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Between Yes and NO
by Hilal Ahmed on May 04, 2007 03:59 PM

We must note that the letter sent by the US senators has three parts. In the first part, the concerns are raised on the actions of Indian diplomats. The other two parts are on Indo-Iranian ties. Now the question arises: will it be considered as an interference in the political affairs of India?

The first answer is yes-because as per our constitutional norms we should have an independent foreign policy. No one has a right to question our relationship with any state or non-state entity. India's relationship with PLO in the past can be an example in this regard.

The second answer is -no- because in post-1990 Indian foreign policy can not be called independent. Unlike China, the increasing pressures from IMF and World Bank actually forced us to follow their notion of globalism. As a result, we stated following a pro-US policy. In this sense, this letter is noting more than a simple reminder.

We should also note that this issue will eventually be converted into a 'Muslim' issue. The BJP is going to demand that Indian should not develop close relationship with Iran. In contrast, the left will try to capitalize on this issue by establishing a link between rights of minorities and secular foreign policy. The centrist Congress, I suppose, will also take this line by highlighting Sachar!!!

What is really important here for us-the people of India - is that we should avoid taking a 'left' or 'right' position and demand that India should follow a strong pro-people policy.

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Senator's letter to PM rocks RS