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RE:Why cant you people be polite writing comments
by jet on May 02, 2007 07:50 PM

Secularism in my view is treating every religion equal. People who shout when some thing happens to minorities in India and keep quite when majority hindus suffer are pseudo seculars. People who are supporting criminal like Sohrabuddin because he is a muslim and ignoring the other guy(who is hindu) who was also killed with him are pseudo secularists. People who talk of Gujarat riots but ignore train burning or people who ignore massacre lakhs of innocent hindus in Kashmir but protest on streets when one muslim is killed are pseudo seculars. India is secular country that means every religion is equal but politicians who talk of reservation to muslims and christians based on religion are pseudo seculars. giving subsidy to huj but taking the money from temple hundis . 99% of temples are taken over by the govt and there are govt departments who run the temples and eat their earnings, but why no masque or church is not under govt. hindus has to pay money to visit Amarnath temple or manasarover but muslims getting subsidy is seudo secularism. when all religions are equal allocating minority education institutes and giving grants and allowing the managements to fill the seats with lakhs of admission fees is pseudo secularism.

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