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by Abdul Naik on May 04, 2007 05:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Shia Iran and Sunni Pakistan don't get along well.they are suspicious of each other.so we must establish good relations with iran.enemy of enemy is friend.
35% of kashmiri muslims are shia's.as a precondition for friendship we can ask iranian leader ayatollah khameini to issue a fatwah to kashmiri shias to support india unconditionally.that will isolate sunni elements in kashmir and they will become minority.being a shia myself who has faced sunni hatred and mistrust all i can say is anyone who is pakistans enemy should be india's friend.

Jai Hind

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by amit mishra on May 04, 2007 06:00 PM  Permalink
You just are a pain in the ***. Always plagued by infighting and tryi ng to use nationalist fervour for your own good. Besides whether india sides with Iran or with US nobody is going to help india, unless it itself gears up to fight the pakis.. india still lives in the gandhian dream world of letting pak slap india on one cheek after another and india just gives the other cheek for the next slap.
What should one do when a spoilt neighbours son tries to molest ur daughter. u dont wait for the police or for the moral standards to come to ur neighbour to save ur daughter. this happens only in movies.

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by P Zipk on May 04, 2007 07:09 PM  Permalink
You are right, Abdul. Being in good terms with Iran is in India's interest. But I do not think Iran would be willing to go as far as openly supporting India on Kashmir.
But it is also in the interest of India to keep a good relation with the US. If the US retaliates, Indian economy would suffer in a very big way. Besides, aided by the US, Pakis can make matters worse for India. India has to play a very balanced and tactful diplomatic dance to be in good terms with both the countries. Currently, Russia and China are also in good terms with Iran, so India is not alone and cornered in this regard. At the end, India will have to do what is in her best interest.

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by asd fg on May 04, 2007 05:10 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

US congress men are exactly same as Indian Congress(I) men.
With cow dung in their head..no manners no dignity and and no morality don't know what to do about any thing..
Selfish up to the core..
and you can add more

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by eagle on May 04, 2007 06:18 PM  Permalink
And also you too have dung in your head who does not understand the politics of the world and keep cribbing in your cradle without doing anything yourself.

GO do something worthwhile.

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vajpayee betrayed the freedom fighters, SHAME SHAME
by SUBHABRATA DATTA on May 04, 2007 04:58 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

In 1942, Atal Behari Vajpayee, around 16, as an active member of the RSS not only did not participate in the freedom movement (as decreed by the RSS which did not want to oppose the British) but gave a statement of his non-participation in the militant events in his home village of Bateshwar on August 27, 1942. Not only that, he also named the other participants in these events who bravely faced the punishment for the same. Vajpayee had himself accepted that the enclosed letter was signed by him. (Frontline, February 20, 1998)

It may be noted that before the investigation by some journalists in this episode, A B Vajpayee and his hangers-on had been claiming that Vajpayee%u2019s initiation in politics had started with Quit India movement. A sponsored article on Vajpayee%u2019s birthday on December 25, 1997 had asserted, %u201C%u2026.it was the Quit India movement that fired his nationalist zeal. He was arrested in 1942 for lending his voice to this mounting demand for freedom%u2026%u2026..%u201D (Frontline, February 20, 1998)

On January 21, 1998, Vajpayee himself issued a statement which had claimed, %u201CIt was my involvement in the Quit India movement and my imminent arrest at Gwalior that I was sent to my ancestral village, Bateshwar, about 60 miles from Agra. But I got involved in the Quit India movement in Bateshwar too.%u201D

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RE:vajpayee betrayed the freedom fighters, SHAME SHAME
by asd fg on May 04, 2007 05:08 PM  Permalink
Go to hell you Marxist Pig

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RE:vajpayee betrayed the freedom fighters, SHAME SHAME
by soumik chowdhury on May 04, 2007 05:17 PM  Permalink
@subhabrata...it seems that you are full of information about why Vajpayee is a traitor but you don't know that some amongst the communist party of India were pro-chinese in the Indo-China war 1962..the following link is specially for you in case you are not fully aware of the history of CPI(M)
You seem to be a staunch communist. Next time you write a post donnot just blame and criticise people and policies like your leaders do. Try to lend solutions to crisis.

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RE:vajpayee betrayed the freedom fighters, SHAME SHAME
by asd fg on May 04, 2007 05:14 PM  Permalink
SUBHABRATA DATTA ...what do Marxists do now?
Kill people in Nadigam and Singur?
You are worse than US people u dirty killers

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RE:vajpayee betrayed the freedom fighters, SHAME SHAME
by asd fg on May 04, 2007 05:08 PM  Permalink
Marxist contribution is giving Indian Land to China and still planning to do the same..

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RE:vajpayee betrayed the freedom fighters, SHAME SHAME
by asd fg on May 04, 2007 05:08 PM  Permalink
Communists sold India to China

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RE:vajpayee betrayed the freedom fighters, SHAME SHAME
by chaitanya kumar on May 04, 2007 05:05 PM  Permalink
what do the communists do during freedom struggle?

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RE:vajpayee betrayed the freedom fighters, SHAME SHAME
by chaitanya kumar on May 04, 2007 05:07 PM  Permalink
Communists sided with Soviet then. You are always anti-nationals.

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RE:RE:Well US Congress Men, We don't Care your letter, then what ? Neuclear Bomb Against India ?
by rajiv kumar on May 04, 2007 09:13 PM  Permalink
Are you really Greg Chappell? I'm sure the real Greg Chappell can spell 'Nuclear' and 'Cryogenic' properly.

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RE:Well US Congress Men, We don't Care your letter, then what ? Neuclear Bomb Against India ?
by Murthy on May 04, 2007 06:18 PM  Permalink

War against most fierce and formidable nuclear weapon force in the world ? Are you nuts or plain stupid ?

USA has thousands of nuclear missiles and a single missile will break into 10 MIRV and bomb 10 cities of India with 5 megaton Nuclear bombs.

YOu are an idiot guy. do you even know remotely anything about the strategic American nuclear forces ?

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RE:RE:Well US Congress Men, We don't Care your letter, then what ? Neuclear Bomb Against India ?
by Raja on May 04, 2007 11:23 PM  Permalink
Mr. Murthy, You are nuts and plain stupid. If US military is so mighty, why are they choking in Iraq. Why did they pack off from Vietnam. Nuclear weapons is not a useful weapon anymore. It is only a scare tactics. No country would dare use it on any country anymore. There is a lot to win a war than just having weapons. Politics within US and Politics within countries supporting US play a major role in war. Don't be naive.

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RE:RE:Well US Congress Men, We don't Care your letter, then what ? Neuclear Bomb Against India ?
by bungbumi on May 04, 2007 08:43 PM  Permalink
Hey Murthy Bhai,
you write "...? Are you nuts or plain stupid". He is both Yaar. Don't you see, he can't even spell properly ...

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Congress the best ruling party
by amit mishra on May 04, 2007 04:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Vajpayee Government was always dilly-dallying and was not able to take decisions correctly. They bent on their knees after so much confusion and delibration and released prisoners in Kandahar, for whom so many army personnels had given up their lives. If the Congress government would have been there, they would have negotiated hard and instead of releasing the three prisoners, would have given Kashmir and all the captured millitants to Pakistan, just as they did effortlessly in 1971. Besides they would not have asked for the people captured by the millitants. Such is the clarity of the congress rulers

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RE:Congress the best ruling party
by bungbumi on May 04, 2007 08:44 PM  Permalink
LOL ...

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RE:Congress the best ruling party
by asd fg on May 04, 2007 05:12 PM  Permalink
Simply Great Comment!!!

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RE:Congress the best ruling party
by Dinesh Sharma on May 04, 2007 05:13 PM  Permalink
hahahaaha.... very well said :)))
whether its Congress or BJP or so called 3rd front ( dont forget , V.P Singh govt. also relased hard core miltants in exchange of the release of then Home Minister Mufti Mohamad sayeed's daugther Rubiya & Militancy in Kashmir started only after that), all politicians have sold this country's interest , either for Vote-bank or Minority appeasement or personal Monetary terms.
OH GOD , SAVE our Country from these bast*rds.....

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India's Retort
by CHANDRA PADMANABHAN on May 04, 2007 04:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The Prime minister should ask USA if they want
to first choose India or Pakistan. India should also say that if you are having a dialogue with
Pakistan we will not have anything to do with you. You can go to hell for all we care. We should draw our own boundaries if others want to draw theirs.For heavens sake let us have a proper, sensible foreign policy. We have intellegent people at the helm, what are they doing ??. Once they reach top positions they behave like dimwits.Where does their sense vanish??. Let us not recruit brilliant brains for doing such shoddy job.They could do better doing something worhwhile.

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RE:India's Retort
by abhi on May 04, 2007 07:28 PM  Permalink
O really, are we in a state to ask US to choose between India and Pakistan. Not now may be after 50 years.

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American Senators have ruffled the wings of Indian Elders...
by D goel on May 04, 2007 04:53 PM  Permalink 

Panchkula Afternoon, 4.40pm Friday, the 4th May 2007.
Very obviously Poor Sri Shivshankar Menon has to pay the unwelcome price for representing a weak Nation that cannot stand for any thing firmly, as its Economy as well as military capabilities are vastly circumcribed by the patronage of the only super-power.NDA/UPA only indulge in the silly game of Kettle calling pot black. whether it is JaswantSingh or Manmohansinghji they have to keep the appearances of sovereign authority but truth is what the US senators write about US dictating terms to a client/supplicant economy and state
seeking and currying favour from the high White -house, table, all these reform decades...
Freedom requires grit that Putin has shown and Boris Yeltsin could not.PR Munshi and Vrinda Karat or Yashwant Sinha cannot lessen the humiliations of our accredited foreign Secretary like Menon in Washington when their back yards are full of such corrupt and inefficient doings as our polity's.Iran or no Iran we are a client state first of Soviets ,now, of Uncle Sam...D.Goel

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US Senators Letter
by chilkoor sachidev kumar on May 04, 2007 04:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Give them an inch. They will take a foot. If you keep quite, they will take a mile. That is US for all. The letter must be treated as blasphemy. Menon must return immediately and not enjoy any more of US hospitality. Let us also draft a letter and tell, US to stop poking their nose in India,Pakistan,Afghanistan, Middle East. They need a snub like Venezuala Chavez give them. India is more powerful than US in many ways. Indians who are in the US must quit. US will topple automatically. Unless ofcourse our Indian friends are already sold. That does not matter in any case. WE are not seeing much coming from that lot for the benefit of poor Indians. They enjoy partying with the Clintons and their ilk. So let them have fun till it lasts. In time they will be kicked out with disrespect. They can take a call. Let us all make a memorandum to the President to see the letter gets a befitting reply. The PM, poor chap, cannot muster such a support.

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RE:US Senators Letter
by Murthy on May 04, 2007 06:20 PM  Permalink

I DON'T think so. Indians in America contribute to the rigure of $60 billion of American economy, FYI it is only 0.44% of US GDP.

So nothing will happen, and stop making foolish theories.

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RE:US Senators Letter
by SRINIVASA GOWDA on May 04, 2007 06:54 PM  Permalink
get those contributions into Indian side, buddy. then calculate and see what ways amrika will get affected? hey think in other way also and make judgement after thinking either ways. If they leave and come back not only amrika will loose their contributions but India will gain it as well. So think about gaining of India than about loosing of amrika...

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