now the question arises: will it be considered as an interference in the political affairs of India?

The first answer is yes-because as per our constitutional norms we should have an independent foreign policy. No one has a right to question our relationship with any state or non-state entity. India's relationship with PLO in the past can be an example in this regard.

The second answer is -no- because in post-1990 Indian foreign policy can not be called independent. Unlike China, the increasing pressures from IMF and World Bank actually forced us to follow their notion of globalism. As a result, we stated following a pro-US policy. In this sense, this letter is noting more than a simple reminder.

We should also note that this issue will eventually be converted into a 'Muslim' issue. The BJP is going to demand that Indian should not develop close relationship with Iran. In contrast, the left will try to capitalize on this issue by establishing a link between rights of minorities and secular foreign policy. The centrist Congress, I suppose, will also take this line by highlighting Sachar!!!

What is really important here for us-the people of India - is that we should avoid taking a 'left' or 'right' position and demand that India should follow a strong pro-people policy.

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RE:Between Yes and NO
by Javed Hasnain on May 04, 2007 04:12 PM  Permalink
Well said

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RE:Between Yes and NO
by Kanwar S Arora on May 04, 2007 04:15 PM  Permalink
What are you writing ? are your senses not in your control ?? How come issue of Muslims came into this affair, BJP was and is for IPI pipeline ..it is need of India not just some religious or communal groups....

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RE:Between Yes and NO
by Hilal Ahmed on May 04, 2007 04:29 PM  Permalink
I think you failed to understand the totality of my remarks. My point was that it could be possible that the major political parties/group might link this issue with our internal issue. I think you need to know more about real politics. This is not your fault because you are nothing more than a product of internet, who cannot think beyond the communal/caste issues.

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