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NPT is of immense value to rest of the World.
by Ramesh Nittoor on Mar 24, 2007 04:33 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

NPT is serving good purpose in many ways, though not for India. It makes more sense to be judicous on NPT related observations when delicate NSG negotiations are in offing. These complex issues of critical import need perspectives on why Indian needs could not be reconciled; not opinions on the treaty itself. Also, create ground for future inclusion as have nation.

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RE:NPT is of immense value to rest of the World.
by hello on Mar 24, 2007 04:42 AM  Permalink
Lot of good for those countries proliferate
thru AQ Khan (Nuclear Walmart) name!!!

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RE:RE:RE:NPT is of immense value to rest of the World.
by Ramesh Nittoor on Mar 24, 2007 05:08 AM  Permalink
There are several successful curb stories- Ukraine, Kazakistan, S Africa, Libya etc. N Korea may be on the verge of proper culmination, atleast NPT drives the Korean effort. NPT keeps many nation from re-think. It also led to Security Council concur of making Middle-East N-free in the long-term. Pakistan has not been condoned by NPT members.

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RE:NPT is of immense value to rest of the World.
by hello on Mar 24, 2007 05:26 AM  Permalink
Good!!! So, I got it. It would be nice to
control people who made mistakes of
Thanks for the information!!!

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regain self respect
by sanjeev on Mar 24, 2007 02:56 AM  Permalink 

India because of its tolerant nature has faced many attacks in the past and suffered. Why should we do pledge not to use first, non-use against non-nuclear weapon states and voluntary moratorium on further tests ? Did we benefit from Nehru's "Pancha shila"-Strategy of Peaceful Coexistence, in return India was attacked by China and Pakistan There is a big problem with our foreign policy. Why we always try to make others happy ? Is it the problem with our leaders or policy makers ? When we will gain our self respect back ?

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NPT the term itself is flawed!!!
by hello on Mar 24, 2007 01:41 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

NPT the term itself is flawed!!!
Non-Proliferation Treaty, but the members
most of the members are major proliferators
of the world!!!

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RE:NPT the term itself is flawed!!!
by hello on Mar 24, 2007 01:45 AM  Permalink
It should be scrapped altogether & form another
organization relevant to todays world!!!
To the betterment of the world & to effectively
prevent proliferations & recognize other people
needs too!!!

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RE:NPT the term itself is flawed!!!
by hello on Mar 24, 2007 01:58 AM  Permalink
Telling few people as powers & others as
non-power to descriminate should not be the
purpose of any treaty!!!
If I get my degree 1 year back means I only
can get degree & I can proliferete any level,
but another one got degree sincerely & hard-work
and with misery, they should be recognized!!!
Otherwise, we should make them to recognize!!!

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RE:NPT the term itself is flawed!!!
by manoj on Mar 24, 2007 02:02 AM  Permalink
Treaty is a Treaty.. Either sign it or don't sign it.
Don't color it as a fraud one and a good one according to imagination.

India can sign it and then change what ever is flawed in it by getting the support of the members.
Providing arm chair critisim INDIA will not find any takers.

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RE:RE:NPT the term itself is flawed!!!
by hello on Mar 24, 2007 02:57 AM  Permalink
Also, answer me how a rocket flown above Indian
soil got power cut!!!

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by hello on Mar 24, 2007 02:58 AM  Permalink
How any one have right to laugh us by that

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RE:NPT the term itself is flawed!!!
by hello on Mar 24, 2007 02:52 AM  Permalink
We don't want to sing already flawed one!!!

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RE:NPT the term itself is flawed!!!
by hello on Mar 24, 2007 03:06 AM  Permalink
Let whoever manoj represent sing first, then
ask India to sing to the flawed one!!!

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CTBT- NPT - Thanks but No Thanks
by apjunkmail on Mar 24, 2007 12:58 AM  Permalink 

Thanks but No Thanks , India will NEVER be part of such junk.

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by Raj Bhardwaj on Mar 23, 2007 05:00 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

In my newsreader, the title of the story came out as "We consider NPT a fraud treaty: India". In the actual news, it is "... flawed ...". Strange! Which one did rediff intend?

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by girish s on Mar 23, 2007 05:39 PM  Permalink
kya fark padta hai?..ek hi baat hai..NPT was devised in the age of a bipolar world when globalisation was non-existent. The intention of NPT may have been gud but technically it has lost relevance now.

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NSG constraints
by S Selvaraj on Mar 23, 2007 01:53 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

For India to fuel its economic growth, definity we need more energy, that too clean nuclear energy. Our scientist are working hard to bring Fast breeder technolgy to make it success. However we need more energy before that technology put in use.

Our PM Manmohan singh has taken great efforts to clear the hurdle we face for the past 30 years without bending our stand on NPT. Great job. But still we are in half way to our goal. We have to convince NSG to suppply continous fuel for new reactors. For this part, Japan, Australia are tough nuts to crack. Our Ext minister Pranab has taken efforts to convince Japanese. We all stand behind in suceed our Goal.


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RE:NSG constraints
by Pankaj Yadav on Mar 23, 2007 05:46 PM  Permalink

we have fuel.

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RE:NSG constraints
by Silly on Mar 23, 2007 06:15 PM  Permalink
Nope... India doesn't make enough Uranium to support its civilian energy needs. We need more to augment the nuclear weapons program.

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RE:RE:NSG constraints
by hello on Mar 24, 2007 01:40 AM  Permalink
You silly!!!
You guys get cooled in NPT under American
as nuclear powerrrrr, now blaming Americans!!!

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RE:NSG constraints
by hello on Mar 24, 2007 01:49 AM  Permalink
Verrrrrry Enjoyed when sanctions implimented on
Indian for Cryogenic rocket, nuclear fuel for
Now also trys to enjoy???
Get the fk out of here!!!

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minister will clarify !!!!
by Anbu Ilayavendhan on Mar 23, 2007 01:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


may be two days after this, the he may say "sorry...I was misquoted" !!!!! It is becoming a routine in politics.

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RE:minister will clarify !!!!
by Pat Thakur on Mar 23, 2007 04:29 PM  Permalink
To add to this, I would say, why then did he sign the treaty in first place?

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entice us??
by ashish bhalla on Mar 23, 2007 01:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

hahahhah i guess the japs dnt knw tht if US doesnt push thro this treaty (more of an economical cooperation) then it would be it own loss as it has seen in cryogenic technology where it got the boot in the face when indian scientists developed their own technology in the face of US embargo. now that nuclear reactor manuf in the US have seen india as a vital business partner they r hankering down the neck of Bush to make this deal a success and bend backwards all the way to meet india's terms and conditions. this goes on to show how far can the US go to bend all rules in the book to fuel its economy and add megabucks to its already overflowing finances. Entice! Ha!

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RE:entice us??
by girish s on Mar 23, 2007 05:42 PM  Permalink
Right said. The japs probably know the Americans better so they r wondering wut did India "give" to "get" the N-deal.

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RE:entice us??
by MadhuSudanGopal Rao on Mar 23, 2007 01:22 PM  Permalink
Great! Well said. Unfortunately the rest of the world thinks that US has done a big favour

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RE:RE:entice us??
by Atul Kumar on Mar 23, 2007 02:24 PM  Permalink
US has only corrected its past mistake. Treating India with the same yardstick as Pakisatan was the biggest error of judgement from their side. ANd once they realised the folly, it was not abig deal for their companies to convince lawmakers in supporting India's case. The rule has not been bent, but just made logical from being illogical earlier.

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nice conversation
by ashish pravin trivedi on Mar 23, 2007 12:55 PM  Permalink 

Pranab Mukherjee,External Affairs Minister made conversation smooth and nice, more improving the Image and concerns on India as far as nuclear udage is concerne.

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