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The truth on encounter killings
by Tej Buch on May 02, 2007 10:08 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

So there you go again --- all the Modi baiters...This case was neither political nor communal as IBN has investigated. It was simply a case of corrupt police officers and they have been punished by the Government of Modi ....give me one another state where corrupt IPS officers are shown the door...Its going to be a big big booster for the brand image of clean Modi and one more nail in the coffin of the minority appeasing Congress in the state. This reminds me of a lady called Ishrat who was killed in an encounter some time back and there was such a hue and cry from the Congress and its state leaders had even paid floral wreaths to her body. at her funeral and one of them had even announced that he would support her family for the rest of their lives...Then after a few days Lashkar e Toiba announced with pride the martyrdom of Ishrat who was infact a member of the group. The more the Congress tries to give a communal color to a situation, the more stronger BJP becomes in the state.

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RE:The truth on encounter killings
by Shivraj Menon on May 02, 2007 10:15 PM  Permalink

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RE:The truth on encounter killings
by suresh singh on May 02, 2007 10:26 PM  Permalink

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RE:The truth on encounter killings
by Shenidh on May 02, 2007 11:09 PM  Permalink
I think there is really no civil society in Gujurat. As a matter of fact, there is no civil society in INdia itself. People becoming so sick to hate one community that, they try to justify with one or other reason just to support their gunda leaders. I really feel sick of these RSS/VHP mentality folks who are nothing but hindu extremist gundas. Just few days back there was an attach on a christian preacher's house and even this been justfied by these RSS/VHP/Banjrangi gundas. Really sick. I do not hesitate to say this that there is no civil society in India. There is no more secularism in India. Though India is advancing in technologies, people are becoming more & more sick. I really do not understand what's happening with the people. Why they are tryig to defend which is completely wrong? What's happening in INdia. Why people are so sick that they try to defend killling of 2000 people in gujrat, defending of cutting a pregnant women's stomach and removing the baby and even killing that baby. and now defending these false encounters. Is your eyes blind folded. Can't guys see what's happening. Is it your hatred and extremist views that is affecting you mind that you cannot see what's right and wrong. My dear friends please wake up before it goes out of control. If you support these people, then they will get even more encouragement and they will perform even more henious acts. Please wake up. Don't get into the trap these extrements elements. We still have time. We can improve our country's image. The whole world is looking. Please wake up. Don't support these extremists. Otherwise our country will go to dogs. this is not my warning. This is the fact

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RE:The truth on encounter killings
by biju nair on May 02, 2007 11:34 PM  Permalink
RSS have the most lethal weapon ever invented by human " The Dhanda" . In front of Dhanda RDX is nothing.

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RE:The truth on encounter killings
by biju nair on May 02, 2007 11:17 PM  Permalink
Fight Kaffirs till they convert or die

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RE:RE:The truth on encounter killings
by Jas Sand on May 03, 2007 12:38 AM  Permalink
What about these Muslims goons who call otehrs Terrorists to justify their own activities?

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RE:The truth on encounter killings
by Rationalist on May 03, 2007 12:48 AM  Permalink
They know that it will help them so that they can continue with their mission. On one hand they keep saying Islam is peace while their brothers are keep inducing fear by killing each & every day.
Its seems both work in tandem. While one group keeps others busy listening to your words & wondering if are they true, their brothers go on killing spree elese where. But they dont have sense to condemn them, but try to pacify the victims with same words so that they wont retailiate & their brothers can contiunue with their job. All they mean is that Islam is religion of peace but only when you embrace that. If that is the kind of peace they are talking about then that is nothing but facism which denies individual right & freedom.Person without freedom than worse than animal, as good as dead. So come out of matrix.
Either accept that Islam is terrorism or try to condemn the terrorists. Stop being hypocrites

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by Jas Sand on May 03, 2007 12:42 AM  Permalink
Before asking others these questions, why dont you ask yourself -

Why do you people defend the killing of 50 train passengers?

Why do you people support Kashmir killings?

Why do you people support terrorists jsut because they belong to your religion?

When Gujarat carnage happened, the number of Hindus condemning it exceeded the number of Muslims. But what about Kashmir? How many muslims have spoken against terrorists ?

It's easy to preach good things to otehrs, but if you only can follow them yourself!

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RE:The truth on encounter killings
by SI on May 03, 2007 02:48 AM  Permalink
who the hell is supporting killing of 50train passengers or any kashmiri pandits. Show a me single muslim in this forum who is supproting/justifying such killings. But I can show you many hindus who are justifying the killings of gujurat, false encounters, justifying RSS/VHP/Modi gundagiri. That's the difference between you and us. You guys are justifying killings of muslims just bcoz some terrorist morons are killing some hindus.

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RE:The truth on encounter killings
by ibaa ibaa on May 02, 2007 11:46 PM  Permalink
Dear Shenidh,
Well said, in fact the mother terrorist organisation RSS/Hindu Mahasabha is the responsible for the partition of India as well as this and terrorists of VHP/BAJRANGDAL and Shivsena's attocities to Muslims is resulted that Muslim groups cropped up and they have picked up weapons to snatch justice. In fact these so called 'deshbakht' terrorist organsations once again trying to break the nation. They are trying to start war between hindus and muslims for their own political gains but they dont know if its continue, we'll once again salve to Americans or any European Country. So my dear countrymen should use their brain and not to support these terrorist organisations.
God bless.

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RE:The truth on encounter killings
by Rationalist on May 03, 2007 12:18 AM  Permalink
Stop acting victim. This is old Islamic trick. Whenever they think opposition is weak(mistaking their goodness), they pounce upon. And once they come to know that is not possible they resort to these tricks. You have shown what u are capable of in Pakistan already by eliminating 26% Hindus. And you want to try the same in India but are frustated that that is not possible. Who starts riots everybody knows? What about hurling footwears at the portraits of Hindu gods during festival processions. What terrorism have RSS/VHP done to you? You call them terrorist just to give a tit for tat. Everyday there is some terrorist activity is carried out by Jehadis or get caught with illegal weapons? h sorry, but they are not terrorists, they are doing holy war, sorry?

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day has already arrived
by neel sanghvi on May 02, 2007 09:14 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

i am not sure if the day will come for your justice or not. but i can tell you that you have full support and manipulation from congress. so go ahead. nothing will happen to you. you are the soldier for congress and congress is ready to sacrifise you to get votes and defame good work of BJP which congress was not able to done in last 6 decades.

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RE:day has already arrived
by Kaushik Basu on May 02, 2007 10:54 PM  Permalink
I never knew killing people are considered as good work.

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RE:day has already arrived
by biju nair on May 02, 2007 11:21 PM  Permalink
Yes Killing Kaffirs will reserve your seat in Heaven. 73 Virgins will be reserved for you. Only one problem, all 73 will remain virgins even after you use them.

It is not fair if you are a female. Females are not offered any virgin males even though they kill lot of Kaffirs.

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RE:day has already arrived
by yusufhassan on May 02, 2007 11:31 PM  Permalink

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RE:day has already arrived
by SI on May 03, 2007 12:13 AM  Permalink
I also didn't know until recently that
- killing dalit is great reward as per hindu scriptures.
- If a dalit try to read hindu scripture, upper caste hindus need to put hot lead inside there years. If he still continues to read, then cut him into pieces.
- If women becomes widow, her hairs needs to be removed and she should be secluded and she shud not be remarried again.
- If Brahmin desires a dalit woman, they she shud happily agree for his carnal desires and she shud feel that it's reward for her if brahmin has sex with her.
- In mahabarath woman is allowed to have five husbands
- All hindu gods have multiple wives.
- Also, hindus who worship that black stone basically is Shiva's penus.
- etc...

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RE:day has already arrived
by Jas Sand on May 03, 2007 12:33 AM  Permalink
Sure SI,

Just tontinue the list

I also didnt know that

- Killing Non Muslims get you 73 virgins
- If a woman defies her abusive husband, she should be stoned to death
- Somebody of the stature of the Prophet can marry his own daughter
- In the name of Allah & Mullah you can even sleep with your Sister

I can be as abusive as you

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RE:day has already arrived
by mazher mazher on May 03, 2007 12:52 AM  Permalink
What SI has written is true, but what you have written JAS, is plain wrong. Just prove your statements. SI can bring text from your own scriptures.

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RE:day has already arrived
by Tigger_and_Pooh on May 03, 2007 02:44 AM  Permalink

hey mazher mazher, if you say "true""true" a million times a lie won't become truth.
But i don't can't vouch with similar authority about "talak"talak"talak" ( only 3 times).

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RE:Why the post Ishrat jahan is a terrorist reported as abuse..?
by Shivraj Menon on May 02, 2007 10:16 PM  Permalink

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India is not Yugoslavia for God Sake!!!!
by Akash on May 02, 2007 08:46 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

To all Brahmin Bashers and Similarly to all SC/ST/OBC Bashers as well as to religion bashers such as Hindu Bashers, Muslims Bashers, Christian Bashers etc. and caste bashers . To all Hindi Speaking Bashers as well as to all Tamil Speaking Bashers as well as to all other regional language speaking bashers
To all religious chauvinists, to all caste chauvinists, to all linguistic chauvinists,to all regional chauvinists.....



This isn't the land of Slobodan Milosovic, don't make it one!!!!

I know some people want to keep on abusing others and want to get away with it and if somehow someone complains then they try to stop him from doing so or shout him down similar to Hitler's SS. It is just one example of the nazification/talibanization/balkanization this country is heading towards.
People here are targeting communities believing what great service they do to their kins not realizing that targeting any community in itself is a great disservice to the country and to their community itself.I don't want my country to have several partitions on communal,casteist and linguistic-regional lines, but with all this going on, I can only look in dismay as to what my country is slowly turning into. A great disservice to the country is being done by this balkanization process and seems loyalties from India have now narrowed down to local affiliations,there seems to be no patriotism left!!!! It just seems to be a Feudal structure waiting to erupt similar to what happened in 47!! Shame on all those who think what great deeds they do by abusing people, those who think that their local loyalties are far greater than this country and that the country can be compromised at any cost to fulfill their wishes and give vent to their prejudices.If you have any sanity left, come to your senses!!!!

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RE:India is not Yugoslavia for God Sake!!!!
by JJ on May 03, 2007 12:38 AM  Permalink
Very well said, i guess this hatred serves as fuel to some of these people. I see some serial abusers who capitalize every opportunity to hurl abuses at some community on rediff forum. It's very depressing to realize that this forum contains the young educated lot of our country who are very passionate to hate something. It's either Pakistan, china, USA, Christians, Hindus, Brahmins, Dalits, South Indians, Sachin, Hindi, Muslims, sharukh something or the other. This shows lack of individuality in the current generation. They always cling to some association and they never try to find themselves as a unique being. They depend on the community based support systems and hence the sense of loyalty. Lack of Individuality generates blind conformity and skewed morals they always want to follow someone and something but they can never lead. The best that they can do is hurt some innocents and hurl abuses at others on forums such as these. Parents please teach your kids how to be strong yet polite. How to defend their rights without passing judgments. how to argue or debate without broad generalizations and insensitive stereotyping.

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RE:India is not Yugoslavia for God Sake!!!!
by Prem Kumar on May 02, 2007 09:40 PM  Permalink

Well said Bro. People aspire for oppurtunities to fight - if it is not Hindu-Muslim today, then it is Brahmin-Dalit, or the next day it is North-South. Why spew hate on others and wat we get out of it?

Denounce individuals for their mistake but don't pull in their religiong/caste/region into this.

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Gujarat encounter
by kaipatta vasu sunil on May 02, 2007 08:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There should be a CBI Inquiry to bring the culprits to justice. No political games should be played on these. It is so disappointing and hurting to see protector of law scooping to such level. They should be punished, how ever big they are or no matter from which party they belong to. Culprits should be hanged in public and please do not give it a communal picture. Gujrat riots had tarnished the image of India and now these had further dented our image. The so called land of Mahatma Gandhi is witnessing so much violence. As an Indian my head goes down in shame. A very humble request to all the youngsters, please raise your voice against these kind of injustice. You are the future of India, don%u2019t play in hand of dirty politicians. Tomorrow it can happen to any one of us!!

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RE:Gujarat encounter
by jitesh parikh on May 02, 2007 08:42 PM  Permalink
terrorist are protect by upa and multiplied to kill hindus . are we all fools

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RE:Gujarat encounter
by kapil shah on May 02, 2007 09:10 PM  Permalink
Mahatma gandhi always dreamt of this type of india. and the britishers made that dream come true. But now Gujarat cops are doing good work by eliminating the undetectable criminals who would have killed scores of hundreds of innocents before being caught by law. More importantly, they should continue the good work especially because they are at the borders with a terrorist nation like pakistan.
but i advice them not to keep company of gandhivadis like Mr Parmar who let the fake encounter cat out. people like these are like jaiswal who acted like a spy to bring down prithviraj chauhan. these people sell to any money. even i can buy such person for just 10rs to take out some sensitive information.

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RE:Gujarat encounter
by yusufhassan on May 02, 2007 11:06 PM  Permalink

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by yusufhassan on May 02, 2007 11:09 PM  Permalink


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RE:Gujarat encounter
by biju nair on May 02, 2007 11:25 PM  Permalink
The Saudi blood money system can be made a bench mark while fixing values for each religious followers.

In Saudi Arabia, when a person has been killed or caused to die by another, the prescribed blood money rates are as follows

100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man
50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman
50,000 riyals if a Christian man
25,000 riyals if a Christian woman
6,666 riyals if a Hindu man
3,333 riyals if a Hindu woman.

I hope Communists and Italian Congress will be happy with it.

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RE:Gujarat encounter
by SI on May 03, 2007 12:16 AM  Permalink
Biju, u moron, u have gud knowledge about saudi arabia. why don't u go there and live. You are not fit for living in India. Go there and lick those shaiks asses.

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RE:Gujarat encounter
by Akram on May 03, 2007 11:40 AM  Permalink
If such systems exists there why bloody we should go there and work.

Particulary ask your nair,menon,Kurien,Mathew,Varghesse, nambiar brothers to quit the plum postions in SABIC,ARAMCO and other reputed companies to return india

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RE:Gujarat encounter
by sony francis on May 03, 2007 11:30 AM  Permalink
Ninakku naanam illeedoo

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Why cant you people be polite writing comments
by ashok y on May 02, 2007 07:39 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I read many people saying "pseudo secularists" I want to know what is secularism in you view... I am asking those only who wrote "Pseudo secularists" in their comments
Please dont give a definition

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RE:Why cant you people be polite writing comments
by jet on May 02, 2007 07:50 PM  Permalink
Secularism in my view is treating every religion equal. People who shout when some thing happens to minorities in India and keep quite when majority hindus suffer are pseudo seculars. People who are supporting criminal like Sohrabuddin because he is a muslim and ignoring the other guy(who is hindu) who was also killed with him are pseudo secularists. People who talk of Gujarat riots but ignore train burning or people who ignore massacre lakhs of innocent hindus in Kashmir but protest on streets when one muslim is killed are pseudo seculars. India is secular country that means every religion is equal but politicians who talk of reservation to muslims and christians based on religion are pseudo seculars. giving subsidy to huj but taking the money from temple hundis . 99% of temples are taken over by the govt and there are govt departments who run the temples and eat their earnings, but why no masque or church is not under govt. hindus has to pay money to visit Amarnath temple or manasarover but muslims getting subsidy is seudo secularism. when all religions are equal allocating minority education institutes and giving grants and allowing the managements to fill the seats with lakhs of admission fees is pseudo secularism.

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RE:Why cant you people be polite writing comments
by ashok y on May 02, 2007 07:57 PM  Permalink
Dear Jet,
One thing I should say....if you go to past many temples were taken in to Govt. custody after it was found that huge irregularities in spending funds collected by devoties. Fund irregularities are less when compared to our temples because they wont get so much funds flowing from daily devoties.... "Just imagine what can happen in this corrupt society when Govt withdraws its controle from tirupathi temple....??? Hudreds of crores of rupies

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RE:Why cant you people be polite writing comments
by Shantan Kumar on May 02, 2007 08:39 PM  Permalink
Dear Ashok,

Do you mean to say there are no irregularities in mosques and churches? Have we ever probed the source of funds to mosques and churches? Why is it ok for Christian fathers to go the Tsunami ravaged regions and ask people to convert to christianity to get some succor? Why is it ok for muslims to have their own law? Doesn't it sound absurd and stupid for the ulema to say that the daughter-in-law who was raped by her father-in-law should marry him instead of handing him over to the authorities? Tell me, in which country of the world do you see that the religious law is above the country's law? In our land it happens... muslims can practice polygamy without any censure from the law! And why can't our politicians stop it? Because they're pseudo-secular... that means they proclaim themselves as secular but do all communal things. They only try to appease one community, all with an eye on their votes. And these illiterate muslims don't understand their gameplan... because they just like to be pampered. That's actually true of most Indians, but atleast we see through the game-plans of the politicians and take corrective measures. Have the muslims ever thought why they're still languishing at the bottom of the development spectrum when their well-wishers are in govt? Do they not see that reservations to SCs & STs have not really helped them develop... so why do they want reservations now?

As regards the irregularities in temple funds... agreed it exists, but that doesn't mean the govt. can control the temples. If the constitution says that the govt has to be non-religious, how can the govt have a separate department to administer temples? This proves the hypocrisy of our "pseudo-secular" politicians. Guess you got the answer you were looking for!

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RE:Why cant you people be polite writing comments
by ashok y on May 02, 2007 08:46 PM  Permalink
Dear Shantan,
I am not saying that Govt should controle any place of worship..... My main motto is condemning this as mentioned in the original letter ... I wrote it in reply to "jet" about why Govt is doing so by involving in this matters ....... In my original message I mentioned that "Nation will become fully secular with public cooperation or dectatorship" and it is true.... think your self.... do we all really secular feeling... or following secular rules may be u r a hindu or muslim or chirstian??? Have you ever seen ur self as belonging to a sect or cast while dealing with other person at any point (forget about what others are thinking) ???? if yes you are also pseudo secular. If no... secularist India need great people like you to rebuild the nation

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RE:Why cant you people be polite writing comments
by ashok y on May 02, 2007 07:48 PM  Permalink
secularism means the Govt. should not have nothing to do with any relegion neither appeasement nor support in any means like funding relegious cermonies be it be a hindu or muslim or christian or running and controling place of worship. At the same time protecting its citizens from communal or caste based isolations(stress on this word). this will happen only with public cooperation or dectatorship

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RE:Why cant you people be polite writing comments
by ashok y on May 02, 2007 07:48 PM  Permalink
sorry it is "should have nothing to with" mistake

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