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Future Agendas of Congress
by rocky on May 02, 2007 02:44 PM

congress are trying hard to split country in following parts:-

1.A seperate Country for Shia Reservation Muslims
2.A seperate Country for Shia Non-Reservation Muslims
3.A seperate Country for Sunni-Reservation Muslims
4.A seperate Country for Sunni-Non Reservation Muslims
5.A seperate Country for Reservation Hindus
6.A seperate Country for Non- Reservation Hindus
7.A seperate Country for ST/SC/OBC
8.A seperate Country for Naxals as NAXALISTHAN
9. A seperate country for PAK KASHMIR
10.A Seperate country for AZAAD KASHMIR
11. A Seperate country for ITALIAN INDIANS (I wonder who will live in this country other than Sonia Mainoo and Quotrocchi ?)

If we want to avoid our country splitting in several other parts, then please do not vote congress.

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