congress are trying hard to split country in following parts:-
1.A seperate Country for Shia Reservation Muslims 2.A seperate Country for Shia Non-Reservation Muslims 3.A seperate Country for Sunni-Reservation Muslims 4.A seperate Country for Sunni-Non Reservation Muslims 5.A seperate Country for Reservation Hindus 6.A seperate Country for Non- Reservation Hindus 7.A seperate Country for ST/SC/OBC 8.A seperate Country for Naxals as NAXALISTHAN 9. A seperate country for PAK KASHMIR 10.A Seperate country for AZAAD KASHMIR 11. A Seperate country for ITALIAN INDIANS (I wonder who will live in this country other than Sonia Mainoo and Quotrocchi ?)
If we want to avoid our country splitting in several other parts, then please do not vote congress.
RE:Future Agendas of Congress
by Vikas Vadgama on May 02, 2007 02:54 PM Permalink
I fully agree with Mr. Rocky. I feel that it is a "SHRAAP" to be born as a non-Muslim (specially Hindu) in a Hindu nation like India especially under Congress rule. If Congress is trying to bank on 20 crore Muslims by providing them free HAJ to Mecca Madina, free Urdu education, establishing Minority Community Act etc., then let them count on the Muslims and we the 70 crore Hindus will show them. We will vote for BJP. And I hope BJP will start free "CHAR DHAM" yatra and free Sanskrit & Hindi education for Hindus. My 2009 elections vote is with BJP.
by prince prince on May 02, 2007 02:53 PM Permalink
comeon Ankita everyone knows this part, Farookh Abdullah's mother was motilal nehrus kept
beleive it or not. he will be future PM of India. all those who make jokes abt him are like that scum narendra modi who was making all kinds of dirty remarks on Sonia and Rahul in 2004 only to be forced to shut his trap after congress came to power. tum logon ko bhi mun ki khaani padegi, soch lo.
RE:rahul gandhi is future PM
by Ram Sharma on May 02, 2007 03:57 PM Permalink
congress did not get the mandate to rule. under sonia's leadership, they have got one of the lowest number of seats 145/540. for power, congress has taken the support of communists against who they fought elections in wb, keral and tripura. she has also taken support from dmk, who were earlier disliked due to their support to ltte, who killed rajiv. she also took support from sharad pawar, who was expelled from congress for having raised the question of her italian origin. this is just an opportunistic alliance for lust of power and not for serving the nation.
by Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman on May 02, 2007 04:54 PM Permalink
heh heh they got enuf seats to dislodge the monster BJP from their misrule. enuf said.
by wani bhardwaj on May 02, 2007 06:19 PM Permalink
Because, most of the so-called psuedo secular parties do not want a true national party, who are asking for: 1 ) Make a Uniform Civil Code; 2) Abolish Article 370 3) Make a Ram Temple in Ayodhya. If it happens, then India will be a true secular nation.
by wani bhardwaj on May 02, 2007 06:12 PM Permalink
In this case, communists is the cheaters who have always talking against capitalist congress policies and late Indira Feroze was the main enemey of this communists, but now foreign Sonia is the best freind, because after all communist ideology came from foreign countries only!!!
RE:rahul gandhi is future PM
by Sadasiva Prasad on May 02, 2007 02:31 PM Permalink
I wonder what his qualifications are to become the PM in the future ! Not that many qualifications are required to become the PM !!!
RE:rahul gandhi is future PM
by Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman on May 02, 2007 02:43 PM Permalink
he is more qualified than nehru as far as degreed are concerned. his best qualification is that he is willing to work for the common people. and u don't need a bigger qualification than that to be the leader of a developing country like india.
RE:rahul gandhi is future PM
by Vikas Vadgama on May 02, 2007 03:05 PM Permalink
Work for common people!!!! I hope that must be true of Rahul rather Congress. We all know that how difficult the life has been after Congress came to rule. The inflation has broken the backbone of lower middle class and lower class. The flood victims and bomb blast victims are still ruing for their compensation. The rising petrol prices. Rich becoming more rich and poor the poorer. Corruption and inflation levels touching a new high. Chidambaram seems to be making the IT Act as anti-salaried. He talks of removing black money from the market and his own departments (IT, ST, Excise etc.) are among the most corrupted ones. People do not want to earn black money but the bribes these tax officials ask for, people are forced to earn black money to meet the black expenses. Ask Chidambaram to follow a "JIYO OR JINE DO" policy or to introduce a new expense head "Bribe to Govt officials" to be allowed as deduction while computing income.
RE:rahul gandhi is future PM
by Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman on May 02, 2007 03:42 PM Permalink
and what happened during 6 years of "great" rule of BJP. poor became rich???? c'mon these are signs of any fast growing economy. learn the principles of economics first. atleast congress takes care of poor ppl also simultaneously like grameen rojgar yojna, bharat navnirman yojna etc. did bjp do anything even remotely like this in their rule?? no wonder they were thrown out by the very rural people whom they forgot.
RE:rahul gandhi is future PM
by Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman on May 02, 2007 04:49 PM Permalink
oh if i support gandhis i have to be either congress/gandhi bootlicker or a muslim, right??? don't u bajrang dal idiots have any other way of reasoning things????
by Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman on May 02, 2007 04:52 PM Permalink
during 50 yrs congress built socialistic institutions in the country which were the foundation of research in space,science,agriculture and other things. when the appropriate time came, they liberalised the economy. i admit though that they were late by some years in doing so but thats just a small discrepancy in the wider context. care to tell me what exactly the BJP did all the while other than making noise???? heck they were not even part of india's freedom struggle and their parivar people RSS shot down the father of the nation who gave us freedom. yeah great achievement of BJP!!!!!
RE:rahul gandhi is future PM
by rocky on May 02, 2007 02:22 PM Permalink
Raju, shove your middle finger in Rahul,Sonia, and Priyanka's @ss and smell it all day and night, atleast you will get cured from ur mental illness which makes you to dream this pirated gandhi as the PM.
He doesnt need to become PM, he's born PM ( Pakistani Mullah). Rahul Ghazi Khan pirated gandhi.
Almost every other day thet put some slander hindu articles, and every day they put a worship the baby scion of gandhi articles.
The jokers can't see it is all politics, they would have seen lack of democracy, fascism, fascist italian money etc had Bajrang dal member would have mentioned the same thing.
Well Rahul is Called future of India by our prime minister. Our future is presently serving the party which is hell bent upon dividing the nation through reservation. Corruption is second name of congress. Daily farmers are dying in various parts of the country. Inflation rate is at the maximum. In delhi lacs of people are now without any means of livelhood because of sealing thanks to sealing drive and no proper action taken by congress. Our future leader do not know what to speak and what he is speaking at the rallies that also he dont know. His world is limited to amethi and near by areas. He dont understands what UP is. Also he is nor aware of the current policies of his own goverment. He never had the courage to speak on reservation. Infact we will request our future leader to fill the form for an IIM and show all of us that he can qualify on a general seat purily on his merits and academic skils. After all a good leader is the one who leads by doing thing himself before asking his team to do that. This option is also open for Mr. Arjun Singh.