Give them an inch. They will take a foot. If you keep quite, they will take a mile. That is US for all. The letter must be treated as blasphemy. Menon must return immediately and not enjoy any more of US hospitality. Let us also draft a letter and tell, US to stop poking their nose in India,Pakistan,Afghanistan, Middle East. They need a snub like Venezuala Chavez give them. India is more powerful than US in many ways. Indians who are in the US must quit. US will topple automatically. Unless ofcourse our Indian friends are already sold. That does not matter in any case. WE are not seeing much coming from that lot for the benefit of poor Indians. They enjoy partying with the Clintons and their ilk. So let them have fun till it lasts. In time they will be kicked out with disrespect. They can take a call. Let us all make a memorandum to the President to see the letter gets a befitting reply. The PM, poor chap, cannot muster such a support.